Amou Pirouz

Amou Pirouz
by Azadeh Azad

My research on the world mythologies confirms Mehrdad Bahar’s assertion that the figure of Amou Pirouz (presently Haji Firouz, its Arabized version) is associated with the Babylonian God, Tammuz, who was originated as the Sumerian Shepherd-God, Dumuzi, the consort of Inanna, the Great Goddess. 

Amou Pirouz’s blackened face symbolizes his returning from the world of the dead (winter), his red clothing is the sign the coming to life of the sacrificed deity, while his jolliness is about the idea of rebirth (spring). We are celebrating a 5000 year-old figure, older than Zoroastrianism and Zoroaster himself.

As blackening the face and hands could erroneously be connected to the slavery of the black people, I suggest that we do what the Mesopotamian people did. They wore black masks for their spring festivities. Wearing a black mask and black gloves maintains the 5000 year-old tradition, while preventing all misunderstandings related to racism. 

No black person would be offended by a black mask-wearing figure! 

Power to imagination, and Happy Nowruz!


more from Azadeh Azad

Haji Firoozeh is Daei pirooze

by Aliafandi on

Thanks for the great insight to this mythological figure. It seems that Persian culture and history has always been friendly to these rutuals or figures. HAFT SIN or HAFT SHIN or HAFT CHIN is also one of them. It is written that only 150 years ago HAFT SIN referred to planting flowers that had names beginning with letter "S" And HAFT SIN consisted of largetray with 7 kinds of fruits. Only in the last century HAFT SIN adapted to what we see today.

 Happy NO'RUZ


Happy Nowruz

by MM on

1. I am glad you spelled it, Nowruz, just like UN, Encyclopedia Iranica and CAIS, but it does not mean that others are incorrect

 2. I checked in Encyclopedia Irania and CAIS and here are a little different versions



The Herald of Iranian New-Year, By: Mahmoud Omidsalar


which both appear to refer to the same source, BTW.

PS, I like the stylized drawing of Haji Firuz in CAIS, and the lyrics brought good memories.



Hâji Firuz-e /Sâl-i ye ruz-e sâl-i ye ruz-e.

Hame midunan /Man-am midunam.

´Eyd-e nowruz-e /Sâl-i ye ruz-e.

(It's Hâji Firuz/[He's] only one day a year.

Everyone knows /I know as well.

It is Nowruz /It's only one day a year.)

Arbâb-e khod-am salâmo ´aleykom,

Arbâb-e khod-am sar-eto bâlâ kon!

Arbâb-e khod-am be man nigâ kon,

Arbâb-e khod-am lotf-i be mâ kon.

Arbâb-e khod-am boz-boz-e qandi,

Arbâb-e khod-am cherâ nemikhandi?

(Greetings my very own lord,

Raise your head my lord!

Look at me, my lord!

Do me a favor, my lord!

My very own lord, the billy goat,

Why don't you smile, my lord?)

Beškan beškan-e, beškan!

Man nemiškanam, beškan!

Injâ beškanam yâr gel-e dâr-e,

Unjâ beškanam yâr gel-e dâr-e,

In siâh-e bichâre cheqad hosele dâr-e

Hâji Firuz-e,

´Eyd-e nowruz-e,

Sâl-i chand ruz-e

It's Hâji Firuz

It's the Nowruz festival

It's only a few days a year.)