AIPAC and IRI are BFF!


AIPAC and IRI are BFF!
by Anonymouse

For the past 30 years both AIPAC and IRI have been talking smack at every chance they get.  In Iran when you open the news it's like Fox News on steroid!  Imagine Pat Robertson or some other religious zealot get in power and talk as much smack as possible.  In Israel it is the same thing.  They MUST have a coalition Government otherwise it won't work which means whichever party wins the election and get the most vote they need to play the violin for some religious nutjob more catholic than Pope.

In Iran of course we know it all and it is religion holding power 100%.  The news on Iran is ALWAYS Israel did this and it did that.  US failed here or there.  US and Israeli spies have been arrested here or there.  While I haven't been in Israel the news coming out of Israel is pretty much the same.  Iran is an existentialist threat to Israel and while they support diplomacy they reserve the right to use military force. Back and forth.

For 30 years this has been going on and whether it is true or false on one side or the other or both it is now tattooed in many people's head and psyche.  They just can't get enough.  They eat sleep and dream AIPAC and IRI!  We at are not immune.  For the past 2.5 years we've been rooting out AIPAC and IRI agents and they keep changing user IDs. 

No doubt there are some AIPAC and IRI agents registered at  Sometimes the fight becomes feverish and it is like ALL MONICA ALL THE TIME! They think they are so smart that they want to randomly pick who is an AIPAC or IRI agent and are hell bent on turning them over to the authorities.  In this case the authorities are the poor readers! The Editor is touring Europe and doesn't care one way or another!

So all you AIPAC and IRI agents (real or faux) at keep fighting for another 30 years!  It is obvious that you can't get enough of each other.  This is a marriage made in heaven (or hell :-) and keep at it till death do you part!


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Sargord was kicked out of the Islamic Naval Academy!

by Anonymouse on

Faramarz jaan Sargord failed his exit exam in the Islamic Naval Academy when he mistakenly wrote that midget submarines can carry ICBMs!

The commando officer of the Islamic Naval Academy at the time was Aspiraan Firoozabadi, a rising star, who later kicked him out of the "Academy" and sent him to India to be stationed there as an Intelligence Officer!

It was only after family intervention and favorable connections that his station duty was later changed to America.  Unfortunately as we learned yesterday he wanted to be so much like Aspiraan Firoozabadi that he ate tons of cookies not realizing that they were Israeli cookies!  He is now severly infected and afraid that he may be sent to Lebanon or something! 

Everything is sacred


این حاجی پیروز همکه بیچاره از بیخ عربه!


Thank You Anonymouse!

The similarities between the IR and the Likud party and the Settlers in the occupied territories are incredible! They both seek legitimacy from their own holy books and use the same tactics such as going after their victims’ homes and arresting their relatives!

And our own Haji Pirooz here: a side-kick in a make up and uniform trying to entertain the crowd, a cross between Comical Ali and the Soviet era Izvestia commentators!


I wonder what Islamic Republic would've done w/out Israel.

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred


Great blog and spot on

by Bavafa on



Sargord u don't watch TVs yet comment about their content! Nice!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred

Sargord Pirouz

Well, I have to admit, I

by Sargord Pirouz on

Well, I have to admit, I don't possess a television set. (You should try it, it's pretty nice)

The only time I watch Iran TV is when I'm somewhere and it's playing. True, I've seen programming over the internet, but not much. The programs I seek out are related to military subjects or sports.

And compared to American TV, there are far fewer commercials. And I do like the music/visuals in-between programming.

But you're right, I'm nowhere near a big time TV watcher, American or Iranian. 


Sargord more mozakhraf from you?

by Anonymouse on

No commercials? They show commercials about potato chips, pofak, appliances, banks and more all the time.

Not to mention that 90% of their programming are infomercials from arrogant airheads about which day of the week is a good day to have sex to why chador can be made into fashion and your favorite the asinine (asymmetric) warfare.

"Music and visuals"? 5 times a day ALL stations shut down to announce azaan and reading Quran.  Visuals like exercise shows from thick mustached juice heads being interviewed by Zeynab sisters ooing and awing their jumping jacks and pushups!

You’re a piece of work Sargord.  As if you’re numb to what you’re seeing, reading or hearing.  They say potato you say midget submarine.  They say freedom you say afternoon nap.

Everything is sacred

Sargord Pirouz

The two things I like best

by Sargord Pirouz on

The two things I like best about Iranian TV are:

1) No commercials!

2) The music and visuals that separate programming.