نپرس چرا موسوی فقط بیانیه می دهد! بپرس خودم چه می توانم بکنم؟


دوستی این مطلب رو در بلوگی نوشت. باهاش موافقم. شما چطور؟

"مردم تونس و مصر به خیابان آمدند. ننشستند پشت مانیتور تا از عالم و آدم ایراد بگیرند: چرا ما ایرانی ها اینطور هستیم؟ چرا موسوی فقط بیانیه می دهد؟ چرا کروبی فلانی می کند؟ چرا خاتمی شرط می گذارد؟ مردم مصر و تونس منتظر موسوی و
کروبی ننشستند. خودشان حرکت کردند.

و مگر خود موسوی بارها نگفته است رهبری با خود مردم است و من همراه مردم؟ چرا اصرار داریم دائم بدبختی مان را بر گردن این و آن بیاندازیم؟ یک بار هم که شده جرات داشته باش و در آینه نگاه کن و بپرس من خودم چه کردم؟ من خودم چه می توانم بکنم"


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Mosavi has confused people

by statira on

Mousave, Khatami and others are confusing Iranians. These jerks know that majority of Iranians who poured into the streets, wanted a fundamental change not just reform. Most of the people dont wanna get killed  for another group of Islamist to come to power. We need a more charistamic, brave, outspoken leader who is not related to the circle of Islamists and wants to change the system.

Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

this is why i don't buy the argument that majority iranians want a regime change. if they really wanted it, they would be out getting it. va salam!



by incognito on

I find it rather amusing that none of those who have so far commented about your blog bothered answering your central question (“What can do?”). And, how at ease – and self-righteous, if I may say – one is in passing the buck to the presumed – and often readily questioned – hero/leader. I am reminded of the exchange in Bertolt Brecht’s Life of Galileo, ANDREA: Unhappy the land that has no heroes!. . . GALILEO: No, unhappy the land that needs heroes.

Why is it so difficult for those of us who reside thousands of miles away from home, and write incognito for websites like IC, to admit that we are just pretenders? That we are acting out as heroes/leaders in the waiting? That we expect, and even incite, others particularly those inside, to revolt, to overthrow the regime, and then and only then to invite us back, to assume the mantle of leadership – as the next Lenin, or Khomeini?

What the Green Movement generation is learning today is what my generation learned in 1979, my parents learned in 1953, my grand parents in 1907; and very soon, new generations of Tunisians, Egyptians and others will learn when they undertake their life-changing experiment with regime change. And, what is disheartening is our epic failure in passing what we learned to the next generation. In a nutshell, it’s not about ridding oneself of what one detests, but attaining what one deserves.

If we are not daunted by our repeated past failures, it’s about time for us to start figuring out what is it that we realistically deserve – and not what we wish. And, what is it that we have to do to deserve better. Advocating the repeat of past mistakes is - in my book - unforgivable.

I hope, I have answered your question.




by Bavafa on

I always believe that the responsibility lays first and for most on the people and don't believe that "once corrupt, always corrupt", although it will put a much rockier road ahead of that person to erase his past judgment, in many cases it is inerasable.

However as I said early, a leader must earn that position in order to be affective and respected and it has been evident that Mousavi has not yet earned people's respect and I believe he can hardly do it in the way he has been going so far.





From day one of the protests everyone considered Mosavi a follower and not a leader. Now either they were lying or deep down they wanted Mosavi to lead. But now that the movement has been crushed and gone underground we are looking for someone to blame. And the front runner choice is Mosavi. I ask, is it in the interest of Iranians and Iran to look elsewwhere for answers? Will Iran move forward if we lay the blame on the former regime people or should they look at themselves and find their weaknesses and strengths?


Moosir: I believe you are wrong here

by Bavafa on

Although I agree that [Iranian] people need to be in the front in opposing IRI, it is the leader job to lead them and organize them. Perhaps this message is for those who are elevating Mousavi to the leadership status which he has simply failed to earn as the leadership must be earned not given.

Of course to earn it, he must first understand what Iranians really want and I believe vastly have spoken clearly about their wish for a future system of governing in Iran



iranian.com "con artist" (so he thinks!)

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

آقای موسیر، شما سوال خوبی‌ کردید.

من یکی‌ از آن اشخاصی‌ بودم که در روز عاشورای خونین ۱۳۸۸ با بقیه ملت در خیابان‌های تهران شعار میدادم. مثل این خانومی که دیروز به خاطره همین "جرم" به شهادت رسید. در آن روز، صحبت از حمله به صدا و سیما و حتا زندان اوین بود بین مردم. در آن روز مردم برای شهادت آماده بودند، حتا اشخاص ترسویی مثل بنده. ولی‌ مشکله بزرگ ما این بود این اشخاصی‌ که مرتب به مردم هشیار میدادند از طرف آقای موسوی که داد نزنید، شعار ندید، خشونت نکنید! این‌های که خشونت می‌کنند از منافقین هستند!

آقای موسوی رهبر این جنبش سبز بود. ایشان خوب میدانستند. ولی‌ حرف شما درست هست تا حدودی. آخر سر، این حکومت اسلامی با دست پر قدرت خلق قهرمان ایران به زباله دان تاریخ ارسال خواهد شد. این موسوی‌ها لازم هستند تا حدودی که ما درس بگیریم از اشتباهاتمن....


Misleading Question

by Tavana on

Must be kidding, are not you? The huge crowd came out for Moosavi, not once but 3 times. He sent them home because he was never for a change himself. Such passiveness left the hopeful in total disarray. People had simply forgotten that they got nothing out of Khatami after 20 millions had voted for him. People do not understand that they are dealing with the most sophisticated "con artists" ever. And lastly the individuals are too afraid to act as "Mirza Reza Kermani"  by themselves!