The color of Iranian reform

by Fred

In his autobiography talking about choices customers had for his model T cars Henry Ford wrote: “"Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black."

And that seems to be the motto of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, its propagandists, earnest supports and the usual Islamists/anti-Semites and their likeminded lap poodles of lefty allies. Put in Ford’s concept of choice, the Iranian people are entitled to any variation of the Islamist Rapist rule, i.e. “reform” as long as it is IRR.

After eight years of “reform within the Constitution” a la charlatan Khatami, and the new Prince of reform, the former two terms IRR Prime Minister promising to take Iranians back to the “golden era of Imam”, the same era during which under his watch thousands of Iranian prisoners were massacred, one thing is certain.

The question of having the inalienable right to choose who rules over them has been settled for the Iranians. If it makes the lovelies, the populist demagogues and the millenarians which Iran and Iranians are blessed in abundance happy, they can have their desired "reform" so long as it is the Islamist Rapist Republic.


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پس میفرمایین چطوری باتستی از شرّ این رژیم خلاص شد؟


   سی‌ ساله که منتظریم یه معجزه بشه که نشده، منم میگم جنگ نباید کرد، شمام میگین تحریم نبایست کرد، اونم قبول، پس میفرماین بایستی کارت دعوت براشون فرستاد؟ نه‌ جدا میگم آقایون و خانمای اهل فنّ به من رند بی‌ سرو پا حالی‌ کنین چیکار باید کرد.سی‌ سال دیگه هم منتظر بشیم بلکه خودشون برن؟ در ضمن این آقا رحمانیان هم بد نمیگه. شما از کجا میدونین آقا فرد ۲۴ ساعته  رو خطه مگه اینکه خودتونم ۲۴ ساعته رو خط باشین. دیدن حالا با آقا رحمانیان نمیشه شوخی‌ کرد.





دیگران رو نمیدونم ولی من دلم نمیخاد این رژیم حتا یک روز هم که شده سره کار باشه.  "حرف" من  با فرد نیوکان این هست که ایشون تحریم طلب و جنگ طلب تشریف دارن و میخواهند از طریق تحریمهای کمر شکن کمر مردم بدبخت ایران رو بشکن. دلسوزان مردم ایران میدونند که این تحریم ها نه تنها به سرنگونی رژیم کمک  نمیکنه روز به روز سپاه و دستگاه رو قویتر و وحشی تر میکنه.  ولی نیوکانها دلشون به حال مردم بدبخت نسوخته. اون ها ایران رو میخوان  کنن عراقی دیگه.   

G. Rahmanian


G. Rahmanian

كارشون دقيقاً همينه كه مي بيني! به فرد تعنه ميزنن كه ٢٤ ساعت توي اين سايته. حدس بزن اينا از كجا خبردار ميشن!!!


بابا دست از سر این آقا فرد بردارین


 آخه یه نفر چقدر بایستی توهین بشنفه که فقط حرفش اینه که این رژیم بایستی بره؟ مگه شما‌ها میخواین این رژیم سر کار بمونه؟ پس دیگه حرفتون چیه. ول کنین بابا برین دنبال کارو زندگیتون. آخه خجالتم خوب چیزیه.


G. Rahmanian


by G. Rahmanian on

Hard-core IR apologists shedding crocodile tears for the Jews! That's something of a novelty! Death to the murderous regime of IR.


Attacking me, using this

by J.S. on

Attacking me, using this blog forum to spew your pent-up vitriol against Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East and the natural ally of once emancipated Iran and Iranian, just ain’t gonna work. For a change, try debunking the content of the blog. Otherwise, keep on truckin!

What is there is debunk Fred you are right!

I mean using Ford a vocal racist and anti-semi is great. It is arguable that without Ford´s support of Nazi Germany even prior to WWII the concentration camps would have been less effecient and his book, Ford’s, The International Jew had been translated into German and his anti-Semitic ideas provided fertile ground for Germany’s nascent Nazi movement.

As can be sited here:




So yes, Fred. Thank you for your hard work and starting a blog with an initial content, which heroically sited a man that fueled the Nazi extermination camps of WWII, in both idiology and introduction of technology.

Oh darn, I need to go tell my ex-wife´s dead jewish grand mother to stop turning in her grave.


Again, thanks Fred and keep up the good work.



G. Rahmanian

I Tell You Fred,

by G. Rahmanian on

You are doing such a great job that IR is increasing its peons on this site. Death to the murderous regime of IR.


Mehdi is Fred

by comrade on

Extremes join each other; on the other end.

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.



would not suprise me if Mehdi was Fred


Mehdi, your vitriol is not needed here! you are making it easier for Fred to spew out his propaganda.

G. Rahmanian


by G. Rahmanian on

Without you, these people will be out of work. I think deep in their dark hearts they actually like you!


Now, it's getting too historical now!

by comrade on

Once emancipated ? When? By whom? 

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.



Ain't gonna work

by Fred on

Card carrying members of the triumvirate, including the newest tag team partners, listen up.

Attacking me, using this blog forum to spew your pent-up vitriol against Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East and the natural ally of once emancipated Iran and Iranian, just ain’t gonna work. For a change, try debunking the content of the blog. Otherwise, keep on truckin!

ps. you are doing good Mehdi, keep it up. a bit of honety among your type is needed and they should follow your lead in speking forthrightly.


Jewish Rapist Anomaly Must Go!

by Mehdi on

Does that make me anti-semite? The Jewishist would have you think so, of course.



Israel is the CANCER

by Mehdi on

Let's get rid of it!

Thank you. 


IRR propagandists = neocon propagandists


they are one and the same. at the end of it, one thing is clear, they do not care for the ordinary people of iran. for their anti-iranian cause, both see  ends as justify the means.


Just like IRR propagandists who try but fail to tarnish reputations and claim everyone is a "mohaareb" neocon propagandists like to call everyone they disagree with their neocon ways as "usual Islamists/anti-Semites and their likeminded lap poodles of lefty allies"

fokoli neocons and fokoli islamists are one and the same!


Which assembly line are you from?

by comrade on

Scroll down with caution for its graphic nature. I know, you'll come back to me with your usual lap poodle lefty Islamist anti-Semite thing...  

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.