by Frashogar

I invite my friends to watch this video below and reflect on the events of 11 years ago in NYC. I would also recommend reading this article linked here by an American leftwing group dated February 28, 2001: //progressivelaborparty.squarespace.com/storage/challenge-archives/2001/html/cd0228.html



more from Frashogar

Chile, unfortunately, is not the only country ….

by Bavafa on

which has endured such crime against their freedom and self-rule.  There are host of nations, not only during the height of cold war but during the new era which get the wrap of colonial powers if they decide to do it on their own.


As HFB have rightly pointed out, Iranians have had their own 9/11, many times over.

  And it always baffles me, what is the difference between those who dismiss all the crimes by the West and its allies with those who dismiss all the crimes by IRI.  Such thinking is hypocritical if not pathetic.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Eleven enduring mysteries of 9/11

by Frashogar on


If that's your confession

by Frashogar on

So be it :)

Have a nice day.

Mardom Mazloom

For sure ...

by Mardom Mazloom on

I created both CIA and MOSSAD, and this discretization of dissents in three steps is patented (M&M) 

I also owe all the user IDs on IC that aren't yours !! 


Koja-yeh kari balam jan? 


No sale

by Frashogar on

No proof. There is propaganda tactic which they teach in university courses on the mechanics of state propaganda. It goes something like this.

1) To isolate a collective of dissenting voices and discredit them, you pick one character from these dissenting voices and attack them all by attributing and projecting all the dissension to that single voice.

2) In so doing you attempt to diffuse the dissension by attacking the messenger  and thereby insuring the message is not heard by a greater audience.

3) Meanwhile you engage in the very tactic you are accusing the dissenters and in so doing attempt to sow confusion in the ranks of the dissenters themselves and any potential dissenters who may come into their fold.

Given that this is well known tactic used for years on this site; and given that MOSSAD is well known for using this tactic in multiple fora; I say you yourself are actually using multiple IDs and in fact you may be the User ID Alborz :) 

Pot, kettle & black!

Mardom Mazloom


by Mardom Mazloom on

French use to say "people are what they eat", I may add "people are what they write" (I'll write a blog on the issue if time allows). Your writings within your different IDs talk by themselves (absolute proof, if you prefer)



by Frashogar on

Because MaryamJoon & Frashogar are two different people. Assertion is not proof or evidence. If you have evidence and proof, rather than just assertion, let's see it.

Mardom Mazloom


by Mardom Mazloom on

Do people ask you on Twitter or Youtube if you are really Michael Jackson, the Duchess of York, or Spiderman?

No, but on those social networks, there ain't any rule to restrict people's contributions while on IC the rule is "no more than 2 blogs per contributor and per day". And you have actually 3 featured blogs within your male user ID (Farash) an antoher one within your other female user ID (Maryam), and that's some kind of cheating; aint't it?


This particular character

by Frashogar on

Is a bit of a putz, if you catch my drift. He/she regularly comes on this site, which is purportedly an Iranian site, and brazenly insults Iranians and Iranian culture without even thinking about it. It is good to remind he/she at least why I am here, i.e. in order to wipe the grin off his face and that of the people who wheel him/her out here.


Why even dignify these questions about whether you have 1 ID?

by MaryamJoon on

Who does that on other social media?  Nobody. 

Do people ask you on Twitter or Youtube if you are really Michael Jackson, the Duchess of York, or Spiderman?

Let them comment on the substance of the articles.  If there is a video posted of an interview, they should be talking about the points raised in the interview.    


I am one ID

by Frashogar on

Despite what the Sayanim MOSAD propaganda playbook likes to suggest. My objective is to piss off people like you who work for the system and to be in your face countering the propaganda you are wheeled out to promote.


Maryam et.al.

by Raoul1955 on

Would the user(s) of the two IDs Maryam and Frashogar simply state their/his/her objectives for posting so many anti-US material on a daily basis?



by Frashogar on

If you believe 19 apparent hijackers with minimal flight experience and training (and only experience with Cesna aircraft & desktop computer flight simulators) - and no experience of flying sophisticated commercial aircraft whatsoever, let alone handling its more sophisticated computerized flight navigation equipment - were capable of hijacking 4 passenger airliners using box cutters going through airport security completely undetected; on the very same day when NORAD was running a terrorist/hijack drill between the US and Canadian airforces within the Tri-State area; that these folks maneuvred 3 of these aircraft bullseye into WTC 1 & 2 and the Pentagon (which btw has no credible footage of a plane hitting it) while the flight navigation equipment had been shut down by them (which makes any flight thereon out, let alone finding an actual target, like looking for a needle in a haystack from 20-30,000 feet in the air, making the whole proposition even more ludicrous); that the fire from the fuselage of the impact of these aircraft was capable of bringing down 2 massive skyscrapers built with reinforced steel and concrete within an hour of impact by melting their reinforced steel frames within this 1 hour time frame - not to mention a third which wasn't even impacted by the planes at all but by fire in several of its top floors several hours later (i.e. WTC7); that the crumbling implosion of all 3 of these buildings reveals a precise pattern of a controlled demolition rather than implosion from top-heaviness and melting frames due to impact; then you'll believe anything.     Those who buy into the official narrative regarding 911, IMHO, have other things going on which has nothing to do with facts. They, not us 911truthers, are the true conspiracy theorists living in fantasy land.

Oon Yaroo

There is only one 911 and that happened in NY on Sep 11, 2001!

by Oon Yaroo on

And the main culprit behind it was OB and his rag head A-rab followers!  That's a fact jack!


Dear Hafez4B

by MaryamJoon on

Thanks for your comment on Albright's appalling statement.  

That's also why PAAIA needs to speak with a clear voice as to the questions and not leave iranians in the dark.  It's not that hard to run down a few yes/no questions. 

Hafez for Beginners

Iranian 9-11

by Hafez for Beginners on

Maryamjoon: I agree that the comment about 500, 000 dying in Iraq's sanction was appalling. If I were a lawyer, I'd work to make "Sanctions" be part of the Geneva Conventions.  

The Geneva Conventions are supposed to protect civilians  in war zones. Sanctions are the opposite of Geneva Conventions: they put civilians first - big, hairy soldiers, second! Bah Bah! Exactly the opposite!

Iranian 9-11: I've always thought the Iranian 9-11 was the coup of 1953.

Personally, I'd rather have lost 2 buildings and 3,000 lives - than what took place in 1953. President Truman had refused to participate in the coup - but the Republicans, like Republicans today - were happy to "intervene!"

RIP to all victims of "9-11"s around the World be it the US, Chile or Iran.



Sec. Albright said 500,000 dead Iraqi kids worth it

by MaryamJoon on

... sanctions and war are serious.  We've seen genocidal immorality in our era. People just assume it's Osama, but it's also USA-ma.  



by Frashogar on

And the peculiar pathology of modern American Fascism. That is the logic. The same establishment responsible for the overthrow of Allende and the butchering of nearly 60,000+ Chileans at the hands of an American imposed military junta regime led by Augusto Pinochet was the same establishment which perpetrated September 11, 2001. And Henry Kissinger, who is credited for masterminding the 1973 coup against Allende, is a Jew. FYI 

But you still haven't answered my question as to why you are displaying the insignia of SUMKA (the discredited Iranian Neo-Nazi organization) as your avatar.



example of islamic logic?

by MRX on

what does Chile in early 1970's have to do with what happend in 9/11?  let me guess: same joos (jews) who did that in 1970's did it in 2011!!!

who but a brain washed islamists will blow up himself and others in hope of meeting 70 some virgins!  No budist, shintu, hindu, jew or even christian will do this wacky stuff. 

I always said you islamists are a unique breed! Your lack of compassion for human life, your warp logic and treatment of women  it's all disturbing to say the least.


Pathetic, beneath contempt.....

by Frashogar on

Are wannabe pseudo-Leftists who have completely thrown in their lot hook, line and stinker with the Anglo-American imperialist powers of the NWO who perpetrated both 911s - 1973 and 2001.

There is absolutely no credible evidence showing that "Muslims" committed the atrocities of September 11, 2001 in NYC despite what fabricated mainstream media consensus or the fictional document and US government comic book known as the 911 Commission Report states. These sophisticated acts of terrorism, arson and sabotage were clearly inside jobs committed by the Anglo-American military-industrial complex itself and conveniently blamed on their own rent-a-terrorists al-CIA-duh/al-Qaeda who are presently fighting this establishment's dirty wars by proxy inside Syria as they fought it earlier in Libya last year.

911Truth Experts Speak Out



See also,  //www.911truth.org/


Pathetic, beneath contempt.....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

your attempt at equating islamist terrorism of Al-Qaeda, or Iran's shiat regime with Allende's chile, by  linking the coup against the democratically elected socialist premier of Chile, Salvador Allende, with murderous terrorsit attacks of islamist fascists in 2001 on a group of innocent civilians in NYC, can only be described as Pathetic and beneath contempt.

Islam of the Al-Qaeda or Iran's islamic republic dogs is separated from socialism with a sea filled with  blood of inncents.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by Frashogar on



Very informative

by MaryamJoon on

Thank you.