Bashing Orgy II

Bashing Orgy II
by capt_ayhab

While ago i wrote a humble blog called Bashing Orgy[2879 hits, 85 comments], aimed at the amount of hate that was being spewed in this very site. It was meant as an outlet[emotionally] for certain people who can  not but be hateful and aggressive toward people who did not see  the life in their point of view.

Like to present yet another outlet for the people who need to rid themselves of their inner aggression and hate of anyone whom they dislike for reasons below, or otherwise.

1. Does not agree with ones political stand point.
2. Have any form of PHOBIA.
3. Are self righteous.
4. Claim to be [KNOW IT ALL].
5. Self Proclaimed freedom fighters.
6. Self proclaimed Humanitarian.
7. Right wing nuts.
8. Left wing nuts.
9. Any form of NUT.
10. IR Haters.
11. Zionist Haters.
12. Islam haters.
13. Jew Haters.
14. Christian Haters.
15. Hater for no reason at all.
16. Man haters.
17. Woman haters.
18. All of the above.
19. None of the above.
20. Just because.

However I would like to set some ground rules and I would appreciate if observed.

1. Do not flag one another.
2. Do not attack family.
3. Do not post private info that you might be privy to.
4. Do not gang up on one another.
5. Do not lie.
6. Do not delete your comment when you sober up.
7. Do not judge one another.
8. Do not use false acquisitions.
9. Leave other threads empty of HATE.

Other than, have at it.


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I deleted the previous post, just:

by Souri on

Never forget that when you push a nail into a wall even when you remove the nail, the trace will remain there forever.

bajenaghe naghi

capt_ayhab jan

by bajenaghe naghi on

I also wish that everyone was a little more humble, a little more understanding and a little more accepting and tolerant of the friends who gather here to be with other Iranians and Iraniphiles (I made this one up). Lets enjoy each other's company, thoughts, and talks. A little giving and a little forgiving haven't killed anyone. With respect to all of you, your humble BN.


Captain Jaan...

by Khar on

now you are taking the fun out of the whole thing by proclaiming the following!

"7. Do not judge one another."
"8. Do not use false acquisitions."
"9. Leave other threads empty of HATE."

PS. Just kidding buddy, you see my friend many well intentioned folks have tried it but gave up, I wish you the best of luck in your quest! :o)



by capt_ayhab on

I knew you would like the photo. Resembles so much like ALL of us, don't it?



ID Jan

by capt_ayhab on

I am running late yet for another class, but I assure you that this piece has nothing to do with either one of the names that you mentioned.

I would like for you, with all the fairness that I know of you, browse around the site, take a moment and read some comments and threads[in addition to what you have already mentioned], I promise you will agree with me that in general, we ALL[yours truly included] have come to a point of NOTHING BUT HATE for one another.

Do you not think that all of us deserve better treatment from one another????




Dear Capt

by IRANdokht on

I believe there must be a misunderstanding here. 

People are not criticizing Redwine because they hate men! It's not "hate" that you're seeing, but a simple criticism of views that are totally outdated and offensive. 

I also think that trying to shut people up when they voice their opinion about a statement, is totally wrong. If Mr Redwine had explained what he meant without proving that what everyone understood from his comment was actually accurate, none of this would have happened. 

Women have tried to fight this mindset for centuries! This is a process that is still ongoing and obviously has a long way to go. Especially since any objection to misogyny or sexist and offensive statements are being labeled as "IRI cover to sway the discussion", "gang mentality", hate and male bashing.

I mean for Heaven's sake, can't we all agree that women are not "things" and that Iranian women have proven to be brave and do not deserve to be put down?


By the way I loved the picture that you picked. It reminds me of my two sisters! :o) but it's really not fair to write a "bashing blog" and show two little girls fighting ;-) A gentleman wrote the offensive comment on another rman's blog and another one demanded an apology...  you see? ;-)