About the Bayanis


About the Bayanis
by Nur-i-Azal



پیش در آمد

بیان در آخرین روز از سال 1228 خورشیدی و در زمانی که ایران در اوج ارتجاع مذهبی و
فساد حکومتی به سر میبرد و در زمانی که جهان درالتهاب نقطه عطف قرن 19 بود رخ داد.
این آئین به حقیقت پیوستن عهدی بود که پرودگار عالمیان در دوران اسلام به بشریت
داده بود.

بیان فصل جدیدی از سلسله ادیان الهی را آغاز میکند که شارع آن پیامبر نامیده
نمیشود بلکه نور خداوندی در جسم انسانی او میتابد و او از جانب خداوند سخن میگوید
و به عبارتی دیگر خداوند از زبان او سخن میگوید.


بشارت های آئین بیان

بیان بشارت دهنده اجتماعی بر اساس عدالت، آزادی و رعایت حقوق های فردی واجتماعی
میباشد و جایی برای استفاده از مذهب برای آزار خلق خداوند را تحت هیچ شرایطی باقی
نمیگذارد. اصول آئین مقدس اسلام و ادیان الهی پیشین از قبیل جنت، دوزخ، قیامت، جسد،
سؤال در قبر و اصول مهم دیگر که به دلیل عدم درک صحیح به خرافه تبدیل شده بودند
توسط این آئین جدید تفسیر و معنی شده اند.

هجده مؤمنین  به آین آئین (یعنی حروفات
حیّ )  مردان و زن عالمی بودند که همگی از
رهبران مذهبی دوران خود محسوب میشدند وهمگی از پاک ترین و شجاع ترین انسانها به
شمار می آمدند که تاریخ بشریت کمتر به خود دیده. 
تاریخ 7 سال اوّلیه این آئین خود گواه علم، شجاعت، پاکی و از خود گذشتگی
آنان است. در این هفت سال هزاران تن از پیروان این آئین بدست حکومت ظالم قاجار و
مردمی که از سوی رهبران نادانی که به آنان اعتماد نموده بودند مورد قتل، شکنجه و
آزار قرار گرفتند. در سال هفتم غم انگیز ترین واقعه تاریخ این آئین که شهادت شارع
آن حضرت ربّ اعلی ذات حروف السبعه بود واقع شد.


تکرار تاریخ

که بر پیکر این آئین وارد می آمد فقط از ناحیه حکومت قاجار نبود، تاریخ عصر اسلام
و اعصار گذشته بار دیگر تکرار شد و با آنکه حضرت نقطه بیان جانشین خود (یعنی یحیی
نوری ملقب به صبح ازل، ثمرة ازلیه، و دیگر القاب) را در الواح متعدد بوضوح کامل با
اسم، مشخص نموده بودند و مأموریت او را به مثال مأموریت خود معرفی کردند و خود را
مثل ایشان و ایشان را مثل خود دانستند با این حال با آنکه زمان ظهور موعود بیان بیان
به صراحت در سال 1511 تا سال 2001 تقویم بیانی معین شده مدعیان متعددی برای موعود
آئین بیان پیدا شدند که همگی از جانب جانشین ایشان دروغگو شناخته شدند.


و مهم ترین آنان حسینعلی نوری نا برادری حضرت ثمره بیان بود که خود را بهاء الله
نامید. وی به محض شهادت حضرت نقطه بیان به ظاهر در زیر پرچم خدمت به حضرت ثمره
اظهار بندگی میکرد  ولی در نهان بدنبال
تهیه مقدمات از میان برداشتن ایشان بود. این امر از دید علما و رؤسای اهل بیان
مخفی نبود و بارها به او گوش زد شده بود ولی هر بار آن را رد مینمود. تا آنکه در
سال 23 بالأخره ادعایی را که هر چند وقت یکبار آشکار و نهان میکرد علنی نمود و
منجر به تشکیل فرقه بهائیت گردید.


بهاءالله و سران فعلی این فرقه با سازماندهی کامل در طی چند دهه اقدام به تحریف و
تکذیب مقدسات این آئین پرداخته اند.


اهداف جامعه بیانی

 در طی این سالها سکوت نموده و آماج تهمت ها، اکاذیب و دروغ پردازی
سران و مورخین بهائیت بوده اند.  وقت آن
رسیده تا با آگاهی رسانی به ایرانیان و دیگر مردم جهان از جمله محققین خط بطلان بر
دعاوی و مفتریات بهائیت کشیده و با استفاده از ادّله محکم و اسناد تاریخی علاقه
مندان را با حقانیت ظهور حضرت نقطه اولی و ثمره ازلیه آشنا کنیم. 


 سران و مورخین بهائیت تاکنون هر آنچه خواستند
بدون تعدیل در مورد تاریخ و مبانی آئین بیان نوشته و انتشار داده اند. تلاش ما در
این است تا تصویر غلطی را که این فرقه با جعل
 تاریخ و تعبیرات غلط اصول آئین بیان در اذهان
عموم به وجود آورده اند و هدفی جز تامین امیال شخصی خود نداشته اند، را با چشمه حقیقت
پاک نمائیم.


بیانی از این طریق اعلان مینماید که زنده هستیم و برای ارتقاء امر بیان می کوشیم.
دیگر در برابر مفتریات و جعلیات این فرقه سکوت ننموده و در جهت آگاهی رسانی در
مورد تاریخ و مبانی آئین بیان تلاش خواهیم کرد و با اتکاء به خداوند و با استناد
به اسناد و کتب مقدسه اکاذیب بهائیت را فاش خواهیم ساخت.  


عموم علاقمندان خواهش میکنیم تا برای اگاهی بیشتر و آگهی های بعدی به سایت
مراجعه فرمایند.




صّل علی نقطَة البیان و من آمنّ به




more from Nur-i-Azal

Will do

by Nur-i-Azal on


Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Dear friend

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

I I understand the situation. But you can give my telephone and address to them. If they want, they can contact.  Amir


Dear friend, sorry

by Nur-i-Azal on

But I will not be giving out people's telephone numbers and contact details on a public forum like Iranian.Com, especially since I do not have their permission to do so. Sorry about that.

The 20,000 Babis killed was in the 1840s. The reason why many Bayanis continue the policy of taqiyya or kitman is because many of these people have Muslim families or otherwise have not been known in any wider capacity as anything else but Muslims. If their true religious convictions where now to be publicly disclosed, even if they live in the US or anywhere else in the West, it could potentially have adverse repercussions for these people or their families, especially since the Islamic republic is still technically in existence. But note that this policy of taqiyya became especially widespread amongst Bayanis with the passing of Subh-i-Azal in April 1912. His own son Rizvan-'Ali even implimented it in Cyprus by giving an outward, zahiri profession of conversion to Eastern Orthodox Christianity and renaming himself Constantine the Persian.

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Dear friend

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

The twenty or thirty thousand Babies have been killed in Iran. But in USA they should have no fear any more?  I wish to get some contacts with Babies or Bayanis.  One day all of us should be united for building a better world for us and our children. Amir  If you write their telephone, so I can contact them, my telephone is 4072758815 in Orlando, Florida.



by Nur-i-Azal on

Yes, there are a few Bayani families I know about in the USA. There are many, many more who I don't know about, and this has to do with your second question. In fact there is a regular posting here on Iranian.com who wrote me earlier in the year, while swearing me to secrecy about their identity, saying they were a Bayani living in the New England region. Another had read my earlier posts about the Bayanis, but does not post, and said they and their whole family are Bayanis living in southern California.

Yes, many Bayanis dissimulate, doing taqiyya, outwardly keeping appearances as moderate or even traditionally pious Muslims while privately practicing the Bayan. The historical reason for this has to do with the fact that in Iran the Bayani community (and specifically its leadership) became the focus of intense persecution by the ultra-conservative Shi'ite Muslim establishment as well as to some degree by the Baha'i political machinery, i.e. its administration (although before the Revolution we also had examples of many mixed Bayani-Baha'i families as well). Add to that the fact that many prominent Bayanis fought in the Constitutional Revolution on the side of the parliament and the people, and, besides the religious reasons, the practice of taqiyya by Bayanis begins to make more sense. While under the Pahlavis, especially during the latter years, many Bayanis did also drop this practice, under the Islamic republic it has become a vital strategy of physical survival.

Hopefully when the mullahs are gone, insha'Llah someday soon, some of the present and younger generation Bayanis will also see it expedient to drop taqiyya and self-representation as Muslims for good! 

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Dear friend

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

Is there any Babies in USA?  Do you have any contacts? My mother told me, the Babies  call themselves Moslems? Thanks again. Amir


I'd love to help you

by Nur-i-Azal on

...but I live way on the other side of the world, in Australia. You have my prayers for your success!

mo'affaq bashid! 

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Dear friend

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

You have right; it was Imamzadeh Masum.  It was close to Tehran. Any way, I think the problem we are faced in ; it lack of educationl. For this reason; I put I my energy in this field and opened a boarding school. It is hard to manage it, but I try. For the unity of mankind and for education.  Amir

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

I am Amir Ghiassi. My

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

I am Amir Ghiassi. My background includes teaching in college, university and
high schools level, translations, interpretations, and writing. Currently, I
have a boarding school located on a several acre property that includes a farm
and a poultry and fish hatchery. And over twenty furnished rooms. International
students and others looking for a boarding school where they can learn English
and foreign languages. I am also looking for business partners to expand the
school, school farms, and the hatcheries. I am a university teacher in foreign
languages I am fluent in eight languages. I can teach eight languages. They
include German, Turkish, Persian, English, Arabic, Pashto, Latin and other
languages. I was instructor at University of Tehran, German and British High
schools, German Embassy School, Oviedo High school, Seminole County Community
College, Iranian High schools and Iranian S American Language and Boarding
School in USA, Florida, and Orlando. This boarding school is nice beautiful and
in compare with classes in university and other places much cheaper. Even my
boarding is cheaper. Because I wish to help the students. Email: sghiassi_fhc at
hotmail.com, sahameddinghiassi at yahoo.com. , iranian.com if you like to
read my writing. www.Tagged.com/sahameddinaghiassi
,www.Multiply.com/sahameddinAmir site. Or if you just write my name Sahameddin
Ghiassi you see enough information about me. My profession or business is
involved in? Education, translation, interpretation, writing, and consulting.
Also farming, poultry and fish hatchery. Every body is welcome to my school

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi


Imamzadeh Ma'sum

by Nur-i-Azal on

That's the mosque. May the memory of your grandfather and father be blessed. Ruheshan shad!

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Dear friend

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

Hi  Do you remember the name of that Mosque or...it was close to Tehran. My mother told me the body of Hazrate Ala was there for a while. And she showed me a man with the with clothes, she said ; he may be Babai.  My grand father died in the time that I was four years old. Haji Hassan Rasaz  Shojaat, he was also a champion.  My father was a colonel in the police forces. His father was an Ayatolah Afjei. I have a huge boarding school in Orlando, Florida USA. I am trying to find more students and partners. My wife is seven day adventist.  As I said I believe in science, Love and Unity of mankind.  My tel. 4072758815 and the address is 10420 Lehman Rd, Orlando, Fl 32825  I wish for work for Love and Humanity. 



by sag koochooloo on



Thank you

by Nur-i-Azal on

Your family sound like wonderful, wonderful people! Tell me more about your grandfather, if you're ok to reminisce.

Yes, the Babis, or Bayanis as they know themselves, believe in the things you say. In fact much of what the Baha'is claim as their own teachings were actually first promulgated by Hazrate A'la (ruhi ma siwa fada'hu) in his works.

As for the mosque you mentioned: I know the place you speak of :)

Love, unity, cooperation and peace are great, lofty principles to aspire to. But as I am getting older, I am also getting more pessimistic by the day about human nature and whether the entirety of the human race is really capable of reaching the shores of such mass maturity in consciousness. Here and there with handfuls of people, maybe. But not the masses everywhere. And I do worry about those in power who use euphemisms such as unity and global cooperation but whose underlying agendas are not so good. I believe in justice and that it must go hand in hand with peace such that there cannot be true peace without justice! Hazrate A'la also teaches this in the Bayan.

Lovely to hear about your family, again. My takbirs to them wherever they might be, and to yourself as well :)


Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Dear friend

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

Hi  I was little boy, that my mother took me to a place, I think it was something like mosque. And she said that people who wear withe dress , they are Babi. I think the body of Hazrate Ala was there for a while. My father was a Moslem, but he loved Babis. In my life I did not see a Babi. I heard that they love the Unity of mankind and they believe that all religions are the same. Peace and unity. I am a college teacher in Orlando, Florida and in my life I wanted to see a Babi.  My grand father was a Babi and he speak about Babi a lot. I believe in Love and Unity Peace and cooperation between the whole world. Amir 


Yes, but...

by Nur-i-Azal on

aya shoma joz een matlab chize digari dastgiretan nashod dar sayr o soluk-i-afaaq o anfusetaan? baalaa-tar az vahdat-i-'alam-i-insani matalibi besisarist hatta gahi vahdat-i-insan-ha shaayad keh hejabi ma fawq-i-hejab-ha bar in matalib-i-asasi tar hejabi a'zam gardad. amma, avval vahdat-ra kamelan baayad tahqiq o tahaqquq kard ta ba'd...

ruzetan khosh va mo'affaq bashid!

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

آیا شما هم به وحدت عالم انسانی عقیده دارید؟

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

آیا شما به دوستی و اتحاد هم اعتقاد دارید؟  آیا تمامی مذهب ها یکی نیست؟