Bullets can't swim

Bullets can't swim
by monsieurtarkovski
"The night has fallen, our faces haunted with gloom.
We chant forgotten words.
In the name of pain."
In the name of the democracy that was shot to death.
In the name of my country
Its dark
Too dark to see my fallen friend's face...
But I heard his last words
When he was staring at the sky
His eyes filled with pain
My face covered with blood
I saw bullets
that crushed his heart
They can't swim, its true
Bullets cry.
Bullets burn.
"Bullets can't swim. " He said
And I heard him
his last words:
"The night has fallen, our faces haunted with gloom.
We chant forgotten words.
In the name of pain.
In the name of my country."

Dedicated to all fallen brothers and sisters.




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