کاش دلارا هم جاسوس میبود


کاش دلارا هم جاسوس میبود
by Farah Rusta

شنيدم     پسری    را    جنايتی     افتاد                    از اتفاق  ،  كه  شرحش   نمی توان  دادن
قضات   محكمه   دادند   حكم   قتلش  را                    كه  رسم نيست به  بيچارگان  امان   دادن
به  دست و پای در  افتاد مادرش  كه  مگر                   توانِ  نجاتش  از  آن  مرگِ   ناگهان    دادن
بُود    علاقه ی    مادر  به    حالت   فرزند                   حكايتی  كه  محال  است  شرح  آن  دادن
از  آنكه بود  مقصر  جوان  و  دشوار  است                     رضا به فاجعه ی مرگ نوجوان دادن
به صورتش دم تيغ آشنانگشته، جفاست                     گلوش  ر ا به  دم  تيغ  خون  فشان  دادن
بهار    زندگيش     ناشكفته    حيف  بُود                     گلش  به  دست    جفاكاری   قران   داد
ولی  دريغ  كه  قانون  حرام   می دانست                   چنان   شكار  حلالی‌  ،  به   رايگان  دادن
فقير   بود  زن  و   ناله اش   نداشت   اثر                    كجا  به   ناله توان  سنگ  را تكان دادن ؟!
همه رسوم و قوانين نوشته بر فقر است                     به  جز  مراتب  احسان و   رسم  نان دادن
گرفت  رُخصت و  در حبس گه پسر را ديد                     چه مشكل است تسلی در آن مكان دادن
بگفت : غم مخور نور ديده ،كآسان آست                     تو  را  نجات   از  اين  بحر    بيكران   دادن
به  رهن  داده ام  اسباب  خانه  ر ا امروز                    كه  لازم  است تعارف  به اين  و  آن  دادن
ز   پای دار   به   آن   غرفه ی   بلند  نگر                     مرا ببينی  از  آن  جا   به   امتحان   دادن
گرم  سپيد  بُود  رخت  ، مطمئن  گشتن                     و  گر  ، سياه ، به چنگ  اجل  عنان دادن
شبی گذشت پسر دراميدو گفت:رواست                    زمام   كار   به   اشخاص    كاردان   دادن
صباح   مرگ   يكی  دار  ديد   و   ميدانی                    پر  ازدهام   چو  لشكر به وقت سان دادن
به  غرفه  مادر  خود  ديد  با لباس سفيد                    دلش قوی شد از آن عهد و  آن زبان دادن
نشاط  كرد  و  بشد شادمانه  تا  در مرگ                    چو  داد  بايد  جان ،  به كه شادمان دادن
فتاد  رشته ی  دارش  به گردن و جان داد                   به  رغم  مادر و  آن  وعده ی  نهان  دادن
يكی  بگفت  به  آن  داغ  ديده   مادرِ  زار                     به  وقت  تسليت  و  تعزيت  نشان  دادن
چرا  تو   وعده ی   آزادی   پسر   دادی ؟                   مگر  نبود  خطا  وعده ای  چنان  دادن ؟!
جواب  داد  چو  نوميد  گشتم  اين  گفتم                    كه بچه ام نخورد غم ، به وقت جان دادن

"ملك الشعرای بهار"


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SCE Campaign

Join SCE in demanding justice

by SCE Campaign on


دلارا جاسوس نبود

Donotfoolpeople (not verified)

ولی قاتل بود.

این هم از رکسانا خانم به نقل از BBC:

A lawyer for US-Iranian journalist Roxana Saberi says she was convicted of spying for the US partly because she had obtained a classified document.

Her lawyer said she had access to a confidential Iranian report on the US war in Iraq - but had not used it.

The lawyer, Saleh Nikbakht, said the report had been prepared by a research centre of the Iranian presidency.

Ms Saberi was freed on appeal on Monday, after four months in prison in the Iranian capital, Tehran.



by Anonymous-irany (not verified) on

You are not supposed to read or response to any blog in Iranian.com, if you don't like it don't read it.


To: Jaleho,,,,

by LiVe From TeHran (not verified) on

we are raising our voices to stop the executions of minors regardless of their gender..We are standing up by signing the petition to stop this barbaric practice...You are off topic here and your discriminatory comment doesn't help anyone..


You guys don't get sick of this?

by Jaleho on

Just wondering ;-)

Nazanin Afshin jam who couldn't extend her 10 minutes of fame by singing (just not talented enough) or by posing for pictures showing skin (not enough of it, and not good enough skin possibly) is trying to extend that fame at the expense of this poor killer's hanging, and you guys just won't stop your lunacy?!! You ain't any better than Ted Bundy's viewers who wanted to live with the EXECUTION! Get over that kinda excitement, will ya? It is quite disgusting actually, but you feel good about yourselves by "euology"  to cover that effect, no?

I also wonder if all of a sudden they had changed the verdict and announced "Delara the delicate poet artist" as the "vardast" of the killer, and her boyfriend as the killer, and had given her 10 years and killed the boyfriend instead, then would you guys be happy, or would you be busy making a hero out of the man instead? Saying that afterall, the girl's father took her to police in the first place and she confessed, although she changed the story later. But, what would you do if they were to hang the boyfrind?

Have you thought about your actions in the above possibility?

If your answer is that the boy should not have been killed either, then cut the nonsense about the "poor little fragile poet artist ..thus not a killer," and limit your arguments agaisnt death penalty as punishment for killers, period.


Yeah, if it wasn't for that

by jade (not verified) on

Yeah, if it wasn't for that poor, innocent Delara, the real VICTIM would have actually lived...LIVED!

Farah jan, if she did that to your mom, would you blog this piece of poetry for her?


Iranihaye mordeh parast

by Choose-life (not verified) on

What is wrong with primitive people and their fascination with the dead? As soon as someone dies, for whatever reason, they raise that person to the level of angels. Just a few days ago that person used to be their worst enemy maybe! What is it, an irrational feeling of guilt?

And of course we have the opportunists with an agenda to attach it to "the evil IRI" completely ignoring that the government would have freed this person if the other side would forgive her. What a pathetic bunch! There are 70 million human beings alive in Iran, one dead. Sad as it is why don't we put some attention on the living instead?



by Parham on

آره، حیف شد کمک قاتل بود٫٫٫


Thanks for sharing

by Anonymous-Kaaveh (not verified) on

فرح جان ممنون برای شعر‌های زیبا که خیلی متناسب با فوت دلارا میباشد. به امید روزی که اخوندهأی عرب صفت وحشی به زباله دان تاریخ سپرده شوند.


Very meaningful

by Anonymous-Aria (not verified) on

Thanks dear Farah for sharing with us.

Maryam Hojjat

Thanks Farah!

by Maryam Hojjat on

Very suitable for this trajedy.