Cartoon: In Memory of the Eagle کارتون: بیاد ناصر، عقاب آسیا

Cartoon: In Memory of the Eagle کارتون: بیاد ناصر، عقاب آسیا
by KavehAhangarAdel

بیاد ناصر، فقط همین.

In memory of Naser, that's all.

Cartoon: In memory of the Eagle of Asia

Artwork 2011©

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Souri, much appreciate your comment...

by KavehAhangarAdel on

He will be missed and may he rest in Peace.

If I want to be FREE I’ve got to be ME!

Kaveh Adel's Facebook Art & Humanity Page



Very great imagination!

by Souri on

I loved it!

Good job! Thank you.

May his soul rests in peace.