Political Cartoon: Medusa, the Male Dictator کارتون: مدوسا، دیکتاتور مرد!؟

Political Cartoon: Medusa, the Male Dictator  کارتون: مدوسا، دیکتاتور مرد!؟
by KavehAhangarAdel

Medusa, a female Greek Mythological character has a male version much more villainous and vicious.

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Political Cartoon: Medusa, the Male Dictator


Artwork 2011©KavehAdel.com

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Azadeh jan, The gaze that turns one to stone.

by KavehAhangarAdel on

I agree that  Medusa (before she was turned into a monster) was a beautiful guardian woman where Athena dealt her a monsterous blow.  In my drawing, the gaze of the "male" Medusa turns himself into stone while he is oblivious to the Zahak-esque demise by the two-pronged sword of "justice". :)  Thanks, as always for your input and interpretations.


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Azadeh Azad


by Azadeh Azad on

Kaveh ja: I hope you know that Medusa is a positive character for the feminists :-). Great drawing, nevertheless. I like the fact that the Dictator's body is already cracking.

