
Mehdi Mazloom
by Mehdi Mazloom

Every day we are reminded of Iran eminent threat to the region, and to the whole world.. As headlines warn us. “Iran's growing influence in the region”. Or “watch out for Shi'ite Crescent engulfing the region, from E. Saudi Arabia, all the way to Lebanon by way of Iran & Syria. “or Remove Israel from the map”, as quoted from their pathetic president.

The biggest question is, do these Mullahs in Tehran project real force and influence in the region, or like a male turkey, they just bluff their feathers to look much larger then their true size, in an effort to impress the rest of us with its purported military might..

First, lets look at some data about the “Islamic Republic of Iran”?.

Here are few statistics. (Source: CIA Almanac).

Population: 65,875,223 (July 2008 est.)

Age structure:
0-14 years: 22.3% (male 7,548,116/female 7,164,921)
15-64 years: 2.3% (male 24,090,976/female 23,522,861)
65 years and over: 5.4% (male 1,713,533/female 1,834,816) (2008 est.)

Ethnic groups:
Persian 51%, Azeri 24%, Gilaki and Mazandarani 8%, Kurd 7%, Arab 3%, Lur 2%, Baloch 2%, Turkmen 2%, other 1%


Chiefof state: Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-KHAMENEI (since 4 June 1989). Prior to his election, no visible knowledge, or experience of international relationship.

GDP - per capita (PPP): $10,600 (2007 est.)

Source of income – 85% from oil.

Oil – production: 4.15 million bbl/day (2006 est.)

Oil – consumption: 1.63 million bbl/day (2006 est.). Only 2.8% of world consumption.

Oil - exports: 2.52 million bbl/day (2006 est.)

Oil – imports: 153,600 bbl/day (2004). Mainly Gasoline and Diesel.

Military Force: from all one can tell, Iranian military forces are of a 3rd rate force with second rate technology. The backbone of it air force is is made up of Vietnam era US made phantoms F-4s. They are no match to the US F-22, F-117, F-18, F14 & F16, and Israel's similar advance planes, and better trained fighter pilots.

International allies: Iran of late, it has been isolated and ostracised by the international community which fears the Mullah's nuclear program,and its intended military purpose. Syria, Hizbollah & Hamas are the only groups which have close military and political relationship with Iran.

Now, let's analyze the data, to see how this regime fares in time of conflict with outside forces.

Minority within a minority: Iran's current leadership is made of Farsi ethnic group. They are only 51% of the total population of this ethnically diverse country. With reported 80% disapproval rating among the population, where these mullah will get their popular support?

Shiites vs. Sunnies : The Mullah's Shi'ite sect of Islam, makes up only 11% or so of the total Muslims in the world. Despite their pretentious mantra of “Islamic unity” with other Muslims in the region, it is a known fact, that Iranians look down at their Arab neighbors, loath and view the Arabs as backward and primitives. A factor which has not escaped the Arab's attention, and one of the reasons for Arab mistrust of the Shiite-Farsi.

The other conflict is the Shiites vs. Sunnies sects, which goes back to 1350 years (who is the rightful successor to Muhammad).

In reality, Iran today is surrounded from all sides with US and other western military forces. With no real and viable allies who share cultural and fundamentalist religious values with the Mullahs, Iran has no one else to rely on support, except on its Farsi sect. These Mullahs can't even trust, nor rely other non-Farsi minorities in the country to come to their aid when needed.

Even groups, or states, such as Syria, Hizbollah & Hamas, those Mullahs have to buy their support with hard cash money. (Iran is reported to have paid over $1B to finance Syria's purchase of Russian anti-aircraft missiles, and pays more then $300M to Hizbollah to keep it alive).

On the diplomatic front. Look at that little akh-mag-e-nejad (aka ahmadinejad). He is considered a burr and backward, even to the Iranians themselves. With his bizarre behavior and pathetic posture, he is a joke in the world arena.

On the internal front, these regime is loathed and despised by 80% of the young population, whom are by far more worldly and sophisticated then their leaders.

It reported that, there are more then 60 opposition groups to this regime. The most insidious and effective one is the dreaded MEK.

At anytime, the west can (and will) stop the flow of refined oil product (Gasoline, Diesel & Lubricant) imported from Kuwait to Iran. Crating a civil unrest in Iran (remember the riots when Gasoline was rationed to 100L a week). At same time, other Gulf Arab states will increase their oil supply to make up any lost shipments from Iran, thus blunt the treat of oil supply shortage.

In lieu of these facts, how these Mullas are going to survive, once a decisions of regime change is made by the west. One would guess, not much.

Stay tune and get ready for showdown with this regime – regime change is on its way, and those Mullahs know it.


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more from Mehdi Mazloom

Mola, very good

by ThePope on

comment. -lol

Unfortunately, you're right. The mullahs (you guys!) are not going anywhere soon. Just started to enjoy the ride??! Right!

I loved your dragon example, but hope one day, we'll cut all the one thousand heads of(f) this "dragon". And not in 100 years or so, but sooner. Hopefully.


PS: what kind of mullah are you??? I mean the color of you're turban? ?White, black, green...?


kurdish faker

by ThePope on

Just cuz you're a dumb ignorant liar, doesn't mean everyone's like you and you can go around insult others... Instead of doing so, keep your hatred & "ugliness" for yourself and try to learn something by actually reading and understanding other comments posted here so you might at least understand something about "your kurdestan" and not to pretend that you do... I just knew that you're a typical dumb wannabe "kurdish faker". Obviously from your stupid irrelevant replies, you actually don't know shit on Iran and its different region including "your kurdestan" cuz you've never been there... You were probably a young 'puss' when you left Iran and you're just another runaway Kurd living abroad and far away from the heat of action cuz you're too much of a coward to be in your homeland. A "Kurdish coward". You're just another kurdish refugee. Listen little "kurdish fugitive", just cuz you're from a kurdish background doesn't mean you know about today's social, economic and political situation in kurdestan. So, like I said, try to learn something instead of being ARROGANT and maybe you might acquire some knowledge on "your kurdistan". And don't insult others cuz it'll come back to you, just keep on reading... Just for your info, since the first gulf war in the 90s, we're doing business in the region, (over 15 years in "your kurdistan" than you don't know shit about) and making very good money with real kurdish fighters (not kurdish role players like U). Real kurdish fighters are respectfull and brave men, not like you a dumb wannabe chesty kurd (or a Kurdish faggot seems to fit you better). If you've heard about some sepahis (and not basiji cuz in kurdestan it's a different story) getting their ass kicked, we (not taking any credit at all) and the brave kurdish fighters (who deserve all the credit) had a big role in it.... We might of have helped (not only monetary) some innocent soldiers in the region, but we were never soldiers ourselves, but like I said more of " men of business"... And if it wasn't for dumb ignorant piece of shit like you, maybe the kurd resistance groups would 've been more successful today. So keep your stupid remarks for yourself cuz they fit you much better...You dumb lying pretender. Next time when you read other people's comments and learn something new, don't pretend like you already knew it and come up with lame arguments with what you've just learned; you said: "It is true that Iraqi Kurds might have relationship with IRI for now but
beleive me they don't do this because of their love for your Mullahs..." What proof do you have that tha Iraqi kurds have relation with IRI?? Hein! You just picked that up from my comment and want to use it somehow just to pretend you know what's going on in the region. What's you're back up for Iraqi kurds having relation with IRI??? You're such a loser. BTW, who said they (Iraqi kurds) have a love for the supid mullahs?? Next time don't make an ass out of yourself by faking you know shit just cuz you're from a kurdish background. And try to buy some respect for yourself, you lying kurdish poser. :) -s'r chow



Mola Nasredeen

mullas are going nowhere, mazloom you are right on the money

by Mola Nasredeen on

They are staying around for another 100 years or more.   I am a mola myself. I know this crowd is not gonna go away, EVER. They are like a dragon with one thousand heads. You cut one head and another grows back right away. Forget about Goliat and all that. This is a different creature.

Brother mazloom, you are getting very good. You are trying to expose mullas to Iranians. It's a noble cause. Iranians do not know who mullas are. Count on us! we are with you fighting these backward simple minded people. These so called arabs, iranians or muslims. 



Mazloom give up!

by ali reza (not verified) on

Anytime you publish something here,you receive a lot of negative responses.It seems to me that like what Iranian are saying ,your saying have no buyers here.You are getting so many negative responses about your pro-Israeli comments that you do not have time to respond to them all.Peace on earth



by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

take your time and take deep breath my friend. You are very good of making up stories...I don't know how you come up with that stories but at least I know, who is ACTUALLY from that region that your so called facts is nothing but lies, propaganda...It is true that Iraqi Kurds might have relationship with IRI for now but beleive me they don't do this because of their love for your Mullahs...You should know that they have allowed many bases for KDPI and other groups so that they can freely continue with their activities against the regime..If the region supports the IRI so much, how come many basiji has lost their life over there???And please don't come up with some kind of lie because I know my region and from my POV it seems that you don't. Sure You might lived there as soldier or so but you need to be from there to understand region...Nice try though ;)


Jewish neoconservatives voice is not the American Jewish Voice

by shalom akhshav (not verified) on

The problem for the American Jewish community would not seem to be with exposing the objectionable positions of Jewish neoconservatives and then having a debate. The danger is in the opposite approach—in creating the impression that the Jewish neoconservative voice is the Jewish voice, or that of the “pro-Israel” lobby, and in drowning out, or more accurately, suppressing the voice of the majority.
That would be a way to not only increase the risk of an extremely dangerous policy being pursued and to make support for Israel the partisan domain of the far-right bomb-bomb-bomb Iran crowd, but it would also cede the ground to those who are emptying the charge of anti-Semitism of all meaning.


kurdish warrior

by ThePope on

Obviously you havn't been anywhere near Kurdestan for a long time (or you've never been there at all!!)...Yes the majority of Kurdish (sunni) support IR and no one said it has anything to do with Hassan, Hossein, or your other beloved ones...

Not only in major cities like Sanandaj (markaz-e ostaan) where the majorities of Kurds (sunni) totally support IR, but in more sensitive Kurdish regions (ex: Baaneh and Bazarcheh Baashmaagh) where you'll find major Kurdish (sunni) IR supporters who are very active and ready to die for the Mullah Regime!!! And they're fuckn' "vahshi". At least, I hope you know the Kurds!!?

Have you ever been busted by the Kurdish (sunni) supporters of IR?? have you ever been shot at by Kurdish (suuni) IR supporters who 'll die for the mullah regime??! Have you ever been interrogeted by kurdish (Sunni) fanatics inside ete'ellaat va amniyat-e kurdistaan on Paasdaaraan st in Sanandaj???! Have you ever had to answer kurdish (sunni) IR supporters in kurdish language at the seraah-e hezbolah check point (between Iraq's kurdistaan and Marivaan of Iran)??! Have you ever been in Soleiymaanieh in Iraq?? In Soleimanieh if you breathe, the Iraqi Kurds (sunni) will report you to IR?? I'm talking about nowadays, after the fall of Sadam, that the Iraqi kurds fought shoulder to shoulder with US to topple the ba'athi regime but suddenly they opened a very good relation with IR... Even the son of soleiymanieh governer works with IR regime!! He even has a nice beautiful "frame" on the wall of his house wich is a gift of IR (kurdish supporters)!!! Have you ever wonder why the fuck KDP (or other groups) of Iran or Iraq never went too far??? Because the MAJORITIES of the kurds support IR and they sell each other out ( their own kurdish sunni brothers). It's called politics$ dear little "kurdish warrior".

.."So please do not speak on behalf of the minorities" OF IRAN CUZ you don't know shit what's going on there. Just continue to live in your sweet dreams "kurdish warrior"...

And don't talk about Ahavz either... (or I'll have to write you a book)

PS: yes, unfortunately the majority of iran's minorities do support IR. Some of these minorities are actually majorities like the Azari who are over 23 milion inside of Iran and ARE the main supporters of the regime...


mehdi mazloom, you are a lier. xerxes is right. You wrote down

by observer (not verified) on

you were an Iranian who had moved to Israel when you were young. And you indicated "your goal was to enlighten Iranian on the website." You know you wrote the above sentence. Don't be a POSER it's bad for the jews to be like that.



by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

Iranian minorities support the Mullahs??? Since when did we started to support this Shia regime??? Eventhou we defended Iran against Iraq and thats not because of some hossein, Hassan or Mahdi but because it was our duty, we were totally agaisnt this Shia theocratic regime..So please do not speak on behalf of the minorities.Iranian Kurdistan and Baluchistan including Ahvaz`are one of those regions were Basiji or akhond can walk alone...

Mehdi Mazloom

XerXes - reply

by Mehdi Mazloom on

you wrote:

MEHDI MAZLOOM, you are a liar. You had many times in your last comments
mentioned that you are Iranian. That's why you had chosen an Iranian
name and also tried to talk Persian. You are a fool not us. I really
feel sorry for the Palestinians to deal with such "Muzee", tricky,
liar, and back stabbers. You have shown to us what you're made up.
Believe me when I say I feel pity on you. I really do.

First of all, there is nothing to be ashamed of the Iranian language and cultural. In my view, it is the fundamentalist Islam which destroyed the glories of Iran's yesteryears,

Second, I challenge you to show me where did I write specifically "I am an Iranian".

"Muzee". Take a note as how these Mullahs are tricking, lying, about its nuclear program to see what real muzee means.

Finally, I invite you to read annanymous4 comments below,

(I can't think of any action

by Anonymous4 (not verified) on )

where he /she write about independent thinking, for people like to  get a grip on life.

Mehdi Mazloom

ThePope - reply to your comments

by Mehdi Mazloom on

I do agree with your assertions that "You really have to be inside of Iran to understand what's going on in the IR. Inside Iran, period.". Seeing it for yourself, is far more reliable then reading or hearing about it from outside. Nonetheless, unlike in Iran, the Israeli and American medias enjoy freedom of expression (except on matters of national security), we do have unrestricted access to read and watch what is going on the other side of the fence.

You have asked:

question since you said: "I am a Jewish, Israeli and American...". Why
do you have (use) a "shia-muslim" user name (Mehdi-Mazloom!)??( BTW, Mehdi is not considered as "
mazloom" in the twelver shi'ism!) 

I simply wish to protect my privecy. It was not made to insult anyone. suffice to say, I am just an average individual like anyone else. Know Iran and the Iranian people first hand.


In regards to s/n khar. I already have addrerssed it on my reply.

Mehdi Mazloom

khar - my regret if insulted you

by Mehdi Mazloom on

I just couldn't help it. the s/n had just starred at my face. Sorry if I insulted you. you just ticked me with you original reply.

I will remember your s/n (how can I forget it), and respond appropriately


Mazloom turned zalem

by ali reza (not verified) on

We hear a lots of words coming from the mouth of Mazloom,but whose words are they reflecting?They are reflecting the Israeli government views.If Mollahs are bad, we do not want to hear that from a Jew.This is Iranian problem and we can take care of it ourselves and we do not want a Jew or Israeli tell us what we already know or point out the weakness of current the government in Iran.You have your own agenda and your agenda is to give a reason for possible attack from Israel.Like you said Iran have invested Iranian peoples' money in Lebanon,Palestine,Syria for the day like this to prevent Israel from attacking it.Peace{shalom) on earth!


Kurdish Warrior

by XerXes (not verified) on

lol, we true Iranians? Who? Zion an Israeli, Mahdi Mazloom an Israeli and you! lol, we true Iranians. That's the joke of the week.
These guys days are numbered, why do you think they come here and try to "set" Iranians "free"! If the bald man had medication, he would use it for himself! Get a life.
These Israeli Zionazis won't fool anyone, they think that Iranians are bunch of behind kissers like themselves, or waiting for a hint of (free) mind to set them free.
Are these people for real? We Iranians set the rules for them. They need to read and educate themselves.
How is it that every illiterate individual here, especially from Israel, wants to teach others before they take a time to learn what's up in that region?

MEHDI MAZLOOM, you are a liar. You had many times in your last comments mentioned that you are Iranian. That's why you had chosen an Iranian name and also tried to talk Persian. You are a fool not us. I really feel sorry for the Palestinians to deal with such "Muzee", tricky, liar, and back stabbers. You have shown to us what you're made up. Believe me when I say I feel pity on you. I really do.


In your reply to Persian

by Fatollah (not verified) on

In your reply to Persian Police, you mentioned something like "I want to let your people go, set them free ..."? Mr. Mazloom, are you trying to take on Moses role? Last time I checked Moses lead his people out of Egypt, continued wandering the desert for 40 years and at the end he also gave up and left! Set them free, you are funny! ;-)


Dear M. Mazloom, you really

by ThePope on

Dear M. Mazloom, you really don't know much about the stupid taazi regime of Iran...And it has nothing to do with the fact that you're not Iranian like you explained earlier on this thread (lots of Iranians don't know much about IRI either, cuz they've been out of the country for...). You really have to be inside of Iran to understand what's going on in the IR. Inside Iran, period. And not as a tourist, but to actually live in Iran. Don't be fooled by the media. IRI's power, military force, allies or the Iranian minorities (who the majority support the mullahs) are something totally different from what you might think and "hear" from outside. Unfortunately, I have to agree with Mr. Khar that Iran's influence($) is growing in the region...

The only subject that I completely agree with you is; "the regime change is made by the west" at the end of your blog, but...! Anyway, overall it was a good article and it's always good to read different opinions and views about (how) a regime change in Iran..., hopefully soon.


I also have one question since you said: "I am a Jewish, Israeli and American...". Why do you have (use) a "shia-muslim" user name (Mehdi-Mazloom!)??( BTW, Mehdi is not considered as "mazloom" in the twelver shi'ism!)

PS: You keep insulting others for no reason at all! Please, stop calling Mr. Khar "names" that you don't even know how to pronounce or spell! BTW, he has a cool user name (and avatar), one of the best on!




by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

Don't worry about Xerxes (shia revolutionary) va amsal onha (my persian is getting better)..They know their time is up ....soon or later, we the true Iranians will put an end to this theocratic regime...


Regime Change

by Zion on

There is no arguing that regime change in Iran is the only way to avoid casualties and violence to defuse this problem. No arguing whatsoever.
My understanding however is that Iranians themselves simply can`t get rid of these criminals by themselves. Like the French who couldn`t defeat the Nazi occupation. The world community needs to join Israel and seriously push to rid the world from this islamo-fascist filth that has been contaminating the human race for too long. If not, there will be violence necessary to finish them off. There is simply no other option.


Israel has made a strategic mistake in making

by shalom akhshav (not verified) on

the violent approach so central in its response to suspected Iranian nuclear ambitions. Israel is stronger than that and it also has the capacity to deter Iran. It also has U.S. support. And prominent ex- and even current officials have endorsed American engagement with Iran as the best option, including ex-Mossad chief Efraim Halevy and ex-Foreign Minister Sholmi Ben-Ami.
The milirary action would be a disaster for Israel, for America, and for the American Jewish community, too. Jewish neoconservative voice is not the Jewish voice.



by XerXes (not verified) on

Your writing is blah blah blah and I have a news for you. No matter what you say or write, just be sure that my Mullah can beat your Rabbi any day any time any place.
We don't need some Israeli nobody here tell the most intelligent and educated crowd what to think. It's not your normal media, it's


Metti If you must......

by Khar on

Call me a Olagh at least please try to spell it correctly. Anyways, the following is my argument in a nutshell and yes its cut and pasted from, there is no shame in telling the truth, is there?! Would you post your questions in a civilized manner next time.



Many facts

by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

mentioned in the article is true...Almost all Iranian Kurds and Baluch have had enough of this Shia theocratic regime..Mazloom is right about minority within minority. Even the Persians and Azeris are sick of their Mullahs..There are many political oppositions inside and outside but unfortunattly many of them don't trust each other and that is why Mullahs are still running the country..However with the rising inflation and more social pressure on its people soon or later the regime will come to an end...


I can't think of any action

by Anonymous4 (not verified) on

I can't think of any action that Israel has done against Iranians (the nation), and admire their effort in considering the welfare of Iranians whenever they make political/military decisions. It's in sharp contrast to what is being done against that nation (Israel). In Iran, kids are raised hating Israel. Why? Becasue the media keeps bringing up negative points and hence brain washing them. I'm one of them. Used to think of Israel as a monster with no human nature. People have brains and sometime in their life need to start think independently and ask themselves why people would hate people of another antion. I'm sure if one thinks independently and not influenced by others, one would come to a different conclusion about Israel (specific) and world (in general). My statement is not pointed to Iranians (that was just an example). I also meant people in US, Israel, and ...


So many angry people here!

by John on

Hatred, venom, spite, disrespect, animosity and anger.

I'm so glad that I leave in peace and bliss, just me and my azizam.

Mehdi Mazloom

Persian Police

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Persian Police wrote:

Who are you and what do you want on this site and with my people?

 I want to let your people go, set them free of the yoke under the aklhoodah.

I want Iran to have a better and peaceful relationship with Israel. where both nations will benefit from it.

Pretending to be Iranian.?. Bande hish faght na-gofftam ke Irani hastam.

Mehdi Mazloom

Khar ya golah?

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Agha ya khanom, sho-mah khaily be-bakh-shit. Amma va-kh-ti ke shomah in juri harf mi-nevestin. Man majbooram ja-vade-toon bedam.

Anyway I challage you to search the entire interent and find the duplicate of the original essay


Who are you Mazloom?

by Persian Police (not verified) on

You just gave yourself away to be a non-Iranian who doesn't even know Farsi.

1. Why are you pretending to be an Iranian?
2. Why do you have a fake Iranian name?
3. What business of yours are Iranian affairs?

Who are you and what do you want on this site and with my people?

Mehdi Mazloom

shalom akhshav

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Do I belong to Jewish neoconservatives?. Not at all. I am a Jewish, Israeli and American whom like many other Israelis are very concerned about the Mullah's belligerence in the region.

Are you aware that, it is the Mullahs in Iran who prevent Israel and Lebanon, and Pals (through Hamas) to engage in real and genuine peace negotiations. How about their meddling in Iraq's affairs. pitching the Shiites against Sunnis and vise versa. Or both groups against the American there.

Any leader which call publicaly for the annihilation of another country, should be taken very very seriously - particularly when these leaders acts on religious conviction.

In lieu  of the Mullahs posture against Israel, what do you expect  Israel and the rest of  the western world do. wait until those lunatics in Teharan had followed their words with deeds, so Israelis will tell others "we told you so".

The bottom line is, this regime must be replaced. This is not as much as my opinion, as 80% of the brave Iranians themselves.

Human race have come a long way to allow a fringe and fantic leaders to have their fingers on WMD. to dengerous.


Did you?... You did!...

by Khar on

Smoke all of it! Hey its good thing to share. Mr. Mazloom did you copy and paste your blog from Wikipedia? my two legged friend. And where did you find your conclusion that regime change is immanent? Ah, I guess you just dreamed about it.  Metti baba hala beghoo ma ke kharim, to chera joftak miparooni. Aziz, you are me but you don’t know it.

Mehdi Mazloom

Anonymous4 - valid points

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Indeed, you have raised valid points. There are lot more under surface then on. Nonetheless, my point was that, considering the high stake value which the ME & Gulf region players for the Western economies. coupled with the Mullahs outright behavior towards the rest of the international community. Their belligerence toward Israel which had done nothing to harm Iran or the Iranians. Their support of groups (Hamas & Hizbollah) which prefer violence to settle their differences with others. All these factors are the directly the cause to the world community when these lunatics want to arm themselves with Nuk.

My point is to highlight the overwhelming odds to which these Mullahs are up against.

I don't think there going to be any outright military confrontation there, except taking out the IRA bases and its ability to protect the regime. Rather, through economic blockade. Start with cutoff supply of fuel from Kuwait, and end with cargo ships on shores of Iran.

The rest will be up to the melatt-e Iran to strom the Mullahs and kick them out of the  country  for good.