تلفنى از زندان


Ali Mahin Torabi
by Ali Mahin Torabi

اين جا تا چشم كار مى كند ديوار است و ديوار... لحظه هاى مخوف اين روز ها يك لحظه هم رهايم نمى كنند. زمان را پس مى زنم. تنها چند روز ديگر باقى مانده .... از پنج سال پيش تا به امروز نگاهم به آسمان است. در تمام اين دقيقه هاى وحشت آور به حصارهاى بلند زندان خيره شده ام. برج هاى زندان را مى بينم. سيم هاى خاردارش انگارى در قلب ام فرود مى آيند. صداى زخم هاى دلم را مى شنوى كسالت دارم. تاروپود جوانى ام تكه تكه شده، لحظه هاى ملال آور بغض عجيبى دارند. خسته ام. روزهاى تكرارى تيشه به ريشه ام مى زنند. درتمام شب ها و روز ها انديشه ماندن يا رفتن ذهنم را به بازى گرفته اند و افكارم را به نابودى كشانده اند. در اين ميان تحمل زجرهاى چند ساله پدر و مادرم، آتش به جانم مى كشد. وصيت نامه ام را نوشته ام. راضى ام به رضاى خدا. اما قصد دارم قبل از رفتن پاى چوبه دار و زمانى كه قرار است حلقه را به گردنم بيندازند وضو بگيرم. مى خواهم دست بر روى قرآن بگذارم و براى پدر مزدك سوگند ياد كنم كه من قاتل دوست و همكلاسى ام نيستم. درست است كه آن روز چاقو در دست داشته ام اما من مزدك را نكشتم. به خدا ضعف هاى پرونده و تحقيقات مرا به اين روزهاى تباهى رسانده است. شنيدم مادر مزدك رضايت داده اما نمى دانم چرا پدر مزدك هنوز دلش نمى خواهد من زنده بمانم. بين بودن و نبودن اسير شده ام. در تمام اين سال ها آوار گناه مرتكب نشده روى سينه ام ويران شده است. قدرت تصميم گيرى ندارم. دلم مى خواهد زودترتكليفم روشن شود. خسته ام از روز هاى تكرارى... به آسمان نگاه مى كنم. يكى ديروز برايم روزنامه ايران آورد. مردم برايم دست به دعا برده اند انگارى. با خواندن واژه به واژه احساسات انسانى تان در سطر ها غرق شدم. گريستم. دلم آرام گرفت. انگار طلوعى در راه است؛ آرى
اين را قلبم گواهى مى دهد. آن طرف پشت آن ديوارهاى خيلى خيلى بلند قله اى ايستاده است كه مرا مى بيند. پشت آن قله؛ نه! نزديك تر؛ پشت قلبم خدايى هست كه مرا مى خواند. خدا را صدا مى زنم. اين طور مى پندارم كه بودنم به اثبات مى رسد. من هنوز معتقدم چشمان شفافى آن سوى ميله هاى خيلى سرد زندان، دستان يخ زده ام را مى بينند. من نمى روم. صدا ها مى آيند. هنوز هم معتقدم سهم من از زندگى بودن در اين قفس اجبارى نيست. هنوز معتقدم تو صدايم را مى شنوى. راستى! آن بيرون و در آن جا كه همه آزادند پاييز است رنگ ها از يادم رفته... دل من تنگ شده، لحظه ها تب دارند. ديگر وقتى نيست. بايد بروم. هم بندى هايم نيز برايم دست به دعا شده اند. تا چند روزپيش كابوس مرگ اسيرم كرده بود. اما اين روز ها دلهره ام پنهانى است. اگر پدر مزدك مرا ببخشد بايد برايش فرزندى كنم... مادرم برايم كتاب حافظ آورد. گفت به دلم افتاده على من زنده مى ماند. شب ها خوابش را مى بينم. دلم براى بوى خانه، دفتر و كتاب هايم تنگ شده. راستى ! اگر دفتر درس كامپيوترم را پيدا كرديد روى آن بنويسيد «خيلى دلم مى خواست مهندس شوم»، اما نشد. فال حافظ گرفتم. اين بيت آمد: نذر كردم گر از اين غم به در آيم روزى‎/ تا در ميكده شادان و غزل خوان بروم .خوشا به حال آن كبوترى كه رفت با اميد... اگر بخشيده شوم احساس تنفس در سلول هاى خفته ام دوباره بيدار مى شود. جوانى ام را به دست سرنوشت و تصميم پدر و مادر مزدك سپرده ام...


Recently by Ali Mahin TorabiCommentsDate
در انتظار بخشش
Dec 16, 2007
درگیری های مدرسه
Dec 14, 2007
اعدام بس
Dec 10, 2007
more from Ali Mahin Torabi

Shahab............would you like me to take a turn........:o)

by Sasha on






 Shahab: "If Ali is not the killer, why not research more and find 

              the real killer? "



Sasha:  It is why they are apealing his case. It will give them

            more time to reinvestigate the case. Meanwhile, don't you

            agree Ali should not be executed pending further



Shahab:  "I am sick of Azarin Sadegh attacking anyone who raises

              any question or opposite view regarding Ali's case."



Sasha:    Would it make you happier if instead I  do the

              discussing/debating with anyone who is for the

              death penalty for Ali?  I can assure you that I am in

               no way related to Ali or Azarin. I am not even

               an Iranian.  I guess not all of us are blessed

               enough to be Iranians.







Azarin Sadegh......You are very welcome :o)

by Sasha on

 I would like to thank you also for reminding me of the reason I signed up to this website so many months ago. To make a difference in the lives of others.  


I will continue to also pray for Ali.


solh :o)



Shahab.........that is the dilemma

by Sasha on

 Shahab: "Ali or whomever that has killed Mazdak must pay"


Sasha:  There is probable doubt of who killed Mazdak. Could it

            have been Milad?


Shahab:   "Let the blind impartial justice prevail."


Sasha:  That is the other problem. How impartial was the justice

            imposed on Ali? More doubts thrown into the equation.


Shahab: " I don't believe even the US Criminal Justice system is 

               that fair."


Sasha:  So then you agree that no Criminal Justice is completely

             fair then?







Time is running out.... let

by Anonymous-01 (not verified) on

Time is running out....
let us do what we can
let's sign the petitions, write, do what we can....

Rosie T.

To help Ali, go here:

by Rosie T. on

How you can help:

by SCE Campaign on

Please refer to the two urgent action calls by :

Stop Child Executions Campaign  and  Amnesty International

and here is more information about How you can Help.

Thank you for Caring

SCE Campaign


I expressed my views. I do

by Shahab (not verified) on

I expressed my views. I do not wish to argue with anybody. I am not in any position to judge for someone's life. I was just a jury. You can go ahead with your own verdict.

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on



 Oh excuse me I forgot...Barbados...Barbados agrees with the Shariah countries....



clemency.   At LEAST draw the line in the sand for teenagers.  Iran is a signatory to this agreement forbidding killing people for crimes committed under 18.  IF YOU DEFEND THIS EXECUTION YOU ARE DEFENDING THE RIGHT OF IRI TO BREAK ANY LAW THEY LIKE, DOMESSTIC OR INTERNATIONAL. DEFEND THIS THEN YOU DEFEND STONING, BLOCKING I'NET, DEATH FOR DRINKING ALCOHOL, THE WHOLE PACKAGE....

You can't have it both ways. 


And you SAY you are against execution of minors but you're using this thread under this poor kid's letter to defend his execution....he was 16.....

You can't have it both ways....

What is it, Shariah or clemency?


David ET


by David ET on

This is 2007 and not the cave days or the old west days that the world is run by individual REASONS or it thus will be a world of anarchy....

THe one who does suicide bombing has his own reason, a murderer or rapist has his own reason, the one who orders the nuclear bomb sent on a nation has his own reasons , the one who does honor killing has his own reasoning just as the one who would kill a man for killing his dog and so on

There was a collective agreement worldwide to abide by a general rule called UN human and children rights conventions. Your opposition to the accepted human rights is the least "reasonable " ...not only by my standard but by human rights standards of our world TODAY 

We must all agree on certain things Or we each might as well carry the guns and swords again and go backward in time 

If killing a 16 year old is the REASONABLE thing to do, please count me out :-)


Yes, I am pro-death penalty

by Shahab (not verified) on

Yes, I am pro-death penalty but only under certain circumstances. Once somebody kills a human being and destroys their future by commiting such an irreversible action, they must be retributed. A killer must not be allowed to live just as he/she did not allow someone else to live.

I am NOT pro-child execution. Mind you. However, I firmly believe that a judge must consider all the circumstances before issuing a sentence. Ali was an Olympiad nominee which speaks for his high level of intellect. He was 16. He was old enough not to hold a knife in a pact crowd where the chances are very good that it would hit somebody. Mazdak or otherwise. He did what he did. Mazdak died.

It does not matter that Mazdak's parents are separated or divorced. These days, the fact that one's parents stay together for the rest of their lives has become a matter of rarity. For better or worse. The fact that Mazdak's mother has forgiven Ali is not sufficient reason for letting him go free. Please be reasonable.

David ET


by David ET on

Please at least read the news before making rush judgements

1- Mazdak's mother has pardoned Ali. She has even talked to him and has said, Ali is like her son too and this was a childish fight

2- Mazadak's mother and father are seperated

3- Mazdak's father is the one who insists on killing Ali

4- Masdak's father was offered legally required retribution (blood money) but he wasnts Ali killed.

and thanks for clraifying your view that you are 

1- Pro death penalty

2- Pro child execution (as defined worldwide)

3- It does not mattter to you what the Internationally accepted human rights conventions say

So it is understadable where you come from and obviously we have totally different view of everything

In my view , Eye for an eye makes the world blind and killing is unacceptable by whoever and for any reason. There has been many cases that after one got executed , then they found out s/he was innocent and killing is irreversible among other reasons such as using execution against political oppositions, etc etc.

 But then at least we agree that we disagree :-)


to shahab

by Anonymous-01 (not verified) on

Aren't you a lttle too much into hanging and killing and taking revenge ?
How about some forgiveness for a child of 16 who
got into an unwanted fight the result of which was extremely tragic.
There have been other parents who thought the tragic death of a second victim would be futile and have sided with forgiveness.
What if a tree in a forest falls on somebody and kills them, would you still want someone to pay for that death?
There are many tragedies in life....


And I also intensely dislike

by Shahab (not verified) on

And I also intensely dislike this attitude that is very prevalent among Iranians which is teaming up against one opposite view.

Ms. Sadegh
You don't have to implicitly convey to me that your view is popular by thanking people. Stand on your own feet Ms. Sadegh. I don't care if somebody disagrees with me if I am saying something from my true convictions, I don't need people's testimonials in order to prove my own view to the rest of the world. Ms. Sadegh, do you have children? imagine someone killing or participating in killing your hypothetical child. I don't know how much motherly instincts you have? but even animals would rip you apart if you even get near their children. I am not offending you by bringing an example from the animals' world. I actually love animals and my closest company is a faithful dog. Please see the world from the eyes of your adversaries Ms. Sadegh.


And please do not offend

by Shahab (not verified) on

And please do not offend Mazdak's parents by offering them money. They might get mad and decide to execute Ali right away.

By the way, I do not condone the current brutal regime of Iran by any means. Mullahs must be hanged before anyone else.


If somebody harms my German

by Shahab (not verified) on

If somebody harms my German Shephard, they gotta pay. What do you expect of parents that have given birth and raised Mazdak with alot of hope and love? Ali or whomever that has killed Mazdak must pay. I don't believe even the US Criminal Justice system is that fair. If you kill, you must be killed. An eye for an eye. Get it? The boy was 16, how come he was old enough to get into a fatal fight with a knife in his hands but he is not old enough to pay for the consequences of his actions? Why don't you put yourselves in Mazdak's parents' shoes? Let the blind impartial justice prevail.


Is it possible to gather

by LT (not verified) on

Is it possible to gather donations to pay to Mazdak's parents?
Is it funds that they want or is it just to have the alleged killer of their child hanged?
Can people or an individual or.... talk to Mazdaks parents and get them to forgive Ali?
What attepts ahve been made to do this? and how much?
There must be a way to soften their hearts....

Azarin Sadegh

Thank you!

by Azarin Sadegh on


These last days have been just crazy. One minute there is still hope and the next minute it's all gone.


I really don't know how I can thank you David and Nazanin for everything you have been doing for Ali. SCE has been the most active in helping him. Now Amnesty International,European Union, UN and even UNESCO are trying to help him. But the most amazing and unexpected support is coming from Iranian living in Iran and it is great.


There is another person that I would like to thank and she is Robin/Rosie T. Thank you so much for your passionate pleas to help Ali. It truly shows your true nature and your unselfish kindness and passion. I am very grateful for your help. Thanks Robin!


I should also thank Sasha for her advice.It was on a comment I wrote. She advised me not to be afraid of insults(, if I truly believe in what I am doing). It was a great advice. Now I am going to think about it everytime someone seems to be angry with my blog or just sick of me talking about Ali :) Thanks a lot Sasha!



David ET

To Shahab

by David ET on

- US does not execute anyone for a crime under the age of 18.

- If you want to propose to the United Nations that the age for execution of children should be reduced , you can write to them and ask all the UN to form a general assemebly meeting and reconsider the age from 18 to 16. But then there might be someone else who wants to kill them at 15 , another at 13 , another at 9 and another at 6. Where do we draw the line? How about instead ACCEPTING "INTERNATIONAL" HUMAN RIGHTS CONVENTIONS and not trying to be different than others?... thinking that we know better than the rest of this planet ??!

Why do we always have to try to be taafteh jodah baafteh and then complain why Iran is so isolated ???

Are you saying that Iran should not respect Internationally recognized Human rights ? Then may be Burma asks for same thing? Isreal? US? where do you draw the line there?

OR all countries should comply with human rights, starting at least with children rights???

Do you say Execution is the only punishment available? It is not that other countries do not imprison a child but they dont execute them.  What is this belief that one has to kill to prove that killing is wrong?!

Last I have not seen any impolite comments from Ms. Azarin Sadegh, but if you have please provide a copy for me and other to see too.


Well. If I were the parents

by Shahab (not verified) on

Well. If I were the parents of Mazdak, I would have expected somebody to pay for my child's innocent blood. Who is going to pay and be responsible for Mazdak's death? If Ali is not the killer, why not research more and find the real killer? Does Ali have any idea who the killer is?

On the other hand, Ali or somebody who remains unknown, has killed Mazdak. If the killer was under the age of 18 at the time, you are saying that they should not be executed? don't you realize that there is only 2 years difference between 16 and 18? 16 is still considered semi-legal age even in the United States.

Let's be real here. I totally sympathize with Ali and I pray that he would not face execution if he is really innocent of the sin. However, I am sick of Azarin Sadegh attacking anyone who raises any question or opposite view regarding Ali's case. We don't care if you and Ali's aunt are Dooste Joon Jooni. Please be polite Ms. Sadegh.

Rosie T.

From Azarin's blog

by Rosie T. on

SCE Campaign blog had the following listed......

by Sasha on

APPEALS TO: Head of the Judiciary His Excellency Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi Ministry of Justice, Panzdah Khordad (Ark) Square, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran Salutation: Your Excellency Email: info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In the subject line: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi) Fax: +98 21 3390 4986 (please keep trying, if the called is answered, say "fax please") Leader of the Islamic Republic His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei, The Office of the Supreme Leader Islamic Republic Street - Shahid Keshvar Doust Street Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran Email: info@leader.ir Salutation: Your Excellency COPIES TO: President His Excellency Mahmoud Ahmadinejad The Presidency Palestine Avenue, Azerbaijan Intersection Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran Fax: + 98 21 6 649 5880 Email: dr-ahmadinejad@president.ir E-mail: via website: //www.president.ir/email/ Director, Human Rights Headquarters of Iran His Excellency Mohammad Javad Larijani C/o Office of the Deputy for International Affairs Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Justice Building, Panzdah-Khordad (Ark) Square, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran Fax: + 98 21 5 537 8827 (please keep trying) and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country. PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY.


SCE Campaign

World Agrees: No Capital Punishment for under 18

by SCE Campaign on

Obviously , Ali being in Iran prison awaiting execution does not read this blog and above article was copied from Ali's phone conversation as reported by IRAN newspaper.

As for the question to Ali about "Who killed Mazdak":

1- Ali has said, he does not know who stabbed Mazdak and NONE of the children who were there at the school fight have testified against Ali either.

2- Even if Ali was the killer, he was 16 years old at the time and UNITED NATION'S "convention on the Right of the child", which Iran is a signatory to, prohibits execution of a person (child) for a crime committed under the age 18.

Therefore regardless of "who killed Mazdak" Ali's execution is not justified.

It's time that the regime ruling Iran, joins the rest of the nations on earth and stop killing children.  


Ali jaan, do you know who

by shazdeh khanoom (not verified) on

Ali jaan, do you know who killed Mazdak?