Did the regime murder Montazeri? Or is this the hand of providence moving against the regime?

Did the regime murder Montazeri? Or is this the hand of providence moving against the regime?
by Nur-i-Azal
Coming only a few days after Montazeri (rahmatullah 'aleyhi) publicly criticized Khomeini (la'anat'ullah 'aleyhi) and outright stated that the latter was not mas'um (i.e. saintly, infallible, immune from error, sinless, immaculate, etc), what are the views of the readership here on Iranian.Com? Could the regime's security forces have quietly murdered the old Ayatollah? What would be their thinking  and rationale in performing such a deed, if that is indeed what happened? If not, is this passing of Ayatollah Montazeri an acceleration or deceleration of the process of the Islamic republic's final implosion? Give your opinions. Where are we now at with Montazeri gone?

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I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

you are calling him "these guys?"

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

what the heck?! first of all, he did not live a normal life. he was not healthy and his death was expected. I am a fan of conspiracy theories, but I don't think this was anything but natural. Actually, it almost gives me a reason to believe in the divine hand. yekh. this regime must be so terrified of these coincidences. However, they will unleash much worse terror than we are currently seeing. there are options remaining, but it will take mercy (hHAHA) or inner coup. 

there's my dinner party theory for you. you have great blogs, by the way.  



by Nur-i-Azal on

Because there was no momentum then as there is right now with the regime being fatally chipped away at with every passing day. Like I said, Montazeri represented the biggest thorn in their eyes yet. With his no-holds-barred criticism of Khomeini last week, in an act of total desperation, the regime would have every reason to bump him off right now. I think you need to look at the history of the behavior of totalitarian
regimes in the past. Let me suggest the works of Robert Conquest on the Soviet
Union where this sort of thing was a regular occurence. It also occurs to me that if the regime itself wouldn't seek to do in Montazeri directly, that certain foreign benefactors who do not want this regime fall would themselves have every reason to see Montazeri offed.


don't think so

by IRANdokht on

Killing Ayatollah Montazeri in the month of Moharam and 7 days before Ashura would have been just too careless and dangerous for the regime. I would actually bet that they're upset that the demonstrators would have those excuses to rally against them in big numbers again.


Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Now really

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

If they were going to do away with him then don't you think it would have been done back when he originally criticized the establishment?

He was very harsh about it back then too and he lived to be in his 80's.

The man lived a very long life which is more than can be said for other poor souls that have criticized the establishment.



That's true

by Nur-i-Azal on

But don't you find it a little suspicious that his passing came within a span of a few short days after he offered his most trenchant criticism yet of the Islamic republic, and of its very founder?

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Life span

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

Not everyone has the same life span. FYI



The age of eminent mullahs

by Nur-i-Azal on

Montazeri was a thorn in the side as well as the eyes of this regime the size of  several Seattle space needles sitting on top of each other. The regime would have everything to gain by getting rid of him, especially now when the man was openly defying the central, cherished symbols of the regime he helped found.

Also 86-87 years old is a relatively modest age for a member of the Shi'ite high ecclesiocracy (particularly a marja') to be biting the dust since these guys, esp. someone of Montazeri's stature, usually live well into their 90s and often slightly beyond. FYI

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Are you serious?

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

The man was how old? My grandfather passed away in his sleep in his 80's and he was the healthest  80+ man possible.

Do you honestly think the IRI needed this kind of headache at the moment? I don't think so!