The land of Ghool, Deev and Jens

by Kamangir

If you spent even part of your childhood in Iran, you definitely remember the presence of 'deevs' and 'ghools' and other creatures such as 'jens' and mystical giant birds such as 'simorgh'.

These beings or creatures were so embeded in the national culture, that even nowadays some Iranians living abroad do believe in their existance. It was some 3 years ago as I was having a conversation with a fellow Iranian and his non-Iranian wife, and we were talking about different things and all the sudden we were discussing the presence of these mysterious creatures and he very seriously said, well I know that ghools and deev are just a myth but believe me, the 'jens' do exist. I'm convinced they exit. To be honest I was really amazed that a dude like him that had spent most his life abroad, living in different nations, was convinced that 'jen' or the plural 'ajine' do exist. This confirmed, the deep presence of such believes in Iran, and to be honest with you, they are so convinced about 'jens' that I myself have my doubts about it too. I ask myself, what if they really exist? and if so, why is it most people have seen them in the public baths? If they don't exist, why is it that most people in Iran are convinced they do? I also ask myself, what if I were a 'jen' and at dawn in the public bath, suddenly ran into Mr. Ahmadinejad, as a'jen' that would scare the bejesus out of me!


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Both the Bible and the Koran....

by Shahram (not verified) on

Both the Bible and the Qoran write about the existence of the Jen. I do not understand why this should be such a big deal? If we humans exist, why should it be so strange that other forms of creatures also exist? This is pure human ego, to think that we should be the only creatures of intelligence. Of course there are other creatures of intelligence - both on our planet and on other planets.


To: Faribors Maleknasri M.D.

by Anonymous12 (not verified) on

I wanted to inform you that the science of psychiatry has made a lot of developments within the past 10 years, and there is a lot of help for you out there. Psychosis is nothing to be ashamed of. Just go to a doctor and repeat some of this crap you've written up here to him and he'll take it from there. Khoda enshala shafa mide... Some really colorful people visit this site. its fascinating!!!


answering your nice queation

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

yes I am all right. thank you for your questioning. I hope you too feel well.
It was not my primary opinion that all iranians were fanatic mullahs. This name is given to iranians by self named World society. since it is not possible for a small nummber of fanatic mullahs to protect their country, so I think all 30 Millions were fanatic mullahs in 1978/79 and now they count 70 Million. see the greate satan escaped 1980 and has not dared to come back yet. Is that only because they - the greate and the little little tiny satans - are afraid of a small number of fanatic mullahs? the answer can only be NO. the satans are afraid of 70 million fanatic mullahs. Right? and please dont worry, be happy. Greeting



by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Explanation. these words are not any true farsi words. they are niether loanwords. they belong to dialect word class. in farsi exist the word CHORT and PAART. any how the meaning of two words is: nonsense. the word EY-ranians is, as far as i could surch and find the word eyrie means Nest of eagle. But EY-ranians? I did not found any where the meaning of. are these individuals somehow NOCHEs of greate satan? you name them as mooftkhor. the greatest mooftkhor is the greate satan. if one does not feed him voluntarily, so he gets mad and wants to eat you! But the ones who feed the graete satan voluntarily are not considerd to expect a help or positiv reaktion in case they need some. Example nummber 2: Sadam. Greetings


F.M., M.D., Are you

by 1Anonymous (not verified) on

F.M., M.D.,
Are you alright?
So per your opinion all Iranians were and are fanatics, and also there is truth in Kohmeinie's face being on the moon? (M.D.?)


and I am ...................

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

if it is so, if his picture was seen in the moon, so there must be a lot of truth on the story. because he came soon after in persona. shortly bevor his coming escaped the most little little tiny satan. few monthes later escaped also the graete one. he has not yet dared to come back. In farsi they say: deev cho birun ravad fereshteh darayad. so was in iran in January 1979. Greeting


Do you............

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

new name for greate satan? Ghool? when ghool, then bi shakh o dom.
Iranians are not and have never been fanatics. the only fanatics are those 30 millions Mullahs. 1978/79 they wanted at no prise be slaves of greate satan any more. they count to day 70 Million and stil they do not want to be slaves of anybody. in the stories for childeren there are ghools, deevs and a lot more likewise. Greate satan is the reality. we must be aware. Greeting


Ghool on

by Qumars Bolourchian (not verified) on

Speaking of Ghools, there is one in who constantly harasses me. He calls me names. He abuses me. He wants to do things into me.


"and I am sure many others

by 1Anonymous (not verified) on

"and I am sure many others remember too that the rumor about khomeini's picture in the moon"
There's a world of a difference between a "rumor" and a fact (I'm not discussing how this rumor was spread inside Iran, and also how and by who it was spread outside of Iran, and as a fact, and nor is my observation based on religions or politics). Yes there is a good lesson for re-visiting and discussing superstitions, but for it to be another Iranians peef peef poof poof, and we so great, is immature, at best.


Bunch of non sense

by Javad agha (not verified) on

Once again, bunch of non sense from Ey-ranians who live in the west. Look at who(m) is Deev sucking the blood of other countries.


hehehe welcome two new countries: Pakistan and Turkey to the club. Now the big Deev can suck more blood to benefit its people including the Ey-rainians who live in the West. No wonder they contend West is a good place to work and live. If you knew what Bloodwater (Blackwater) did, you would be ashamed of yourself.


With several million Ey-ranians in the U.S., it is shame that we see these sorts of non-sense over and over happening from the U.S. government.


Stop the non-sense, Iran needs help of Iranians while Ey-ranians claiming to enjoy life in free countries.



by Sohrab_Ferdows on

What you stated there is not true. I remember very well and I am sure many others remember too that the rumor about khomeini's picture in the moon was circulating in Iran very fast and it took the whole country before it was denied by some smarter mullahs. that was not the only rumor which was circulating by ommate hezbollah. they also spread the rumor of finding hair in Quran and propagated about oil money to be delivered at the door of every Iranian family too.


It is not true that a "large

by Ali (not verified) on

It is not true that a "large portion" of Iranians claimed to have seen Khomenini's face on the moon! In fact this whole thing about people seeing Khomeini's face on the moon was and has been hyped up (and probably fabricated) by monarchists to discredit the intelligence of the Iranian people for having overthrown them!

It wasn't out of superstition or ignorance that Iranians overthrew the monarchists, but for very real social and political reasons.


"Remember that 30 years ago

by 1Anonymous (not verified) on

"Remember that 30 years ago large portions of the Iranian society (actually people living in the capital, tehran itself) saw the face of a very ugly 'deev' on the moon (the face of khomeini on the moon)" Another ridiculous and unsubstantiated misrepresentation (most people seeing Khomeini's face on the moon), who told you that? your daddy?



by Sohrab_Ferdows on

Today, there is no doubt in any scientific mind that the world is not limited to what we as human beings can sense. Our relation with the world around us is through our 5 known senses but there are manythings which exist but we can not realize with our natural senses. take radio waves for example or any kind of sound or light wave which is out of the spectrum of our visual or hearing abilities. your natural senses can decive you too by falsely giving you the impression that for example you see or do not see something. one of the easiest examples is the basis of movie making which has been achieved based on knowledge that human eyes can not sense anything within certain amount of time (I think it is one sixteenth of a second) and if something changes position faster than this then your eyes can not see it. have you ever looked at a fan which is spinning very fast? sometimes it's almost like there are no spinning blades there because you can  see right through them. you can build your understanding on these principles and many others which are available (thanks to science and observations) to us today.


Iran has definitely been a mysterious place for a very long time. no wonder if they call it cradle of civilization. The issue of presence of "ghool" or giant human beings has been looked at scientifcally and there are evidences to show that human like creatures have existed on this plannet with the size a lot larger than normal human beings. Some remenants of huge skeleton have been found in the region of mesopotamia (I think it was northern the area known as Iraq today) which did not match any creature other than humanoid being. I have heard about "jen" too and you are right that these stories have been very common among Iranians. considering the limitation of human natural senses, one can just imagine of possibility of existance of something beyond these limits. you can call it anything.

"deev" is another part of this puzzle. old and acient Iranian stories are full of creatures with great abilities (sometimes good and sometimes bad) called "deev". Shahnameh has also many nice stories in which "deev" has an important (mostly negative) role in them. Extra ordinary abilities of deevs included ability to fly and speak all spoken languages of human being! one of the nice stories is about Jamshid shah of Kiyani dynasty who attacks land of deevs in part of Iran and defeats them and captures their leaders! deevs request for negotiation and offer some incentives for a peace deal which gets accepted by Jamshid shah. The incentives included flying the throne of Jamshid shah on the shoulders of a few deevs in presence of Jamshid's army which were gathered for this show in a desert. That day, based on Shahnameh, was called Norooz from that day on!


To the lad who seems to be

by Kamangir on

To the lad who seems to be correcting people's English: Next time correct the mistakes and mention them specifically, or else keep quite (and I'm trying to be polite)

The biggest 'ghool' you're facing is not actually a ghool, is a blood sucking 'deev' called Islamic regime (get this straight, bache akhoond)

Remember that 30 years ago large portions of the Iranian society (actually people living in the capital, tehran itself) saw the face of a very ugly 'deev' on the moon (the face of khomeini on the moon)

Iran remains a very superticious country and this is not insulting Iranians, is just a fact. Islam has contributed a lot to this.




"If they don't exist, why is

by 1Anonymous (not verified) on

"If they don't exist, why is it that most people in Iran are convinced they do?" And you personally spoke with and asked for the opinion of "most people in Iran"? Don't hesitate ass-u-ming (I'm not saying there aren't superstitious people in Iran, but your comment is deceiving and unsubstantiated).
A lot of people all over the world have their superstitions (I'm not defending it, just saying how it is). An example, 95% of educated Jews have some kind of symbol attached to the door of their homes to avert bad spirits and evil from their house. By spending most of one's life abroad does not equate to jack, look at all the bozos who also live in the west, and also look at yourself with your negative generalization of Iranians here as one solid example.


Javad an Agha

by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

To: Javad an Agha

Are you an asshole? Do you enjoy writing and saying ey-rian? The biggest assholes we are facing are the Mullahs.


Thank you for your story. Javad an agha and his likes are bunch of assholes and/or kir khor [freedom of choice].



Do you have to .... ?

by Javad agha (not verified) on

Are you an Ey-ranian?

Do you have to write chert-o-pert? Please explain to non-Ey-ranians what chert-o-pert means.

At the time, when we are facing big Ghool (America), many mooftkhor Ey-ranians cannot stop bull shitting.


check your english

by Cyrus- (not verified) on

check your writing for two or three mistakes that i see here.