Roxana Saberi rates the service at Hotel Evin

by alborz

In the first detailed interview she has granted since her release from Evin prison and her arrival in the US, Roxana Saberi gave a very detailed and scripted account of her ordeal having been charged initiallly for being in possession of wine to finally being charged with espionage.  She openly describes how the governement agents told her what to say in order to secure her freedom and how her conscience resulted in recanting the confessions she made under emotional duress.

Ms. Saberi, who was kept under both solitary confinement and with other prisoners, describes the emotional transition she made and ultimately relied on what she refers to as "the God that I had felt before had abandoned me".

The power of faith is what sustained her and gives me a glimpse of what indeed is sustaining the cell-mates she references in her interview.


For Part 2 see //


more from alborz
Mona 19

آقا رضا ...

Mona 19

in the court of Divine Justice which is Ghiyamat that you as a Baha'i and Baha'i faith in general absolutely dont believe one bit.

شما روز قیامت را قبول دارید اینهمه آزار و اذیت می‌‌کنید!!! اگر قبول نداشتید چکار می‌‌کردید ؟؟ ...البته همه این مردم آزاری‌ها شما و امثال شما از "حرص و ولع" بهشت و " ترس و وحشت" جهنم هست. :))

آقا رضا لطفا "بحضور اشرف اولیای امور عرضه دارید از سرشک دیده یتیمان
ستمدیدگان حذر لازم زیرا سیل خیز است، و از دود آه مظلومان پرهیز باید
زیرا شرر انگیز است.تایید و توفیق از عدل و دادخواهی حاصل گردد والله ولی‌



Haj Reza, Iranians are not stupid!

by farshadjon on

Here is the result of Ahmadi Nezhad's four years of corruption and lie (The Hojattiye era is over):



Notice Reza41's English grammer...

by alborz on

It starts with perfect English and has a a few mispellings thrown in to disguise the real author of this diatribe. 

The "sighe" of convenience that Reza41 has entered into with the lone Australian Azali must have a clause in it where he gets to post his bed-fellow's comments under his name.


Reza 41

Dear Farayar reserve your ticket to Iran, I'll pick you up

by Reza 41 on

Dear Faryar,

If you ever have the opportunity to travel outside USA, and come out of your cocoon in NY and experience the outside world, you may learn about what is called due process.

What exists in United stress of America that you are living right now today is a mockery of Justice; in particular what is done in the name of liberalism and democracy,

There is no excuse for arresting people on trumped up charges; without evidence or charge; for keeping them in solitary confinement; for physical and psychological torture(such rape,sleep deprivation ,cold water dripping, Quran being disgraced and flush in toilet befor their eyes, electrocuting ...and so on) in Guantanamo bay and some other part of the world such as Iraq and Afghaneistan by hand of United Satan of A ... holes.

The Israel and his sugar daddy USA and those who have sustain it so far , will no doubt one day soon  face an international Islamic court of justice; where individuals will have to answer for their well documented crimes against the people of Iran Palestine and Islam's world.

These will no doubt include, every one from the Abu Ghoraib and Guantanamo bay prison guard, the interrogator,the torturer,  the executioner, the prison warden, all the way up to the prosecuting judge and the secret Supreme (world Government)Zionist Leaders who also lead your cult behind scene.

Those criminals who have already passed on , have no doubt been dealt with in the court of Divine Justice which is Ghiyamat that you as a Baha'i and Baha'i faith in general absolutely dont believe one bit.

You as a "previously" young man, however must decide which side of Justice you want to be, both in this world and the next.

here; story of how your faith favorite Government, with help of your holly messengers killed countries heroes and raped your generation and your country 's wealth ,  whom that you think justice written in their forehead. I'm sure world court justice that you and other Bahai was taught to believe ,already did lot of justice punishing Iran 5 billion dollar given by bassturd poppet shah compensating to Brutish for why we contrast against their rapes ,



Dear Faryam You are right!

by Anonymous.friend (not verified) on

Even some of those involved in injustice may get away with their just dessert in this world, the Divine justice is for sure is waiting for them in the store!
This ia what Hadi Khorsandi wrote.I find it amusing!
I hope you can enjoy it.
ای خردمند عاقل و دانا
حظ کن از داستان رکسانا

دختری بود ژاپنيکائی
پدرش بود اهل ايرانا

دخترک گفت در ديار پدر
هست گوجه فرنگی ارزانا!

همچنين گفته است بی.بی.سی
گشته امنيتش فراوانا!

پس به ايران روم پی اخبار
ميفرستم خبر ز تهرانا

رفت و افتاد ناگهان در حوض
حکم او هشت سال زندانا!

که گرفتيم کهنه جاسوسی
برملا گشت راز پنهانا

کرده از وضع ما خبرچينی
از برای بزرگ شيطانا

آی بيا، آی ببر، به دام افتاد
شاه‌ماهی چه زود و آسانا

ملکه بوده توی زيبائی (۱)
کرده بر تن لباس الوانا

ماتاهاری‌ترين ِ جاسوسان (۲)
توی سلول گشته مهمانا

آيت‌الله را خبر سازيد
تا کند تيز چنگ و دندانا .....


زانطرف گربه را خبر دادند
که چه بنشسته‌ای باراک خانا!

به حساب تو دختر معصوم
شده زندان پاسدارانا

گر نجنبی به شيخ ميبازی
جنگ را کرده است اعلانا

غرشی کرد گربه آهسته
که دوباره؟ شما؟ گروگانا؟

واقعاً دستخوش به جرأت‌تان
گشت روشن ز بنده چشمانا

گربه گفت و نشست بر سر ِ دم
بود وردست او کلينتانا

ناگهان در تلاش افتادند
از صغير و کبير موشانا

اين يکی گفت اشتباه شده
نيست تقصير من به قرآنا

آن يکی گفت من عمل کردم
طبق دستور و روی فرمانا

سومی اکسکيوزمی گويان
گشت گرم سفر به استانا

سنبه پر زور بود اين دفعه
موش‌ها اين ميان هراسانا

يا زمين سفت بود پنداری
خيس شد روی و ريش آنانا

الغرض ناگهان ورق برگشت
موش‌ها زرد کرده تنبانا

چون وضوئی که ميشود باطل
حکم قاضی گرفت بطلانا

گشت مشمول مبطلات وضو
آنچه آمد ز سوی سلطانا!

آنهمه هارت و پورت و قال و مقال
ناگهانی گرفت پايانا

پس چه شد هشت سال زندانش؟
الذين کنف کنافانا!

بعد ازين گز نکرده پاره نکن
متر کن پاره کن مسلمانا!

شادمانيم ازين که ايندفعه
نشد آن بی‌گناه قربانا

ليک بسيار بی‌گناهانند
همچنان در وطن به زندانا

چه اسانلو چه آنهمه زن و مرد
در پس ميله‌ها پريشانا

«غرض از موش و گربه برخواندن»
«مدعا فهم کن» اوبامانا!

(سيد ولی جان نصر، پس لطفاً
ترجمه کن برای ايشانا:) (۳)

نکند در ازای اين موضوع
بدهی اين ميانه تاوانا

نشود ماجرای اين دختر
مايه‌ی عقد عهد و پيمانا

که در ايران صد و چهل ميليون
هست چشم ِ ز غصه گريانا

بابت آن دو چشم بادامی
نکنی پسته معامله، جانا!

نزنی لاس با فلان آخوند
توی پستو و کنج دالانا

ژست عالی بگير و صحبت کن
زير نور و ميان ايوانا

شيوه‌ی آب زيرکاهی را
منتفی کن، بيا به ميدانا

سخنی گويمت، مگو زود است
جان تو هست وقتش الآنا:

پسرم گر رفيق قافله‌ای
از چه با دزد در معامله‌ای؟
۱- رکسانا صابری چند سال پيش نيز لقب «دختر شايسته»‌ی ايالت داکوتای شمالی را از آن خود کرده بود.
۲- ماتاهاری جاسوسه‌ی زيبای آلمان در جنگ اول جهانی بود. او مدت ۳ سال در فرانسه با رقص و مجلس‌آرائی اطلاعات مهم نظامی را از افسران هوسران فرانسوی کسب ميکرد و برای دولت خودش، می‌فرستاد. در سال ۱۹۱۷ در فرانسه اعدام شد. (شايعاتی مربوط به ايرانی‌الاصل بودن او هست که هنوز به اثبات نرسيده. خانواده‌ی شهيد مطهری نيز در اين مورد اظهارنظری نکرده است.)
۳- سيد ولی رضا نصر، ديپلمات ايرانی ـ‌ آمريکائی، مشاور اوباما در امور خاورميانه.
[اصغرآقا، سايت هادی خرسندی] _l



by faryarm on


If you ever have the opportunity to travel outside Iran, and come out of your cocoon in Qom and experience the outside world, you may learn about what is called due process.

What exists in iran today is a mockery of Justice; in particular what is done in the name of God and His religion.

There is no excuse for arresting people on trumped up charges; witout evidence or charge; for keeping them in solitary confinement; for physical and psychological torture.

The "Islamic" Republic of Iran and those who have sustain it so far , will no doubt one day soon  face an international court of justice; where individuals will have to answer for their well documented crimes against the people of Iran.

These will no doubt include, every one from the Evin prison guard, the interrogator,the torturer,  the executioner, the prison warden, all the way up to the prosecuting judge and the Supreme Leader himself.

Those criminals who have already passed on , have no doubt been dealt with in the court of Divine Justice. 

You as a young man, however must decide which side of Justice you want to be, both in this world and the next.





Reza 41

self defence is any countries right

by Reza 41 on

Dear Alborz;

there is no doubt ,in any war (cold,warm), when tension is very high,suspected innocent could get cut in the meddle,also there is no doubt, US or its allies would've done much worse punishment to potential suspects ,as they did in Abou Ghorib and Guantanamo ( we all remember detained and tortured innocent aljazeera reporter for many years )or brought down Iran passenger airplane and arrogantly gave medal of honor to worship captain who killed 290 innocent our men -women and children, or Israel shooting killing suspecting farmers  as potential spy ,or hitting school full of women and children in Ghazieh ,even hitting UN headquarter many time killing if not thousands ,hundreds innocent civilians and no body said any thing ,therefore ,with missing all these cases Mr. Alborz I bet you , you don't have any post or blog or condemn those event in the past either,but you all call yourself Irani but waiting for opportunity to spread propaganda or hear say against Iran,as matter fact, in her case ,she was lucky she was not cut in US or Israel, I don't think she would've get away for long time. In spite of fact that she was still reporting with out licence in Iran (which most possibly in this interview predetermined to not talk about it) and have a pages of classified documents , out of Iranian compassionate way of dealing with guests, she was given discount and release only after 3 month .  it  is easy for all of us to conclude and judge, But Iran  has many enemy (as the other day explosion in Baluchistan killing21 proved) and  Government has all right to take any measure to protect its citizen from harms way, past history shows our enemy they would do anything to take back free oil line that they stole from us for 60 years and all foot step that they lost by Iran revolutions . with all these tensions ,it is question we should ask Baha'i leaders in Israel why they decide these past 3-4 years to renegade and break the agreement with Iran government ,and ordered to naive followers in Iran to start proselytizing again, which caused some innocents fall in the jail while they are living comfortably in their marble castles in Haifa, I'm sure there is an answer for that which hopefully soon every one (specialty Baha'i adherents) going to know .Inshahallah