Iranians need and want a nationalistic government once and for all!

Iranians need and want a nationalistic government once and for all!
by Iraniandudeee

      Most of these protesters in Iran are rioting out of pure nationalism, they are Iranian nationalists. No other person would take a bullet to the body or risk their life other than a nationalist fighting for Iran's freedom, or for Iran's bright future.

      When this revolution (And it IS a REVOLUTION, no denying that) succeeds in kicking out the islamists out of power, they will most likeley replace them with nationalists. Though my concern is that these nationalists won't be the wrong kind of nationalists that are useless, and diff not the ones that are trying to further their own personal agenda either.

     We need people that are pure nationalists through and through, not the one's that only play the nationalistic card  when it comes to our resources, but also, when our culture, identity, history, foreign and domestic problems, and everything else that truly matters to Iran and the Iranian people is threatend, they should stand by the Iranian people and make our enemies think twice before barking.

     Seeing how the Iranian people are smart and brave, I don't think we'll have a problem with this.

     Further more, we need a strong ideology in the government, and Iran needs to create it own nationalistic party that can promise protection to Iran and the Iranian people if that time ever comes, and spread this ideology and mentality amongst the Iranian people through the media, newspaper, daily life, schools etc... We need to create a nationalistic society in general.

 I Believe that nationalism can fix pretty much all the problems in Iran.

So that's all I had to say, good day, and long live all my Iranian brothers and sisters fighting for a better Iran. I'll do everything that I can to help along.


more from Iraniandudeee

Shepherdess, and capt-ayhab

by Iraniandudeee on

As I said before, I DON'T believe anyone should be forced to convert if and when this law does come out. It should be up to them, and this whole converting law is to unfiy the country. it's purpose will not be for discrimination, but simply more unification.

 Futher more, yes, convertion to another ethnic group can happen and has happened before in history, why is that so hard to believe? In fact, the process is very easy. It's not like we're trying to find how to space travel, so why would you think it's near impossible?

 The Turks, Arabs, Chinese, Americans, Germans etc... have done it in history, some might have been by force, and some not.... ours will not and should not be by force, but by the will of the people who do want to convert. Hell, even Persians have done, either through assimilation, or integration, this is just a more faster way of doing things. The people who do not wish to convert (Most will, I promise you that) have their own choice and should be left alone and free. either way, we gain many things and lose nothing.




by capt_ayhab on

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by capt_ayhab on

You are as racist as you are ignorant. 

Mister Hitler wanna be you noted[I believe in assimilation and convertion since most Iranians no matter what background they're from, consider theirself Persian.]

What sort of assimilation are you proposing? what if people want to keep their own language and religion?

Are you going to eradicate them and only keep your own PURE race?

How ignorant some people could, particularly in this day and age, is beyond me.



Maryam Hojjat

We are all Iranians!

by Maryam Hojjat on

whether turks, lors, persians, arabs, & bluchies.  Iran belongs to all of us and all of us must protect our country & our fellow countrymen from thugs whether native or foreign.

Iraniandudees:  I agree with you and I am glad you have brought up this subject.  In a free Iran, shahnameh must be taught in school instead of Qoran & Shariat.  Social science must be taught to childern & focused on Iranian constituation & human rights under constitiution and Law & order and finally protection of the Iran And Iranians by Iranians from enemies including a authritarian government.

Payandeh Iran & Iranians

Down with IRI & His supporters

The Shepherdess

No I haven't confused you with anybody

by The Shepherdess on

Patriotism is not nationalism. Look them up and get your terminology right.

The more you write about your thoughts the deeper the hole you dig for yourself. Convert? From what? From being another ethnicity? Do you even realize what you are suggesting implies that one ethnicity is superior to another? Now go on and tell me I put words in your mouth.

Furthermore since when can one convert from one ethnicity to another? Ethnicity is not religion. For the sake of argument let's assume one can. Isn't that a personal choice? Is this the kind of democracy you are proposing? One section of the society dictating to the rest what they are to do and what is good for them? If they refuse, which they would have every right to under a true democracy, what do you suggest we do with them? Kick them out? Annihilate them? Go through the process of ethnic cleansing?

It's people like you, who have no idea what they are talking about and don't quite understand the implications of what they are saying, but believe themselves to be knowledgable, who are extremely dangerous. 


I think you've confused me with someone else

by Iraniandudeee on

Please don't make things complicated by putting words in my mouth! Hitler was a national socialist, not a nationalist.

 Nationalism is pretty much the same thing as patriotism.

 P.s, I'm NOT against a multicultural Iran, what I'm against is a useless multi ethnic state. As long we are so ethnically divided, then you cannot in anyways expect everyone to have the same agenda or goals for Iran.

 I believe in assimilation and convertion since most Iranians no matter what background they're from, consider theirself Persian.

 I believe a law should be passed out, and any ethnic group should choose if they either want to be considered as Persians or not... and it should be up to them.

The Shepherdess

You say,

by The Shepherdess on

"I Believe that nationalism can fix pretty much all the problems."

Yeah, just like Hitler fixed Germany's problems in the last century.

Better Iran? Yes. But nationalists can be worse then the clerics. What is wrong with a multicultural democracy and human rights and respect for diversity?