NATO funded Syrian insurgents torture and behead prisoners

by Frashogar

Tyrannizing the population and desecrating Christian and Sufi gravesites; sodomizing and lynching ambassadors in Libya; tyrannizing and massacring civilians in Syria. A role call of American supported Salafi "freedom fighters" in Syria and their "human rights" campaign to bring "democracy" to Syria while winning hearts and minds one tortured and beheaded victim at a time!

NATO funded Syrian insurgents Torture and Behead prisoners from Syrian Girl on Vimeo.


more from Frashogar


by Frashogar on

The close business relationships of Baha'is with the Saudi establishment are well known.


Saudis blah blah blah

by asadabad on

You bark a lot, lol!!!


Keeping telling yourself that

by Frashogar on

And pigs fly backwards too.



by asadabad on

The foreign mercenaries (revolutionary guards) are killing Christians because they're afraid that they will work with the Christian West against the alawi-shiite dictatorship ruling Syria. 



by Frashogar on

If Syrian Girl wants to persecute Sunnis, what explains the foreign mercenaries in Syria persecuting Christians?


Saudis are occupying Bahrain ... Saudi's days are numbered

by MaryamJoon on



"syrian girl" just wants to persecute Sunni Muslims

by asadabad on

Just like the dictator bashar assad.  Assad is not an enemy of Israel or the US.  Assad regularly tortured people at the request of the US government (rendition).  Assad never fought a single war against Israel or the US.  He had a tacit agreement that as long his family rules Syria, Israel can keep the Golan heights.  The assad mafia fought with the US against Iraq in 1991 and invaded Lebanon in the 1980s to destroy the PLO.   If the US/Israel wanted to get rid of assad they would have done it a long time ago. 

Maryam, you are exposing your hypocrisy by supporting the corrupt dictatorship in Damascus.  Assad is no different than his father who murdereed 20,000-40,000 Sunni Muslim at Hama in 1982.  Why don't we allow the Sunni Muslims (Kurds/Baluch/Arabs) to become iranian leaders and ban shiites from becoming presidents in Iran?  Would you like that?  The current Iranian regime's constituion only allows shiites to rule the country.

The shiite terrorists supporting Assad (revolutionary guard and nasrallah) deserve to be punished for their oppression.

The right to resist is universal. 


It was taken down

by Frashogar on

Syrian_Girl's accounts have been suspended on Youtube and Vimeo as well. This is America's notion of freedom of speech and freedom of the press, i.e. if something contradicts the official narrative, take it down, censor and conceal it, erase all evidence of it, disenfranchise, discredit and demonize all those who put forth the evidence.


She's a sweet heart

by MaryamJoon on

Vimeo can't stop her ...



This was a great video

by MaryamJoon on

What happened to it?



by Frashogar on

That Vimeo has taken down the video. I wonder why? Hmmmmmmmmmm......



by Frashogar on


You must be kidding ...this is a nice..

by delldaar on

Syrian goverment propaganda clip, assitant producer, your bassigi bache akhound


Syria: Christians take up arms for first time against FSA

by Frashogar on

I invite people to look at this article from the Daily Telegraph: //

Now, I have a question. Where are those in the US Congress and current administration to draw resolutions and take positive action on behalf of the Syrian Christian community against the atrocities of the US/NATO's FSA Islamist proxies?



NATO has a lot of proxies

by MaryamJoon on

My opinion is that the video you posted admits one of them: Bahá'í Brainwashing Corporation


The Israeli lobby loves Wahabis - they want others to kill

by MaryamJoon on

The Israeli lobby loves Wahabis - they want others to kill for them, and for their benefit. 

No doubt about this.

NATO is a just a shell organization, and one of the primary shareholders is the Jewish lobby.