I would really like to know why my posts keep getting deleted

by Azad

I would really like to know why my posts keep getting deleted

دوستان عزيز در سايت ايرانيان .كام

براي چندمين بار است كه مطالبي را كه در وب سايت شما مي گذارم ، تغير داده مي شود( خيلي مودبانه) سانسور مي گردد و يا حذف مي گردد. من به شما حق مي دهم كه حقوقي را براي خود و خواننده گانتان در نگارش مطالب در نظر بگيريد و هيچ اعتراضي هم به اين موضوع ندارم. در عين حال هم اين حق را براي خود قايل هستم اگر مطالبم حذف يا سانسور مي شود دليلي براي آن داشته باشم. اميدوارم در نظر بگيريد كه هر كدام از نويسندگان اين مطالب زماني را براي نگارش و ثبت آن در سايت شما گذاشته اند و به هيچ وجه كاري در شان يك تاليف كننده نيست كه آنرا بدون هيچ دليلي حذف نماييد. خوشحال مي شوم اگر علاقمند به درج مطالب من نيستيد اعلام نماييد تا من هم منبعد آنرا در سايت شما درج نكنم. در عين حال اين حق را بر خود و بر خوانندگان مطالب خود مي دانم كه اعتراض خود را به هر شكل ممكن در جاهاي مختلف مطرح نمايم. آخرين مطلب من در خصوص اعدام احسان فتاحيان بود كه متاسفانه عليرغم اينكه بيش از 150 نفرآنرا خوانده بودند و به سايتهاي ديگر هم لينك شده بود از سايتتان پاك نموديد.

با تشكر آزاد مراديان


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قراءة أولى ثم طرح الأسئلة

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Then means; read first then ask questions.


Then again...we'll never

by TheMrs on

Then again...we'll never know the truth? Which comments were deleted? Which articles? Can anyone proove articles or comments from last year are all intact????

Is that enough paranoia for one day?

But on a serious note, Mr Azad, this site censors a lot of stuff. And their reputation for being taken seriously is not what it was 5 years ago. If you have important material, I suggest you post it elsewhere as well.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Azad, this site has experienced technical problems recently

by Anahid Hojjati on


Dear Azad, JJ will probably respond to you but let me brief you as another blogger.  This site has experienced problems in the past few days.  I could not even get on the site few days ago.  Then site came back up but everything after Oct 10th was deleted.  So On Wed. Nov 11th, I posted a poem regarding crash of the site.  My poem was up and it was featured for long time.  However, yesterday as Admin and JJ recovered the data from Oct. 10th up to Nov 11th, the result was that the blogs posted on Nov 11th got lost. So I lost my poem.  It is all technical difficulty and JJ and other guys have been working hard to fix it.  If whatever you posted, was in the last 3, 4 days, don't be alarmed. Just post it again.