One thing I dislike about some Iranians/Persians


by Iraniandudeee

No it's not our culture, history, the way we think, or our people in general, because I love everything about Iranians, EXCEPT.... EXCEPT for the fact that alot of "Iranians" (If they're Iranian at all???) like to talk crap about theirselves, and I don't mean about one person or their families or cousins, but talking crap about their own people and nation as a whole. And when I mean talking crap, I mean trying to say degrading things about Iranian men and women, trying to discredit the achievements of our people, and basically trying to discourage Iranians of their pride and dignity. Now I don't know how many Iranians are like this or the exact percentage, I personaly think it's a minority from myown experience but even this minority of self-hating Iranians have an impact on the Iranian community abroad. Even some of these so called "Iranian nationalists" are affected by this self-hating mental disease, and I don't think they realize it themself.

I think the main cause of this self-hatred is due to the Americanization/westernization of some (Not most, but just some) Iranians abroad in the community. further more, it's not a problem for only Iranians, but you can see this kind of thinking in many other communities such as the Chinese, Indian, serbian communities where there's self-hatred present, while in other communities you see it less because those people are smart enough to not exaggerate isolated cases or talk bad about their own people, I'm talking about the Arabs, Turks, Afghans (sure Afghans might have some self-haters but it's alot smaller than ours), pakis etc.... Basically non of these people try to discredit their own nations, cultures or people as awhole, so the question is, why should we? Because for the past 30 years we as a people and nation have survived miserable harsh conditions like a 8 year war that took hundreds of thousand loved ones, suffering, to poverty and discrimination abroad. And still, we as a people are here, standing strong and proud (atleast this is the case for most of us).... And trust me when i say we don't deserve this kind of garbage, especially from our own people.

I don't care whether this self-hating mentality is present amongst a small minority of Iranians abroad or not (I believe it's a small minoryt and not most iranians, who are proud) but I want everyone reading this to stop talking negative about Iranians and stop spreading childish stereotypes and ridiculous generalizations about your own people... grow up, have eachother's backs, help eachother out, because Iranians (especially the ones abroad) don't have annyone else to rely on other than our own people. Grow a spine, stop adding fuel to the fire, stop exaggerating isolated cases, stop complaining cause you (The self-haters) are only making it worse, and start thinking before your open your mouths.

Sincerely: Iraniandudeee, Saman


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