Photoshop: Saeead Mortazavi's judgment day.

Photoshop: Saeead Mortazavi's judgment day.
by Multiple Personality Disorder
See here for original photo. Disclosure: I am against capital punishment and sexism.

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Latest from the blog-o-sphere on Saeed Mortazavi (BBC)

by MM on

تا کی باید فریب بخوریم . شما فکر می کنید اگر آقایان میخواستند نمیتوانستند از انتشار نام سعید مرتضوی جلوگیری کنند؟ برای آرام شدن اوضاع حکومت نیاز به یک قربانی دارد و حال قرعه بنام ایشان خورده.


MPD jaan when u throw in sexism everywhere, I don't believe u!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

very good one,thx MPD jan


Manny - as ealy as 2002, human cloning reports are out there

by MM on


whether or not the stories are true, as early as 2002, human cloning reports are out there.  Especially, since the science of cloning is falsely linked to the claims of immortality (e.g., see PDF report on Yes to Human Cloning).  I am pretty sure, as you should too, to assume that the same type of nuts are still out there.


Azarin Sadegh

You are the funniest of all, dear MPD.

by Azarin Sadegh on

Lol! You're killing me..:-) I love your dark sense of humor...Priceless!

BTW, I am against the capital punishment, so I suggest to keep the torturer alive, but hanging him in his gray suit, somewhere in the public eyes in Tehran, for example in an amusement park - only open on weekends - where kids could shoot plastic balls at him, etc...But on weekdays, he'll be all by himself - up there- hanging under the sun and the rain...afraid of falling asleep to see the same nightmares over and over again.

I'm sure at some point he'd be pretty pissed off at this life, and might commit suicide by hanging himself (he can use his green belt)!

Thanks again for the good laugh, Az.


MPD, thanks , makes me feel good

by mannya2001 on

I hope what you said is true. 

Multiple Personality Disorder

Yes manya2001, they also cloned your mother

by Multiple Personality Disorder on


Thank You MPD, You see IRI supports Stem cell research

by mannya2001 on

As the Valiant Multpile Personality Disorder shows, IRI is the first government to say good bye to antique thinking and welcoming progress and innovation.

MPD clearly shows in his picture that IRI has taken the brave decision to actually allow Human Cloning.

Currently, no country in the world allows for Human Cloning becauase of moral and religious arguments.  However, MPD is showing us that IRI ignores the backward and antiqued sayings and is moving forward with progress..... YA ALI MADDAD

thank you again MPD- for showing IRI at its best Much love