اعدام بس

Ali Mahin Torabi
by Ali Mahin Torabi
نوجوان زندانی به جای این که در جامعه همراه هم سن و سالان خود به فعالیت های فرهنگی و آموزشی اعم از سینما ، تئاتر ، موسیقی و دانشگاه بپردازد ، هم اکنون پشت میله ها و دیوارهای
سرد و بی روح زندان چشم به دستانی دارد که به یاری او بیاید و برای همدردی با وی هم که شده ، حتی چند دقیقه پای درددل های او بنشیند تا شاید از بار تألمات روحی و روانی شکل گرفته در سالیان متمادی زندان بکاهد . از نظر منطقی و انسانی این وظیفه ماست که مجازات اطفال معارض با قانون را با مجازات افراد شرور سابقه دارد در کفه یک ترازو نسنجیم و از هیچ گونه معاضدت قضایی در خصوص تدوین قانونی جامع در این راستا دریغ نکنیم . این نوشته ها به قلم کسی است که خود این شرایط را لمس کرد و ناخواسته در بطن این حوادث قرار گرفت ، امید است به این مقوله با دید بهتر و بازتری بنگریم. کسانی که فکر می کنند کودکان مجرم قربانیان شرایط نابسامان اجتماعی هستند. می توانند این متن را امضا کنند و خواستار قطع صدور حکم اعدام برای کودکان زیر 18 سال شوند

Email: edambas@yahoo.com

بیانیه فارسی راامضا کنيد


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more from Ali Mahin Torabi

Yo Haji Bassiji

by IVA (not verified) on

These folks are talking about real LIFE and DEATH of a young person and not your FREAKING ENTERTAINMENT DILIMMA. You are one sick and self centered ex-Bassiji, of course, I don't expect a decent person come out of any islamic institution.

By the way, it's OUR and not ARE as in OUR LIFE!

David ET

Low IQ or underestimating ours?

by David ET on

Miz-abdol-azim khaneh Ghareeb  and Company:

Do a Google search for Hafiz, Molavi, Hemingway,................Are they alive? Did they have internet back then? But you can read their writings here, can't you??

Is your IQ that low or you are underestimating ours?

Of course Ali is not accessing iranian.com, but these are his writings! Or did you think Rumi s soul actually comes and posts his poems on internet ?!

Why do those like you ALWAYS have to distract the issue at hand which is execution of a child by a regime which has no respect for human rights to nonesense such as who posted Ali's writings?

Well most of us know where your kind come from and who sends you here!  



Azarin Sadegh

to "Miz-abdol-azim khaneh Ghareeb" and "Goat of Akhvash"

by Azarin Sadegh on

Dear Miz and dear Goat,


No. iranian.com is not accessible in Iran and I know he is not going to read it directly.  As much as I know, his family in Iran has managed to create a blog for him to post his letters from prison. The original blog is in farsi:



Then I think that JJ and SCE have added this blog to Iranian.com. So Ali is not going to read my response but his aunt is my friend, so indirectly I can communicate (at this point) with him and his parents.


But I hope you can understand and guess that I hope also my comments is going to be read not only by Ali, or even his family, but by readers of Iranian.com. By other iranians or even non-iranians. I think it is our responsibility to let know the world about Ali's life and let the world worry about Ali's death.


If you were in his shoes, wouldn't have you felt better if you knew that you have been loved and you are going to be missed after you're gone?



Azarin Sadegh

To from Canada:

by Azarin Sadegh on


If Ali Mahin Torabi hadn't tried to help his only friend and if hadn't tried to help the injured victim, he wouldn't have been in this situation. I'm sure, considering his proven talent in Mathematics and in Computer science (At 16, he was representing his school in the Olympiad of Mathematics and now in jail, he is the responsible of prison’s computer lab) , if he had the opportunity of living in Canada like you, he could have been a successful Computer engineer by now. I am even sure he would have enjoyed working hard and he wouldn’t have cared paying high taxes for his priceless peace of mind and being part of the community he lives in.


There are some people who are the "complainers" type. The bitter ones. No matter what, they always find something to nag about. You seem to be one of them, complaining about your failed life and the lack of entertainment in Canada


I am certain if you had worked a little bit harder at school, -- at least by now -- you would have learned to write your comments in a proper English (or French since Canada is a bilingual country), and you would have learned about empathy and decency and respect of life, so you would have learned to enjoy your freedom of speech (or the freedom of complaining about your damn boring life).


Ali might die in a few days, but today he is still alive. Dead people don’t feel. In your case, you might be already dead for a while, since you appear empty of empathy.








Azarin who are you talking to?

by Goat of Akhvash (not verified) on

Are you trying to say that Ali has access to the Internet in the Iranian prison? I will kill myself on the spot if such bullshit claim is being made by the Iranian Regime.

Isn't this getting a bit silly?

The guy is in a mediveal prison and you are trying to respond to him? What is this a new fashion in Los Angeles....?


Could someone help this question to be answered?

by Miz-abdol-azim khaneh Ghareeb (not verified) on

I thought Iranian.com is inaccessible in Iran? OK? And also the fact that Ali is an inch away from being executed, OK?

So, what is going on?
Is he the one writing these articles?

Is he or any other soul able to access Iranian.com in Iran?

What is going on?



not diffrent betwwen life or death in Canada

by from Canada (not verified) on

are life sucks, as this young man in hand of the stupid regime of Iran, heroin, and drugs, hashish, .....the only entertainment we have in Canada, and stupid regime just collecting more and more money ....but we never had any report over Canada by human right groups? why? may because Iran is only Country should watch and punishment by U.N
is best capital punishment for crime in Canada . to deport them in Canada , because life or death here is same as boooooooooring

Azarin Sadegh

Where is god when we need him?

by Azarin Sadegh on

Dear Ali, 

I heard that you have given up the hope. That you are too tired of resisting despair. That you don't care anymore. That living has become your hell and your own death your only hope.  I heard that everyone has stopped the pity. That you don't cry for your own fate.

I guess you have joined the rest of us. 

We are the ones who don't have time. We don't have any time left for crying or for pity. Our work, our kids, our mortgage payments, our next vacation, our expensive retirement, and in your case your endless imagination filled with terrifying thoughts, with terrifying images, with terrifying lies, terrifying truths. No more time is left for you to hope. The same way you didn't have any left time to be a child at 16. No more time is left for us to be simple humans.  


I hope you would believe in heaven, because till now, you've just lived in hell, or in the grey zone of waiting between heaven and hell. I hope you don't realize that the day you die, -- at the same time --god, if it exists, will die too, suffocated by its own ruling justice, by its own definition of forgiveness, by its empty absence.


My dear, take care of yourself, becasue it is a long time that we have refused taking care of you.


Azarin Sadegh