The world wide company


by Kamangir

We Iranians and middle easterns living in the west are somehow reluctant and/or afraid of talking about it. However, we should know as many americans by now do that 9/11 was an inside job, carried out by a small team of the CIA with clear coordination from the very top of the neoconservative administration. It was a very sofisticated military exercise with the only purpose of cretaing the syntetic war on terror. Killing not only one, but several birds with one stone. This is not one more conspiracy theory, it's been backed by many studies and reaserch done on the issue by many well respected professionals such as the members of the scholars for 9/11 truth movement and other groups. The Oil era is ending and when that happens the whole civilization as we know it will come to a halt, this will definitely cause very massive civil unrest, specially in the US as it's the most dependant western nation on oil. The patriot act for instance is getting everything ready to control those future deep social unrests. There's a lot at stake and Iran is too vulnerable to foreign meddling, it has all the ingredients for future desintegration just as yugoslavia did. The hidden powers of the world have too many resources at their disposal and they will use it against anyone and anything. There was never such a thing as revolution in Iran. That was an international conspiracy against the shah regime and what comes next in Iran is just another international plan. If you just look at the progression, after 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq, the Islamic mafia of Iran knew that they were next, specially after having tried to open some talk channels with the Americans in Switzerland, they realized the neocons are going for a regime change. they would have never allowed someone like ahmadinejad to come to power, however they changed their mode to agresive and defensive since they know that they are doomed. They have been carrying their own preemtive action against the US both in Iraq and elsewhere, however, they have realized that the only thing that can save them is a military confrontation with the west as this would keep them in power, they need this huge confrontation to survive, what they are really afraid of is the severe economic sanctions as this will cause deep and wide national unrest, they have also started to take preemtive action on that. The hidden powers of the world are shaping the planet as they wish in order to meet the post-oil era. Iran meets the requirements for desintegration both socially and strategically. Militarily, the US can collapse and paralize Iran in days. They have done this elsewhere. Once the oil starts runing out, every single aspect of current civilization as we know it will change, this is the equivalent of a huge cataclysm affecting the entire planet, only the smart, the most intelligent and brilliant of humans will win the battle and they do not seem to be the ones ruling Iran right now. A country that cannot refine properly the oil it sells, it cannot get nuclear reactors without foreign help... is this country going to withstand the complex and sofisticated planning of the hidden powers? I don't think so.

Has anyone ever imagined this world a day without internet? emails? electronic transactions?


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by Kamangir on

Dear mrclass

I suggest we join the globalization forces by doing all we can against the arabo-muslim mafia in Iran. Knowing how the hidden powers operate, will help us to better hurt the Islamic rats that are chewing our country away. Our priority is and should be getting rid of islamo-fascists, knowing who brought them to power and how this happened really helps. The only problem is that many iranians both in and outside Iran ask: if pakistan and india has nuclear power, why should Iran be allowed to have it? these very primitive ideas are just way out of line.  Nobody gives a damn about their nuclear technology, it's just a matter of an expired 'product' that needs to be removed with an 'excuse'



The state-run newspaper Qods

by Anonymousq (not verified) on

The state-run newspaper Qods reported that a mother of three is sentenced to stoning. Reportedly, the evidence is video tapes of her having sex with another person [Persian].

We have to stop this! Spread the news and send the link in the comment section. We have to stop this.

Do we want this to happen again (Very Graphic)?



here we go, this is what you

by iranian-not (not verified) on

here we go, this is what you guys do all the time, using the CIA and the Usa as the escapegoats for your barbarisms and shortcomings, leave the f.... out of this country if you so despised its people and institutions, what are you still doing here???? they did not ask you to come? can't go back to you country, because you could not eat there or you will be kill, then shut up already about the USA


Kamangir: Spot on the

by Indigo (not verified) on

Kamangir: Spot on the manufactured coup of 1978 by the international powers. The book, "A centurey of war" by William Engdhall is a MUST READ for all Iranians:


These two viedeos are also instructive as to why they got rid of the Shah for daring to criticize the zionist lobby and the oil companies:




what do you suggest?

by mrclass on

 yes we all know that shah was overthrown by angelo american alliance and yes there are many questions that have not been answered by 9/11 commision (does smell fishy), but what would you suggest us to do? should we just commit mass sueside? the game is over and we can not do anything about it? should we join islamo facists now because they are alledgedly fighting neocons as you say? or should we support regime change?


This isn't even a good

by Anony (not verified) on

This isn't even a good fiction. is this what you think of when you go to bed at nights?