This is in Persian. Could not find the English text.
Recently by B-Naam | Comments | Date |
Something fishy is happening in Mesr! | - | Feb 02, 2011 |
Why so much praise for the Tunisians?! | 2 | Jan 26, 2011 |
چرخه | - | Jan 25, 2011 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Re: Faribors jan Your
by Anonymousk (not verified) on Tue Mar 11, 2008 04:25 PM PDTRe: Faribors jan
Your persistence in proving your points and highlighting your manufactured reality are eviable and awe inspiring. You're true gem.
Greetings from Quom!
To Faribors Maleknasri M.D.
by Troneg on Tue Mar 11, 2008 03:52 PM PDTMany people came out from Shah's prison alife (beginning by Khomeini) and had been able to live in Iran, even if they were screened closely.
Today they are killed in the IRI prison ! and others should leave Iran. They don't chose by themself.
What do you do abroad ? or may be you are writing from Iran with special autorisation from IRI to confuse us ?!
The Shah was a coward for
by Anonymous11 (not verified) on Tue Mar 11, 2008 03:18 PM PDTThe Shah was a coward for not getting rid of these monsters.
Here we go again
by Ali P. on Tue Mar 11, 2008 02:52 PM PDTJust as you think to yourself, Faribors Maleknasri cannot possibly be more confusing, he surprises you.
I read Hooshang Assadi's article. Very interesting. I got a headache following Faribors khaan's comments. Sir, most of us can read Farsi. Just write in Farsi if you want anyone to read your comments.
Ali P.
با آقای خامنه ای در زندان شاه
Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified)Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:47 AM PDT
با آقاي خامنه اي در زندان شاه
هوشنگ اسدي - پنجشنبه 25 بهمن 1386 [2008.02.14]
I just like to read memories out of jail. I think the book VARAGH PARE HAYE SENDAN is from Dr. ARANI. a borther of mein was also a CHAPPI, so we had a lot of likewise books at home. my brother was also in shahs jail. A few weeks. he lost his Job bei the bank he worked. But since he was a " nearly specialist" in Bankbusuiness he could , after two years, start again.Then "they" criminalized him. So he lost his job again. and again after two years he could restart. he was banker and advocate. he was in the same time as Ayattolah Khamenei with him in law school in tehran. In was sometimes in the 6ties. He became repaetedly offers from Savak to work with them. he was supposed to advise in banking questions. But He refused every time. as he was retired with age under 50 years and he did not know what to beginn with so much free time, he became an offer from personal Information services of his majesty. he should help the staff in Banking questions. he got an office with fon and secretary. he earned 4 times more as his Pension and recieved % for his services. He should have managed Houses and buildings even for General Fardust. "Unfortunately" his luck did not last long. His majesty left and my brother had again a lot of times. During the time from 1953 till beginning of 7ties he was gradually less CHAPPI. he did not like the Revolution and heared always radio israel. since many years his soul is in heaven. But now to your memories. I am happy that i have read it. In the following i tell you what I like most in your article and try to formulate some questions and please dont feel offended because of some coments:
خبر ديدار آقاي خامنه اي را از "موزه عبرت" خواندم که نام جديد کميته مشترک است. بي اختيار به چنين روزهائي در 33 سال پيش برگشتم که هر دو در اين زندان مخوف هم سلول بوديم و شرح مفصلش را در کتاب خاطراتم نوشته ام که اميدوارم به زودي منتشر شود.
please send a copy, free of charge.
نگهبان مرا به داخل هدايت کرد و در را محکم بست.
In jails doors use to be shut and if they are shut they are MOHKAM shut. برخاست و با لبخند شيريني خوش آمد گفت.
دستش را جلو آورد و اسمش را گفت:
- سيد علي خامنه اي...
what a polite and kind man
کافر بالقوه وجود من نمي دانم از کجاي تاريخ در من خانه کرده بود و نسب به کدامين ژن در اجدادم مي برد.
I do not believe you were a atheist. How can a being be a atheist when he can recognize unjustice? I think that is allways the first step. Thesecond is to search and FIND the jUSTICE.
دستم را دراز کردم و بي اراده گفتم:
- من چپي هستم... اسمم هم...
هم سلولي جديد من خنده شيريني کرد و مرا کنارش روي پتوها نشاند. حالا که شرح زندگيش را روي اينترنت مي خوانم، مي فهمم که درست ده سال از من بزرگ تر است. در آن موقع من وارد بيست و پنج سالگي شده بودم. و او 35 سالگي را پشت سر مي گذاشت. 32 سال پيش.
Nice of to wright about his sweet smile, realy nice.
. آقاي خامنه اي با طنزي که در کلامش جاري بود و با خنده دايمي اش مي آميخت، هر کدام از آنها را نامي داده بود:
- سگ باد اول
- سگ باد دوم
you are a real author. Your word TANZ, I like it.
ايام طولاني و سرد را به حرف زدن مي گذرانديم.
Which were the Discussions themes of you both? Politics?
وقتي نوبت دستشويي مي رسيد، آقاي خامنه اي پيراهن زندان را به صورت عمامه بر سرش محکم مي کرد.
او در دستشويي وضو مي ساخت،
سخت با اخلاص. اغلب، و هميشه غروب ها، رو به پنجره بلند مي ايستاد. زير لب قرآن تلاوت مي کرد، نماز مي خواند و بعد هاي هاي مي گريست،
That should every body do who is stressed. It helps to get the psychological balance and afterward one is directly happy. I think that is the true meaning why Moslems have so many grief and mournings.
طولاني و تلخ. يک پارچه در خدا گم مي شد. در اين رفتار روحانيتي بود که بر دل مي نشست.
You are NO atheist man, believe me. a atheist has no DEL! basta.
هر وقت اندوه بر من غلبه مي کرد و گوشه اي کز مي کردم، صدايم مي زد:
- هوشنگ پاشو به گردش برويم....
. من از کودکيم، خانواده ام و کار روزنامه نگاري مي گفتم. او هم بيشتر از خانواده.
Hier I have allready the answer to one of my questions. To which oneß
من، شب آخر بزرگ ترين عشق زندگيم را واگذاشته و براي هميشه آمده بودم. هنوز نمي دانستم که او کمي بعد از دستگيري من براي ادامه تحصيل به انگلستان رفته است.
His majesty used to separate the brides from bridegrooms in order to destroy the poeple psychologically.
در آن زمان دو پسر داشت، گمانم مصطفي و احمد.
The same names as the tow sons of Imam(r)?
خيلي زودتر از زود، محبتي غريب بين اين چپي جوان ساده دل
You are right, most Chapies were SADE DEL, not the ones in the central comitte like Alamuti, Minister of Justice by his majesty.
و آن عاقله مرد کار کشته سياست به وجود آمد.
The Ayatollah was a AGHALE MARD as he was just 35? I think more over it was because of his studyings and Lectures which he had attenden by Imam.
من نمي دانستم اين محبت را چگونه تفسير کنم و آقاي خامنه اي يک بار به من گفت:
- در قلب تو حضور خدا را مي بينم...
You and atheist? forget ist.
هنوز هم که سال هاي دراز از ان روزها مي گذرد و من تبعيدي "در غربت" هستم و آقاي خامنه اي د رمقام " ولايت"
Let us be objective. Velayat is NO MAGHAM and the Team of Imam did and do not want magham. Do you knwo which magham his majesty had offered to Imam?
آن روزهاي مهرباني از دلم نرفته است. آنچه را در باره نقش او در سياست مي گويند، عقلم مي پذيرد و احساسم رد مي کند.
I think the role which he and his ancesstore play is only Guidance. the way must be gone by mass of believers, if they want to. that is all. No doubt to be the leader is also a Magham, but i think not in the same sence as your definition.
علاقه و آشنايي من به ادبيات و به ويژه شعر زمينه مناسبي براي صحبت هاي طولاني بود و در آنجا متوجه شدم او تسلط خاصي به ادبيات امروز و به ويژه شعر دارد. هر چند از اينکه فروغ و شاملو را دوست نداشت
take the true farsi writers and you forget Fourugh and Co. I am reading the shahname, all 10 Books. If you have not read them I recomend you do it. I bet you will put aside Shamlu for ever.
، دلگير بودم. اما در علاقه عاشقانه اش به اخوان و سايه همراه مي شدم. هدايت را هم دوست نمي داشت
I do not like hedayet either. he eugleided a little with Chapies and was influenced too much by westerns. He wrote a lot bad stories about Iranian habits. I just think on his BERBERY RED DRESS.
چند بار هم درس روزنامه نگاري گذاشتم
a pitty that I was not there. I find Journalism is very interessting
آموزش هاي من اين بود:
- به تيترها توجه نکنيد، در داخل مطالب دنبال حرف هايي بگرديد که به شکل هاي گوناگون زده مي شود....
I will do it in the future.
"I will learn itسفيد خواني
. يکي دو بار آقاي خامنه اي را براي بازجويي بردند و يک بار هم مرا صدا زدند.
No accusation, but jail!
نيمه شبي در سلول باز شد و کسي را به درون انداختند. جوان کوچک اندامي بود که پاهايش آش و لاش بود.
جايي برايش درست کرديم.. سرانجام يک نفر آمد و در را باز کرد. آقاي خامنه اي گفت:
- اين دارد مي ميرد...
نگهبان نگاهي به جوان انداخت و گفت:
- به جهنم...
even the Warden was a religious person,see!
به شدت کتک خورده بود. دچار حمله عصبي شده بود.
A sign of braindiesease following physicam trauma
- در حکومت اسلامي، قطره اشکي از چشم بيگناهي نمي ريزد...I think te had meant religiously BI GONAH. and just imagine taking part on Elektions is a religious duty!
چقدر دلم مي خواست در ديدار آقاي خامنه اي در کميته مشترک بودم که نام جديدش "موزه عبرت" است. مي رفتم و در سلول 11 بند يک را باز مي کردم ومي پرسيدم:
- آن روزها يادتان هست؟ کامل آن را در خاطرات زندانم نوشته ام که بزودي منتشر مي شود و مختصرش را اينجا آوردم که درحوصله اينترنت باشد.
Do you think if you had asked for permission he would invite you to go with him? The jurney would be on your own costs anyway.
بعد به شما مي گفتم- نه بعد از انقلاب به شما گفتم - که روز فتح کميته مشترک من هم همراه مردم بودم. رفتم و به سلولمان سر زدم. بعد جمهوري اسلامي آمد و شما رئيس جمهور شديد. ماموران حکومت شما باز هم مراگرفتند و به همان بندبردند، اما به سلول 15.
به شما گفته اند که با من و ما چه کردند؟ صداي فريادهاي مستانه رسولي يادتان هست؟ چکي راکه ازغدي به ما زد بخاطر داريد؟ بازجويان حکومت جمهوري اسلامي کاري کردند که آنها روسفيد تاريخ شدند. مرا 666 روز در انفرادي نگه داشتند. از صبح 19 بهمن 1361 تا 12 فروردين1362 زير شکنجه بودم. جزء به جزء را درکتابم نوشته اند. شب هاي دراز از دست ياپا آويزانم کردندBut what was your accusation? Why they had arrested you?. سه بار خودکشي کردم. وقتي از ناچاري الکل را داروي مرگ پنداشتم و براي خودکشي خوردم هشتاد ضربه شلاق ديگر برايم بريدند.
you had better drunk alcohol discretely. Drinking alcohol in the public is GONAH
If you right the truth: It was all not inn the time of Ayatiollah Khamenei? And His majesty was at most affraid of Islam, Moslems can not be friend of CHAPPIs. As you see the source of CHAPP-Ideology does not exist any more. Becaus that "Ideology" had never existed.
ولايت شما و غربت من
دلنشين تر بود...He is CHOSEN by Iranians as VALY, you have chosen the GHORBAT all by yourself. I find it just nice that you put these tow words next to each other. a sign of your professionality as writer.
have a nice time. Greeting