Arabism & Islamism The twin fascisms that causes most massacres, wars, conflicts today


Arabism & Islamism The twin fascisms that causes most massacres, wars, conflicts today
by Alicias

The twin fascisms that causes most massacres, wars, "conflicts" today:

Arabism is racism (Arab racism)
Millions upon Millions are/became victims of (pan-) Arabism which is the worst current form of racism in its gigantic proportions, like: Kurds, Jews (not just in Israel) Berbers (the real natives of North Africa), Africans (not just in the genocide in the Sudan or in Egypt on native Nubians by Arab invaders – till today), Persians, etc.

Islamism is bigotry (Islamofascism)!
The Islamic supremacy that “works” towards its vision of “final Islamic domination on the entire planet”, from Middle east to Africa from Asia to Eurabia, from terrorism & massacres in multiple countries (like: Thailand, Phillipines, China, Indonesia, Tunisia, Morocco, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon India, USA, France, Israel, Russia, UK, etc.) to propaganda, the war includes on Muslims who are not radical enough...

The oppressive Mullahcracy regime in today's Iran, its brutality on millions of Iranians are a "perfect" example of Islamic fascism.

Let’s face it! that entire war on Israel & the Jews since the 1920’s by infamous facsist Mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini who started the “genocide campaign” [and continues by the children/grand children of Arab immigrants into Israel - Palestine - now convenienently called "palestinians"] in a clear outlined declaration to 'kill all Jews', is nothing but out of pure Arab Muslim bigotry.


While the Islamo Arab dictatorship goes on...
Israeli [ungrateful] Arabs won't mention FAVORITISM by democratic pluralistic multi-racial Israel in: land, courts & universities.



References, links on the 'Twin Fascisms':

All minorities living within the Arab world are under siege. Tunisian human rights activist M. Bechri[1] has traced this to the "twin fascisms" - his term - that dominate the Arab world, Islamism and pan-Arabism. The first promotes murderous intolerance of religious minorities. It helps explain why Christians are under siege across the Arab world and why Sudan enjoyed broad Arab support as it killed some two million non-Muslim blacks in the south of the country. Pan-Arabism translates into endorsement of murderous policies toward Muslim but non-Arab groups and accounts for Arab support for Saddam Hussein as he slaughtered 200,000 Kurds in northern Iraq, as well as backing for Sudanese policies toward the Muslim but black population of Darfur.

The Arab world is not about to make an exception for the Jews. This broad intolerance of minorities is further evidence of how unlikely it is the Arab world will accept the legitimacy of a Jewish state in its midst any time soon. [2][3] This is "The Darfur - Israel Connection," The [genocide] targeting of Israel and Darfur by the Arab world, Bechri's "twin fascisms" also account for the besiegement of Christians explains K. Levin. [4] So writes another: Israel as the result of the national liberation movement of the region's aboriginal Jews. Liberation of the aboriginal Jews (and anyone else lucky enough to find refuge within Israel's borders) from the twin fascisms of pan-Arabism and Islamism which have oppressed and even eliminated so many of the region's aboriginal ethnic groups. Israel's aboriginal Jews were not unique in accepting outside help (and even immigration) in their liberation struggle. Lebanon's Maronites, Egypt's Copts, Iraq and Turkey's Kurds, and Iran's Zoroastrians have all sought and received outside help in their liberation struggles... [5]

Magdi Allam (educated in Egypt in his youth): State and public schools in Egypt defined Arab identity thus: "the Arabs are a nation united by race, blood, history, geography, religion and destiny." This is a falsification of an historical truth based on ethno-religious pluralism, an ideological deception aimed at erasing all differences and promoting the theory of one race overlapping with a phantom Arab nation in thrall to unchallengeable leaders. It was directly inspired by Nazi and fascist theories of racial purity and supremacy which appealed to the leadership and ideologues of pan-Arabism and Islamism. It is no wonder that in this context Manichean Israel is perceived as a foreign body to be rejected, a cancer produced by American imperialism to divide and subjugate the Arab world. [6] prof. Michael I. Krauss reminds that the origins of the genocide in Sudan stems from the twin ideologies: Arabism and Islamism.[7]

"We want to Islamise America and Arabise Africa." - Hassan El-Turabi, chief ideologue of Jellaba-Arab minority rule in Sudan, 1999 [quoted in Peter Adwok Nyaba, "Afro-Arab Conflict in the 21st century", Tinabantu, Journal of African National Affairs Vol 1 No 1. 2002, p. 27]. [8]

A writer in the British Times (2005) calls it the evil twin, on hopes for change in the middle east: A democratic kick at the evil twins... The Afghan and Iraqi regimes represented the two grand ideas, Islamism and pan-Arab nationalism, that dominated the politics of the region since the 1960s... There are many historic, cultural and religious barriers to progress and the region still includes despotic regimes -- such as Libya, Tunisia, Sudan, Syria, and Iran -- that are frozen in time. Nevertheless, there is, for the first time in perhaps a century, with the impending death of Islamism and pan-Arabism, a chance that freedom could emerge as the big idea in Middle Eastern politics. [9]

An Assyrian argues that: Arab/Islamic civilization is not a progressive force, it is a regressive force and decries Islamic fascism and Arab Imperialism, their attempts to wipe out all other cultures and oppress all other nations in the middle east. [10]

A pundit wrote on the 'voting rights in Iraq' (2005): "Tyranny is a fundamental tenet of Baathism and other Islamism. They want to reestablish the Islamic Empire. Indeed, the Baathist ideology, as defined by its founder Michel Aflaq, taught that the Arab race was superior. The Baathists and Islamists have more in common with totalitarians and racists than they do with patriots. The Iraqi insurgents are identical to the Imperial Japanese, Nazis, Fascists, Communists, and the KKK. They share the same beliefs of totalitarianism, racism, as well as a moral and political superiority." [11]

Another points out to the general status of Non-Arab and/or non-Muslims in the "Arab" world, as the Arab nationalists have succeeded in establishing some 23 non-democratic, ethnically (Arab) and religiously (Islam) defined nation-states in over 1 million square miles of territory, often at the expense of non-Arabs, such as the Kurds (Muslims, non-Arabs), Assyrians (Christians, non-Arabs), Copts (Christians, non-Arabs), southern Sudanese (Christian and pagan non-Arabs), Maronite Lebanese (Christian and mostly identified with their Phoenician ancestors) and Mizrahi Jews. Arab nationalist ideology claims all this territory exclusively as "Arab" despite the legitimate claims of non-Arabs and/or non-Muslims to ancient homelands long ago arabized with the spread of Islam, often through conquest".
The writer continues: I believe that the Arab opposition to the existence of non-Arab, non-Muslim Israel is based on the ideological motivations which led to the persecution of non-Arab minorities... The Assyrians, the Kurds suffered massacre and expulsion by the Arab nationalists... Arab nationalist ideology, and its Islamicist couterpart, cannot and will not tolerate non-Arab and non-Islamic peoples organizing themselves into their own independent nation states... I believe that we need to place Israel's struggle to survive into this context. Since ny non-Arab/non-Islamic state in the region must rely on strength (political, moral, spiritual and military) if it wants to survive in the Middle East, thus Israel's demand for security is not security for the sake of security, not security for the sake of oppressing another people, but security for the sake of survival against two racist and exclusivist ideologies Arabism and Islamicism which have succeeded in repressing the just struggles for national self-determination of most non-Arab peoples in the Middle East.[12]


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Bigotry Propaganda packaged as "anti zionists propaganda"

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Why is it that the anti Israel bigots pose as "non propaganda"? some of these pro-palestinian VIOLENCE WARRIORS even call themselves as "peace activists," imagine that.

The irony line stretches up to... Islamic Iran's Hezbollah thugs that --like Hamas-- want to radicalize the entire region into TOTALITARIANISM, oppose any freedom yet call themselves 'freedom fighters" or "resistance'..

It seems that the bigotry produced by the twin fascism Arabism+Islamism has made sure that this buzzword called "zionists" is "bad"... or if someone DARES, tells it like it is with clarity on Goliath Islamo Arab genocide campaign on little Israel... he/she must be a "zionist"...

As to sanctions, no one wants to impose sanctions on the Iranian good people, it is against the FUHRER: Mahmoud EichmanJihad (who persecutes his own people including the Arabs in Iran yet hypocritically claims to "care for Arab palestinians," that very orchestrator of civilian casualties in Lebanon via Hezbollah [or in Gaza via Hamas] use of the unarmed to cause mass casualties in order to parade them on international TV cameras making the Israelis look bad).

Just who claims to be "not" knowing that?

Sargord Pirouz

Seems to be a fair amount of

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Seems to be a fair amount of pro-Zionist propaganda being posted here at the IC, in the wake of 22 Bahman and the lead up to heightened potential sanctions against the good people of Iran.

I won't bother refuting this hasbara-type nonsense; it isn't worth my time and effort. If a reader can't see through this garbage, they're really bad off!
