Darius Kadivar
Shahram Homayoun criticizes former Pahlavi Era Ministers for participating in an IRI produced documentary on the Shah’s rule whilst endorsing the revolutionary propaganda perspective>>>
Darius Kadivar
22-Mar-2012 (3 comments)
A very recent photo of Princess Ashraf the Shah’s twin sister with her brother’s former Son in Law Ardeshir Zahedi who was married the Shah’s first daughter Princess Shahnaz Pahlavi. >>>
Darius Kadivar
21-Mar-2012 (9 comments)
Poll conducted by Radio Farda elects Reza Pahlavi son of the late Shah of Iran and Political activist as Personality of the year 1390 ( aka 2011 Persian New Year) >>>
Darius Kadivar
20-Mar-2012 (one comment)
Television Pioneer and Journalist Jamshid Chalangi is interviewed by Shahram Homayoun on the reasons behind his ousting from Voice of America’s Persian Service. >>>
Darius Kadivar
20-Mar-2012 (5 comments)
Crown Prince Reza’s Nowrooz Message to fellow compatriots>>>
Darius Kadivar
19-Mar-2012 (21 comments)
A former Lutheran pastor and civil rights activist has been elected as Germany's new president>>>
Darius Kadivar
Tonga is the last Polynesian monarchy, although the king was instrumental in bringing about democratic reform>>>
Darius Kadivar
18-Mar-2012 (11 comments)
Tens of thousands of Egypt's Coptic Christians hold an overnight vigil and attend a Mass for Pope Shenouda III, who died on Saturday aged 88. >>>
Darius Kadivar
17-Mar-2012 (4 comments)
British Foreign Minister William Hague delivers the annual Nowrooz message on behalf of the British government to the People of Iran. >>>
Darius Kadivar
15-Mar-2012 (one comment)
Khosro Fravahar, an Iranian Constitutionalist from Austria, criticizes Abdol karim Soroush’s views on the compatibility between Religion and State in a democratic society. >>>
Darius Kadivar
14-Mar-2012 (250 comments)
David Cameron has said he wants to see peaceful transition of power in Syria, rather than revolution, ahead of talks with US President Barack Obama.  >>>
Darius Kadivar
13-Mar-2012 (8 comments)
Khosrow Fravahar a Constitutionalist from Austria criticizes BBC Persian for endorsing assessments on Pahlavi rule by Left Wing Icon and Qajar Princess Maryam Firouz>>>
Darius Kadivar
12-Mar-2012 (2 comments)
Happy Birthday to Princess Farahnaz born on 12th March 1963, Tehran Iran. She is Shahbanou Farah's First daughter and Crown Prince Reza’s sister. >>>
Darius Kadivar
12-Mar-2012 (3 comments)
TV host of the 'Self Proclaimed' Aryamehr TV is interviewed by Andisheh TV’s 'Self Proclaimed' Jomhurykhah host>>>
Darius Kadivar
11-Mar-2012 (8 comments)
Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi slams Saeed Sakuee, the controversial host of 'Aryamehr TV', as a «Moron» who does not represent Genuine Constitutional Monarchists>>>