FARVAGEAR - The latest trends in doing away with history and clinging to ancient [myth]

by HollyUSA

There seems to be such great demand for wiping from history the post Islam Iran, I thought may be I can make a buck or three in commission by pushing this. Let's see if there are any takers.


more from HollyUSA

Hello spicyjihad

by HollyUSA on

I am a huge fan of you guys. I saw the debate last night and as hilarious as it is I thought it best not to post here just yet given that emotions are still high with all that is currently going on in our country. But it is yet another beautifully executed piece. Thank you.

And never mind those who don't see the humor. studies show that 98 of a 100 who suffer from 'Nobility' show signs of constipation ;)

Keep up the great work.



Much Thanks from SpicyJihad

by spicyjihad on

Much thanks to Holly jan for spreading the SpicyJihad.com goodness and we also appreciate the kind words from those who have laughed at our silly jokes.

I must only add that it is most perplexing that some become enraged with this laughter and then ask with a feigned air of nobility, 'Is nothing sacred?' on a website who's tagline is literally 'Nothing is sacred'.

Turn those frowns upside down!

- Jhadagar Ali

PS. We actually just released a new animation last night, 'The Debate: The debate for the first free election in Iran, an ideological smackdown.', check it out.


The clip is...

by HollyUSA on

Funny and sad at the same time. The sad part is that we actually have people like that amongst us!
Glad you enjoyed it though. I know I did ;)

Setareh Cheshmakzan

Holly jan, wonderful clips! LOL

by Setareh Cheshmakzan on

Very funny!  You go girl! 

Niloufar Parsi

Holly jan

by Niloufar Parsi on

so fuuny! thanks for posting :)


........DK Jan

by capt_ayhab on

I am known to have disagreed with both of you[you and Ms. Holly] but relax dude this is just a satire.

Your reaction resembles much like fanatic Muslims who are ready to kill some one at the hint of slightest joke, cartoon and anything toward Islam.



P/S Ms. Holly what kind of business are you running here???? Stop the fight and get me the purchase order please  ;-o)


Very good one Holly

by kharmagas on

Watched it three times! Very good one Holly.



by HollyUSA on

Thank you for your words although I just do my best to be balanced. Sometimes, like everyone else I may fail but when I do, I'll be the first to admit it.

And the reason to the adverse reactions to DK is not that he is a Monarchist. That can be someone's political belief and that's fine. Personally, I get tired of what I see as the nonsensical, repetetive and non entertaining spamming he engages in. There's just no value that I can see in the posts.

Furthermore I vehemently oppose this 'Aryan', 'racial purity', 'cultural supremity' mentality and doctrine which amounts to pure racism.

The rest of the Pahlavi dynasty's atrocities are a few books and half in themselves which I don't have the time nor the desire to go into here.

Darius Kadivar

HollyUSA Jaan It Wasn't Meant to Be Funny/Entertaining...

by Darius Kadivar on



So Let Him Refresh You ... And YOUR PARENTS

Fereydoun Farrokhzad - Irani Boodan :



DK jan

by HollyUSA on

Repeating what is not clever to begin with over and over does not make it clever or funny. Your comments always remind me of that altered version of the old saying 'Khod g..zi o khod khandi, ajab marde honarmandi'.

I'm sure the Pahlavi's were good to you. Use some of the lute and hire a writer to give you material worth entertaining with a response.


Darius Kadivar

ex programmer craig Jaan

by Darius Kadivar on

No Worries, My Friend.

The Point is Less the Monarchy than the fact that these clowns claim to have Iran's Interests on mind but all they have come up with is bashing the Pahlavis to justify their Own Failures in Bringing about a Truly Democratic Society they Claim to be the Torch Bearers.

They Enjoy the Freedom America Gave Them but they Repeat Their Own Revolutionary Parents Misguided and Stupid Anti American Slogans that Resulted in What We have endured for 30 years nearly One Generation.

Like the French would say THEY have NOT Done THEIR "OWN EXAMEN DE CONSCIENCE" But want to Give Lessons to Others who Care about their Country and its Past.

In the Minds of These Psuedo Democrats of the IRI kind, the Palestinian People's Predicament is more important that the Predicament of their Own IRANIAN BLOOD ! ...

They Wanted Iran to become Palestine.

But The People are Showing Them Their Own Hypocrisy So They Are All of a sudden uncomfortable and look for every occassion to create dissent amongst Iranians in the Diaspora.

In Iran People are Shouting slogans that Contradict EVERYTHING THESE "GREEN CARD" IRI Apologists have been supporting through their Regular Lobbies:

As Such in Response to "Death to America" People prefer to Chant

"Death to Russia and Death the China"

And Each time they are asked to shout Death to ISrael They PRefer to Chant "NAH FELESTINE NAH GAZEH ... JANAM FEDAYEH IRAN" Aka" " We Don't Care About PAlestine or Gazeh , We Care about IRan and Are willing to Die for OUR Country" 

It is the SHAH's Regime that gave these IRANIAN AMERICANS and their parents  the opportunity to Get an American Education and Enjoy what this Great Nation has to offer in terms of Democracy and Tolerance.

BUT THESE NUTS Belong to that Special Iranian Spiecies which suffer from ALZHEIMERS AND SCHIZOPHRENIA which are Best Known as NAMAK NASHNASS aka "Ungrateful" Iranians ...

Cheers My Friend and no Worries ...

Unlike These Lost CLowns ...



Take Care,




cute and funny

by capt_ayhab on

I like to order the lingerie thingy with its MOHTAVIYAT, in all colors.

Where do I sign? 

-YT  <<< Bad Bad Ayhab

Darius Kadivar

HollyUSA Thank You But Your Palestinian Friends Can't Wait ...

by Darius Kadivar on

The Palestinian Refugee Camps Still Are VERY Eager to See You Grace Their Land with YOUR "GREEN CARD" PATRIOTISM OF THE ISLAMIC KIND ! ...

I am Sure YOU and ARAB DOKHT of the IRI Kind will find Your Stay VERY Suitable to Your Tasts .

Leave IRAN to IRANIANS who Care ...



ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

I've never understood why some some people on this website get on your case so much. You seem quite civil to me, and I've enjoyed a lot of your posts. I'm guessing in must be the "monarchist" thing, because that would explain why whatever is going on is something I can't relate too as a non-Iranian. I see people getting very angry about posts and comments which seem pretty harmless to me. There must be a reason for that, but I'm not aware of what it is.

Anyway... I'm not a fan of people who come on this website to bash Israel  - or America for that matter - just to distract from the real issues of what is facing Iran in the near future. I've never seen Holly do that. I've had a couple disputes with her but I consider them to be legitimate disagreements. Holly has, in my opinion, one of the most balanced attitudes on IC.


Ok Mr Kadivar

by HollyUSA on

Well at least I can see from your avatar that Blue is a good color on you, so not all will be lost.  Enjoy.

Darius Kadivar

HollyUSA That's What YOU Think Dear ...

by Darius Kadivar on

But My Offer still Holds For YOu and YOUR ARAB DOKHT's OF THE IRI KIND ...



Ebrahim Yazdi even told me that It will Be VERY Useful and More Appropriate THAN YOUR NEW GREEN CARD !




Aghaye Kadivar

by HollyUSA on

Thank you for visiting. I respect your individual right to your opinions  even though I have never found them to be informed, balanced and factual nor your comments even remotely clever.

Unfortunately there are never multiple versions of TRUTH and the TRUTH is that the Pahlavi Dynasty will forever remain a dark and regrettable chapter in our history. No amount of name calling or labels placed on its opponents by you or anyone in your camp will ever change that. So its supporters may be my guest and scream until blue in the face (no offense intended, just that it seems to be their preferred mode of communication). THAT history is not going to repeat itself in Iran.

Would it assist in familiarizing the language and getting the message through if I added an "LOL"??


Noosh Afarin jan

by HollyUSA on

I know what you mean azizam. My favorite is 'Dastaye pashmalooye Ariayee...' lol

These guys are beyond fantastic.

Noosh Afarin

هالی عزیز؛

Noosh Afarin

 بسیار احتیاج به پودر لبلسشویی تبلیغ شده دارم،  و بزودی باید لاستیکهای ماشینم رو عوض کنم، اون رو هم باید از اینا بگیرم. ای کاش با اینا  تماس بگیرم که تقاضای بوگیر دهنم هم بکنیم چون بعضیها دهانشون پیف پیف، شاید به این دهان بدبوها کمک بشه

Darius Kadivar

Oh Now I See where Trita Parsi Get's His ;0))

by Darius Kadivar on




When Can I Buy Trita's New Book ? I think its title is :

TREACHEROUS ALLIANCE: Or How The  Half-Breed Zoroastrian Turned Muslim IRI Reformist  Co Authored with the Help of Babak Talebi :


Hee, Hee

And To Quote YOU :

"Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth"

OH and By the Way ...  








by HollyUSA on

I would have to protect their identities since there would be threats on their lives lol

Speaking of LA, have you seen this the Molana one?



Holly jan

by IRANdokht on

You're on a roll tonight :o) The big golden one on the hairy chest was so typical of what you see everywhere in LA!

Do you know who makes these videos?
