What sort of punishment should the mullahs face for their action?

What sort of punishment should the mullahs face for their action?
by Iraniandudeee

Seeing the horrors and crimes of the mullahs done to the Iranian people the past 30 years, I believe every single one of them should be executed.... Not jailed, Not exiled, but simply executed for making the Iranian population go through hell, torturing and killing the Iranian youth and old alike, stealing the resources of Iran and putting it into their own pockets, discriminating and killing religous minorities and amongst other crimes done to the Iranian people.


It's time for the Iranian people to get violent... I wouldn't hesitate to slit a Mullahs or a islamists throat if they threatened Iran.


Here are some ways we could/should execute mullahs.

 1. Impale them up the ass (They would probabely enjoy this)

 2. Kill their families infront of them and make them suffer before killing them.

 3. Kill the mullahs infront of their families then piss on their dead bodies.

 4. Hang them


more from Iraniandudeee

How the heck are you going

by jamshid on

How the heck are you going to act like an animal against these rapists and murderers while you are away from Iran?

Or do you want others to do this, without any support or organization, and then get imprisoned and tortured for it?

Talk is cheap. Don't just vent off your anger, use it in a more productive way. For example, help organize and support the cause of democracy in Iran. Even if you invest your time to recruit only 10 people and get them seriously involved, you have done more than well.

Now, doesn't that sound more realistic and more productive? At least, isn't it the prerequisite for what you want?



by Iraniandudeee on

There are times for peace and there are times for fighting when it's a need.... These mullahs/islamists in power will never ever speak against the things they've done to the iranian people, not now, and not in the future. They will allways justify their action because they claim it is a "Holy act".

 I say lets be violent for a small while in order to get rid of these islamist leaches out of our society.... Sometimes you need to act like an Animal to kill the Animal, just DON'T think like it.


I'm not Angry

by Iraniandudeee on

Trust me man, I'm not even slightly Angry... I hardly get Angry anymore and I can control it just fine. This is how I just think now a days about these islamists in power.

 If there was a mullah/islamist or basiji infront of me, and the only way for a free Iran was through killing them then I would kill them... this is a promise.... and I'm prepared to do so in the future if it ever comes to that.... I think everyone who truly loves Iran should be prepared to take this action.

Kaveh V

Mr./Ms. Shepesh

by Kaveh V on


Just think how much more value they have being alive to recount their repugnant acts and thinking in front of cameras, than their quick demise. They have trivialized death penalty! After their trials and life sentences, they should be dragged out once in a while for interviews to remind the public of what/who they are. Just think of all TV documentaries, interviews and other documentations that can be compiled to prove Islam and Islamism's savagery by having these animals alive.


Give them to me for one hour before execution ...

by Shepesh on

Tie them up, blindfold them and give them to me one hour before their execution. One hour with me and my sharp pencil will show them the real meaning of torture.

Kaveh V

  Jamshid has a very

by Kaveh V on


Jamshid has a very good point. I would also like to suggest for everyone to contemplate on the idea of not using death penalty on any of these genocidal thugs, post IRI. Lengthy tribunals must be expected in order to publisize the depth of their crimes and conspiracy for everyone in Iran, and the world. There is so much more horrific crimes that most of us have no concept of. This needs to be revealed for everyone in Iran. 

A maximum life in prison is sufficient in most cases. It is not just the people behind these crimes that should go on trial, it is the ideology that enabled them to be what they are today. There is historical precedence that these crimes have been committed periodically throughout history, therefore, people (the murderous thugs) alone are not the culprit. It is Islam and Islamism! 


Control your anger

by jamshid on

Your anger is justified, but your reaction is not. There are many mollahs who are imprisoned by the IRI for taking the people's side. There are many others who are under house arrest because they are more secular than even me or you.

Those IRI traitors who have murdered and looted our country, mollah or not, should one day be tried in a fair court. This should be as much an exercise in justice as it is in controling our justified and rightful anger.

By expressing your naked and uncontrolled anger, you have NOT helped the cause of freedom in Iran. You have damaged it. Unknowingly, you have made yourself an accomplice to the cause of the mollahs you hate, by giving them the ammunition they need.

So be intelligent and think. Give a higher priority to the cause of freedom in Iran than to venting your angers. Focus your rightful anger on more intelligent and constructive methods of fighting the regime of rape and murder. 

If you cannot make this sacrifice, then you have not helped your friends, you have only helped those you oppose.

khaleh mosheh

They will have their day in court

by khaleh mosheh on

and soon.

Here is video of recent demonstration at Azadi Stadium just to keep us going,



I cant agree

by javaneh29 on

I want to see them tried in a court of Justice, for war crimes, for the denial of ppl's human rights, for torture, for murder and all the other dispicable acts. Only in this situation can it be shown that there is a difference between them and us. I want them to have lawyers to speak on their behalf.... I would not deny them their human rights dispite that they have done this very thing themselves. There is not a word or any thing that can defend their actions.

In my opinion, death will not atone for the crimes they have committed.
