Political Cartoon: Deforestation, Dehumanization

Political Cartoon: Deforestation, Dehumanization
by KavehAhangarAdel

Simply, deforestation.



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Artwork 2011©KavehAdel.com

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When we limit human life to an object...

by KavehAhangarAdel on

or a number then murder is much more easily justified.

@yolanda: thank you for your comment, absolutely true not limitedjust to IRI but seen all around the world.

@Mehrban: I appreciate your kind words.

If I want to be FREE I’ve got to be ME!

Kaveh Adel's Facebook Art & Humanity Page


What a pity :-(

by Mehrban on

Thank you for this excellent work.



by yolanda on

The sad thing is that human lives don't get much more respect than trees in Iran.....IRI can hang a person and end a human life pretty quickly without much hassle and misgivings!

Initially, I thought IRI's executioners may have nightmares or need to receive counselling 'cause they have to carry out so many executions...they are the busiest executioners in the entire world.......not really! To them, ending a human life is easier than cutting down a tree! ................very sad!

Thank you for sharing!