The whore of America


The whore of America
by Iraniandudeee
 I'll make this blog simple, since you seem to not want to realize what I'm saying, or pretending to not understand my message.       First let's get something straight, I'm not muslim or a mullah supporter, nor did I get my veiws on America from them (I don't even watch or listen to their crap)..... I got my veiws on Americans and America by LIVING IN IT, and by being friends with Americans..... and this is how I know that this society is messed up, BY actually LIVING in it for 10 years. Don't think that I'm like one of those immigrants that can't integrate cause they don't know anything about the American society, no, I already integrated, and this is also why I know it's crap, from first hand experience.... and this is why I don't want my country to turn out like America, cause, let's face it, the American society is truly disturbing in every single way. Also, this is the reason why I don't want to be a part of America any longer....... Actually, I don't think anyone with a brain would want their country or people to be like america or americans.

          Further more, I would like to talk more about how and why Americans act the way they do. Personally I think It is because they lack a strong identity, and because of this, they lack real culture, and because of that, they lack values, class or morals (Not all, but most do)...and the American people are becomign crappier generation by generation.. Now any society that wants to be healthy and actually survive needs to have a strong culture, and they need to encourage this specific culture to the mass, but since America's missing real culture and a identity as a whole, this will never happen. Keep in mind that that we're talking about a society where the average marriage bewteen a American women and a American man lasts 10 years at best, why you ask? because noone here is committed, Most americans look out for their ownself and don't care about others, nor do they help eachother. All they care about is money, and their own personal needs.... This is one example, another example of an American could be that they are ignorant, racist, uneducated and simple-minded, but we can't blame them, cause remember, it is the media that brainwashes the people, and sadly most Americans listen to the media like it was god or something.



  Chicago dad, it's pretty obvious that you know what i'm saying is the truth about America, and again, ME TELLING THE TRUTH DOES NOT MAKE ME A "KLANSMEN", lol, NO MATTER HOW HURTFUL THE TRUTH MAY BE, IT IS STILL THE TRUTH, AND YOU KNOW IT.

             Btw, it's pretty pathetic to see you trying to defend and suck up to these selfhaters when in reality these selfhaters are racist to their own people.... Have some dignity why don't you! This is all for now.           P.s, don't think I hate Americans for this reason, caus I don't, actually I couldn't care what you Americans do as long as you mind your own business and stop shoving your "Culture and mentality" down people's throat....


more from Iraniandudeee

Home of the ... شترمرغ




شترمرغ .
[ ش ُ ت ُ م ُ ] (اِ مرکب ) نعامه .ظلیم . اشترلک . (مؤید الفضلاء).
اشترمرغ . مرغی باشد شبیه به شتر و عربان نعامه خوانند. (برهان ). نوعی
است از مرغ که در بعضی اعضا مشابه به شتر باشد گویند که آتش هم میخورد.
(غیاث اللغات ). حیوانی است که گردن و سر آن به شتر ماند و پرهای آن به
مرغ و دیده ام که آتش افروخته و آهن تفته و فلوس مس فرو برد و بلع کند و
به تحلیل برد. حیوانی بدبوی و کثیف است و به حمق معروف است چه بیضه ٔ خود
را چون به چرا رود گم کند وبر بیضه ٔ دیگری بخسبد و در مثل آمده : فلان
احمق من نعامة. و مشهور است که به شترمرغ گویند بار کش گوید مرغم ، گویند
دانه خور گوید شترم نواله خواهم . (از انجمن آرا) (از آنندراج ). پرنده ای
است از راسته ٔ دوندگان که بلندیش تا 3 متر میرسد و تا حدود 100
کیلوگرم وزن می یابد. این پرنده دارای بالهای کوچک است که هیچوقت برای
پرواز به کار نمیرود. تاج استخوان جناق وی از بین رفته پرنده ٔ مزبور فاقد
شاه پر است . و بسرعت میدود. شترمرغ ماده در طول عمر فقط 20 تخم میگذارد که حجم هر یک به اندازه ٔ 25
برابر تخم مرغ خانگی است . (فرهنگ فارسی معین ). بزرگترین طیور و واسطه ٔ
فیمابین پرندگان و چهارپایان است و در افریقا و آسیای غربی وحدود گرمسیر
یافت میشود و به تفاوت و مختلف الوان است شکری رنگ آن هفت قدم ارتفاع دارد
و گردنش سه قدم و وزنش 13 من است و قوه و اقتدار حمل دو نفر را دارد. نوع دیگر بالهای سیاه و شفاف و دم سفیدی دارد. ارتفاع وی 10 قدم و پرهای بال او در نهایت گرانبهایی است و تقریباً در هر بالی 20
دانه پر کارآمد اعلا دارد لکن پرهای دمش غالباً شکسته و بیکاره است و
رانها و زیر بالهای او عاری از پر و گردنش دارای موهای سفید و نازک میباشد
از وضع و هیأت و اندازه و ترکیب بالهایش چنان مینماید که این حیوان
ازبرای دویدن خلق شده است نه ازبرای پریدن . (قاموس کتاب مقدس ) :


چو بهرام گور آن شترمرغ دید








The Parasite and a very sick Empire


The business district at downtown Detroit, MI
surrounded by low income neighborhoods, is typical of many east cost
cities. It has been steadily shrinking for the past several decades.
Soon after dark, businesses close shop and the surrounding area goes
dead except for a few night clubs.


This is what I am talking about ... It is the dawn of a new American Century


What is even more strikingly typical is the deep
seeded fear seen in the faces of white suburbanite business men if any
are wondering around after
7:00 PM.


After 9-11 and the Iraq
war, this fear, though in different form, has been exported across
cities and continents to many more faces. Fear of course is a commodity
Israelis are very intimately familiar with and peddle very well. State
Israel after all was born out of war and terror. On daily biases, Israel continues to exercise its right to terrorize whom ever it deems as “terrorists”.


For the past several decades, there has been a
systematic psychological warfare campaign to demonize all people of
Middle Eastern (M.E.) background especially the Muslims (secular or
not). All Zionist apparatus from mass media to
Hollywood has been used for this purpose.


The experience of terror is the “valuable commodity and the future vision” Israel wants to share with USA. This is how Israel
defines the context in which it will hope to remain relevant and
ultimately use its influence to shape US interests and M.E. policies.


WAR and Terror are existential necessity for state of Israel.


The Palestine Petri dish is the microcosm of what Israel had wished the US would reshape/remap Middle East into and in the process, it had hopped, USA itself would turn into an image of Israel.


“The zionist power configuration’s primary loyalty is to the state of Israel and its policy is designed to colonize the US congress... to the benefit of the ‘mother country’, Israel


"The colonization of American government will only end with creation of a real fifty state democracy in the U.S.A. , which could help bring about a real one state democracy in Palestine. Unfortunately, anything less will mean much more pain and suffering, possibly of epic proportions. And not only in Palestine, and not only for Jews."

-- James Petras


Right after the 9-11, we had Israeli security
think-tank suggest that American families like many Israelis avoid
going out shopping at the same time to minimize losses in case of an
attack. In fact, the business of terror has been very good for many
Israeli security businesses which have obtained lucrative
US contracts.


Just recently, we had AIPAC pushing legislation for naval blockade of Iran in hope of a creating prerequisite to war.


AIPAC draws its influence from the same gang of criminals who have brought US economy to brink of bankruptcy.  According to one commentator “Bear Stearns was a group of scrappy outsiders, led by Jews of no social pedigree.”


Pedigree or not, these criminals are Zionist and they must be exposed.

thing America must do is cut Israel loose. It is a menace and an
abomination and a lot of America’s present difficulties can be traced
there, one way or the other.
is coming folks and I don’t think it matters where you think that
judgment is coming from; from some divine agency or just the
consequence of stupid, self interest where the numbers do what numbers
do. No matter what you may believe or not believe you surely know that
there is balance in the world and when it goes missing it will adjust
itself no matter where you are standing and without a thought for you.


Bellow is video on a discussion by Greg Felton titled “The Host and The Parasite”








LOL, pathetic!

by Iraniandudeee on

Look at all these selfhating baffons, throwing kindergarten insults at me like "retard" and "you're crap".... Does the truth hurt so much? If what i say was crap, you morons wouldn't be so threatend and offended by it.

 It's sad to see lost idiots who deny day and night that Americans themselves don't want anything to do with them, lol.

Btw, why is it so hard to believe that I'm Anti-American (as in American society and their ignorant mentality) and anti-Islamic republic at the same time?

I'm an independent Iranian nationalist.

Get used to it.

Zende bad Iran!





by khaleej-e-fars (not verified) on

is a great song and it is so you. Give it a listen.



A somewhat good piece of

by AnonymousTheOtherDude (not verified) on

A somewhat good piece of crap.


Zahre maar!

by Arizona-Khuzestani (not verified) on

Ten years in America and this is the best you can write. It's worse than a second grader's for God's sake. And you call these people uneducated? You've got to be a friggin retard...Retard!

God help Iran if you are an example of of what the IRI passes off as one of the best and brightest that Aryan culture can produce. You and your IRI buddies are no better than that scum that settles between my toes after I've been wearing my shoes for many hours on a hot day.