i continue...

bajenaghe naghi
by bajenaghe naghi

dilip:  over the history of mankind, the human population has been increasing in a slow pace over thousands of years. the improvements in medicine have increased this pace. but with the advent of stem cell research and its application, the rate of population increase may soar, creating problems that we can not imagine today. once the genie is out of the bottle it can not be placed back. the future governments will have to decide how to manage the world population explosion when people may live to be two or three hundred years old. will they choose to place a limit on child birth? or will the answer be the  creation of man made pandemics  or huge world wars in order to kill millions of people over a relatively short period of time? can you tell me if the stem cell capabilities are a blessing or will it cause the end of the human civilization as we now know it? what this new technology offers may be the right answer to the prayers of an individual patient, but it may be a deadly poison for the humanity as a whole. the use of body part repairs and transplantations of manufactured organs, will not only take the existing class systems of those who have and those who have not, to new heights,  but they will also create a chasm between those who are allowed live and those who are not.  


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more from bajenaghe naghi
bajenaghe naghi

anonymous fish jan

by bajenaghe naghi on

i am so sorry to disappoint you. by being serious sometimes make you appreciate me more when i so hard try to be funny. also i can show you my more serious and darker side. i promise that my next post is going to be as light as a feather or a 25W light bulb.:-)

bajenaghe naghi

i have a crush on alex trebeck jan

by bajenaghe naghi on

there are two topics that i stay away from and refuse to discuss. one is religion and the reason for that is one's religion is a very personal and deep thing and i hate to get too deep and personal. and the second thing that i do not discuss is politics. the reason for this is that by arguing with someone about politics what you are essentially doing is putting them down about their politics and trying to convert them to your belief at the best and to tell them how stupid they are to hold the views they hold at the worst. and i am smart enough to do neither. so i stay with benign topics like the ones that i write about and usually bore everyone to tears. 

i googled your question about jesus' solo performances and nothing came up. may be we can ask peter paul and mary and they may sing us the answer. :-)

anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

you're getting awfully serious all of a sudden!  such deep issues!  you were always the fun guy...lol.  the biggest problem with the WW picture is that it's the young who die... not the old.  so that won't work.  but you're right about creating a creater chasm between classes.  the poor still won't be able to afford anything and the rich will continue to to suck the life out of any opportunity to rise above proverty.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek


by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

On earth, the population used to be 1 billion people. Now it is at least 6 billion. And keep in mind, the Catholic church won't lift the fatwa against birth control. Even freaking mullahs take birth control and sterilization seriously. The idea for Catholics is "don't put your seed against stone", as if semen is so very precious. HAHAHAHAHA. Do you think Jesus Christ jacked off? Did he even laugh? ever? I truly think that if population increases so much, and food supply stays the same or grows more expensive, we will have population control in the form of eating each other!

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

bajenagh how can this be??

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

In America, health care is so strict. I'm pretty sure they already have a plan set out to limit this wonder medicine. I also think that a lot of people who are religious in America and even in some other countries will denounce this stuff as immoral or unethical, like they do everything else that involves fun or medicine. 

For example, do you know about the Christian Scientists? Mormons? Well Christ Sci are very easy - they don't even get medical help. They believe THE LORD will heal them. Mormons are just as insane. THey are allowed to go to the doctor, but they have 973 provisions for the doctors to follow. If they can't even get a kidney transplant, stem cell must be way out of line, no?

By the way, did you ever watch the X-Files? There was an episode when this man was able to keep regenerating himself with this special cancer he had. If we start doing this, what will happen to the evolutionary traits of human?!?!?!?! 

bajenaghe naghi

jd jan

by bajenaghe naghi on

that was very funny. thank you. i bet you that you are not too far from the truth. so many things we take for granted today would have been as funny as your lines forty or fifty years ago. 

bajenaghe naghi

half ass scientist jan

by bajenaghe naghi on

well said. short and sweet. thank you. 

bajenaghe naghi

half ass scientist jan

by bajenaghe naghi on

well said. short and sweet. thank you. 

bajenaghe naghi

o jan

by bajenaghe naghi on

i agree with you about the population problem. i too hate to compete with so many people for everything (double underline it, if you would, please) from the minute i leave my home till i get back. it is a big pain in the old fat rump. but at the same time i hate to see the government get involved in peoples business and forcing them to have no children or to have only one. i think this should be done through education and incentives. i remember forty years ago, in india, they used to go into villages and give every man who volunteered to have a vasectomy a brand new transistor radio. 



by JD (not verified) on

Dear BN,

I see your point and share your concerns about availability of body parts in a near future. The nightmare will start when one becomes able to have body parts replaced perhaps at any Jiffy Lube.

Imagine a day that we become able to walk into any Walmart and pick up variety of body parts, from knee caps to liver and kidney to replacement eye sockets and pre-owned pancreas, still under warranty, all at deeply discounted Chinese prices.

Worse than that, I would not be surprised if the Chinese start offering identical clones for half price:

"Buy a LG refrigerator and get yourself cloned for half price. No payment or interest until your clone riches the age of puberty."

So much uncertainties out there....


Future is not like what it used to be

by Half ass scientist (not verified) on

Rising living standards= falling birth rates
Developed countries >>>Decline in population


too many people already

by O~OOO~~ (not verified) on

I already think that there are too many people living and polluting the earth, regardless of what tomorrow's science may bring about. The mere thought of how much trash, one produces is sickening to me, and it ends up in precious landfills. There are many reports that post-consumer pharmaceuticals have found their way into many European and American water reservoirs. Seriously ewww

There should be strict birth control measures in place, decreasing the population to 1/1000 of what it is today, over a course of a few decades, otherwise, where else can people go, with all the mess they make?

bajenaghe naghi

i have a crush on alex trebeck jan

by bajenaghe naghi on

i think you are correct about the cost and the time will take for this technology to be available to everyone- in the short term.  i think what dilip was saying is that time not being a factor, the technology will eventually permeate to all the  levels of society and every patient will try to use it for his or her benefit. 

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

This is such a very good question BUT remember this

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Stem Cell will be a luxury. Not every person will be able to afford it. Not everyone's insurance will approve payment for these treatments. Look at Magic Johnson. He has had HIV for 20 years! But he's rich and rich and floating in money so he can afford the treatments. I don't think Stem Cell will be as widely used. It will be expensive for patients and for health care practitioners, especially if we're going to keep spending 400 million dollars per day on military budget.