Draconian Anti-Gay Ugandan Law supported by American evangelicals, Muslims & Baha'is

by Nur-i-Azal

A draconian Ugandan law would criminalize homosexuality and make anyone knowing a gay person and not reporting it to authorities an accessory to a crime. This law is supported by American evangelical Christian fundamentalists, Ugandan Muslim groups and Ugandan Baha'is. The Ugandan Shi'ite Isma'ili community are so far the only significant community holding out against this.


See as well, Ugandans Hold Anti-Gay Demonstration 

Welcome to the New World Order.


more from Nur-i-Azal
Ali9 Akbar

Not necessarily SAG...

by Ali9 Akbar on

Roman Catholicism is the LARGEST DENOMINATION within Christianity with a membership of Approximately 1 BILLION members. And they are VERY Anti Homosexual and ANTI Homosexuality


Sag's koochooloo's false allegations

by Nur-i-Azal on

Covenant , NUR , Zulfiqar110 , Badi19 , Ravian Bilani and more!


NUR, Zulfiqar110 and this handle are I. The others are someone else. Sorry to burst your bubble again. But you have made this allegation before without an iota of evidence and fallen flat on your face. Yet like Hitler's BIG LIE, you keep repeating it.

Also, sophia is his solicitor .

Yes, she is. And you also live in Australia yourself :)




by Nur-i-Azal on

Please email your kneck of the woods at the Baha'i World Centre in Haifa as well. Their email is secretariat@bwc.org. Please let us know what they say.

Larry-san, good to see you here, bro! ;-)

Ari Siletz

Ugandan Bahai contact info

by Ari Siletz on

diamondsouled, I emailed the Ugandan Bahai center last night (California time) for clarification of their position on the pending law. We'll see what they say. ugandabahai@gmail.com


Thank you, dear Marge and Midwesty

by Nur-i-Azal on

It is good to see that there are others besides myself who see what is going on here. Please consider the following words of Professor Juan R.I. Cole who had a falling out with this organization beginning in 1996 (the same year I formally left this organization as well):


Professor Juan Cole, February 23, 1999:

is nothing to be puzzled by. Right wing Baha'is only like to hear the
sound of their own voices (which are the only voices they will admit to
being "Baha'i" at all). Obviously, the world is so constructed that
they cannot in fact only hear their own voices. They are forced to hear
voices that differ from
theirs. This most disturbs them when the voices come from enrolled
Baha'is or when the voices speak of the Baha'i faith. The way they
sometimes deal with the enrolled Baha'is is to summon them to a heresy
inquiry and threaten them with being shunned if they do not fall
silent. With non-Baha'is or with ex-Baha'is, they deal with their
speech about the faith by backbiting, slandering and libelling the
speaker. You will note that since I've been on this list I have been
accused of long-term heresy, of "claiming authority," of out and out
(though that was
retracted, twice), of misrepresentation, of 'playing fast and loose
with the facts,' and even of being 'delusional.' I have been accused of
all these falsehoods by *Baha'is*, by prominent Baha'is. I have been
backbitten by them. This shows that all the talk about the

danger a sharp tongue can do, all the talk about the need for harmony,
for returning poison with honey, for a sin-covering eye, is just *talk*
among right wing Baha'is.
No one fights dirtier than they when they discover a voice they cannot silence and cannot refute....



KY Jelly remaining market

by divaneh on

Its good to know that KY Jelly still got a market in the Ugandan Shi'ite bazars.


To my knowledge Christianity

by sag koochooloo on

To my knowledge Christianity is the most tolerant with homosexuality. There are gay priests in the UK, but they are not allowed to be actively gay . But orientation is not discriminated against.


All religions have their problems

by cyclicforward on

You can not solve the issue of religion and by nature all religions are discriminatory. My take is that if you are gay, there is almost no religion in the world that would accept you as a member. So the best way is to create your own religion and worship something you like and you will be fine. At the end of the day religion is about people who think, act and behave the same way.
The problem however starts when religion starts to interfere in other people's life and that is where I draw a line. If you don't like my ideas, that is fine but don't tell me how to live and act. If you do, then we will have problem with each other.


Hello Faryarm, Baha'i

by diamondsouled on

Hello Faryarm,

Baha'i discriminatory religious practices to do with homosexuality is not even denied by Baha'is themselves Faryarm. It is a Baha'i religious practice to remove the administrative rights of any Baha'i who is revealed to be openly gay. As well it is openly admitted by the Baha'i powers that be that they fully believe that the sexual orientantion of gay people can be cured. This is not only non-scientific it is ludicrous and medievil thinking.

I suggest that if you are truly interested in the official Haifan Baha'i UHJ's stance on it's Ugandan  followers promotion and approval of Ugandan antigay laws that you contact them directly and see what you get for an answer.



Larry Rowe

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

ok baba sag kuchulu whatever you say is right

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

in the name of jesus RAMEN! 

anyway you brought it back to me and how everything is a secret plot and bla bla bla. you're just like this blogger who you hate so much. everything is a conspiracy.

ok. i'm bad. i'm wrong. you guys are righteous and marvelous. goodbye =) see you in hell, where it is macarena 24/7. 


Anti-gay laws are dumb

by jigsawnovich on

You can't stop nature.

And it's really dumb to take away condoms and put in abstinence-only. Their HIV rates will be sure to increase, not to mention unwanted pregnancies.

I like what NYC homeboy Weiner said in the video. And I like the fact that Sweden is threatening to remove financial aid to Uganda over this horrid law that's soon to be voted on.

I'm surprised to read that Ugandan Shi'ite Isma'li are holding out against this law. Are they more Progressive than Iranian Shi'ite Isma'li?


Thanks for the lecture Marge

by sag koochooloo on

You are way off the mark and making a lot of judgments without knowing full facts. And you are quite manipulative with your remark about bahais as well.

" i don't like bahai because of how the bahais treat this lone blogger. bahais and this young religion of theirs claims to have reinvented the wheel (at least wheels are useful!!!) and look how similar a path they follow. Yuck. "

This comment certainly says a lot more about you than bahais. You really like to research before blurting out your conclusions don't you? Sounds a little lazy and ignorant. You may not like religion, but you sound quite disrespectful and this is what does not sit well with tolerant people.

Honestly I do not think this guy is worth the time for more discussion so I'll leave you to it.



by Midwesty on

I like your point but don't like your tone. What the psychologists say? People first notice the the body language, then tone then..the WORDS.


Sorry guys I talked too much...I am snowed in today so...I have more time than usual.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

i don't care what your religion of choice is

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

it's when you claim to be one of them and defend them, and end up attacking a person who criticizes a religion. 

when religions preach tolerance, bahai INCLUDED, why do you need to post pictures of this blogger, post his country of residence, his name, etc....?? i'm sorry but that is more Islamic Republic than I could ever dream of being.

Bahai, Islam, Hebrews...... all defunct. all fake. all empty promises and intolerance. It's how you treat those you disagree with that counts. when you attack them like you have this man, who you keep repeating is mentally ill (definitely possible, and it sounds like the deens have done a number on his brain) and still attack him relentlessly, what does that make you? a better people? HA!

i don't hate bahai because of nima. i don't like bahai because of how the bahais treat this lone blogger. bahais and this young religion of theirs claims to have reinvented the wheel (at least wheels are useful!!!) and look how similar a path they follow. Yuck. 

Please let go of religion. Please look to basics of emotion and love, not bearded old men who claim to be wise and knowing. there is a great episode of three's company about this.


SK jan,

by Midwesty on

I appreciate the information you are providing and it will help me and other readers to come to a conclusion quicker.

I don't think anyone appreciate the name calling. Let's remember insulting people takes its tolls and the first person is paying that is the insulter him/herself.

I might be able to hide from others behind a nickname but I can't hide from myself.

Best Regards,


Midwesty jan

by sag koochooloo on

You are one of the nicest and well informed people here on IC. I do not want to respond to individual who keeps calling people "fool" every minute, this was more for you to see where others are coming from. The history of this person's selective propoganda against bahais. Kind regards.


Ali jan, Marge said better than I could...

by Midwesty on

The point is to find the truth...I remember reading one of Sherlock Holmes books. He came across a suspect that lied all along but at the end Holmes caught the guy...He asked Holmes how did you find the truth while I was lying, he said...I just needed you to talk.


SK jan,

by Midwesty on

The time has changed. If you go to one of these communication seminars, when they talk about website writing, they say:

Do it in small package, precise, to the point with facts because the Internet readers are not your average paper-based media readers. They know what they are looking for and want it fast.

Sorry, I fall in the same category. I have no time to research his character but have just enough time to see what he is saying and click on his links. So when I do that I see for myself what he is saying matches the links that he provided. Simple as that.


I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

lol!!!! it's not about learning! it's HIS VIEW!

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

what you aren't understanding is that no one will read NUR's blog and say "oh this is ALL what bahahi is about." you guys are so paranoid that you won't let him have his simple defection, bashing moments. Why? whyyyy? 

If you don't see the value in the doubt presented by Herod or the actions of Judas, you are just a fool.  

Ali9 Akbar

that is the POINT Midwesty...

by Ali9 Akbar on

He does not stick to the facts...

From what I understand Bahais consider him to be a covenant Breaker..


Let me ask you a question....


Would you learn more about Christianity from Judas Iscariot ,Pontius Pilate and King Herod or Jesus Christ and his Apostles????



by sag koochooloo on

Perhaps you should look at his other posts under different IDs that were blocked and see that this has a history. This is not an attack, but to put it into context for you. If you do a SEARCH of the names you will see the blogs and their contributions.

Covenant , NUR , Zulfiqar110 , Badi19 , Ravian Bilani and more!

Also, sophia is his solicitor .


Wow people,

by Midwesty on

This is the first blog that I am reading from Nur and what I see is this:

A guy is bringing facts and bunch of others are attacking his character....wasn't it the new Iranian.com policy to remove the vicious attacks on the writer's character?


As long as you stick to the facts, being biased or not doesn't matter, we hear you and we see how people treat you.


Thanks buddy! I look forward to your next blog.



Ali9 Akbar

Nur-i-Azal the Basij Obfuscator is at it again

by Ali9 Akbar on

you need to give up your private little war you have against the Bahai's

you do need to get a life....  try raising flowers 

or in your case I'd start with any plants of the family Cactaceae 

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

just say it. why do you dance around what you say?

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

say it clearly. what is the "real marge?" Am i an agent of anti bahai ? agent of iri? agent of what???? just f-ing say it! don't dance around. i did not edit it for my convenience. i am hated more than anyone else here. 

and i would. if i had enough money, i'd send them lots of copies of god delusion. i think this is fascinating that religions set themselves up as havens of charity and good will for vulnerable people - ESPECIALLY in the third world or war torn (Iran is good at this in Palestine) and then when you question them, they dump you and abandon you.

Nur is not your enemy, fool. he's just some guy on the internet. like me. either you are so sensitive that you can't handle it, or you would rather attack me by saying i'm agent 008 009 and need to be "outed". answer the problem about religion instead of attacking people. maybe then you'll get him to stop posting his blogs. 

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

yea i'm a biiiiig secret and you are right

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

you should totally analyze my writing in such a way. good. 

i happen to like it when people bash religions. not people involved. i think bahai is fraud. islam is fraud. and the rest of them ALL. by the way, I have a little extra feelings toward bahai and scientology because even after all the bs of the three major religions, these two religions come along and scoop an extra topping of bs for the masses. 

anyway it's a genius plot for the leaders of these religions, and i don't see anything wrong with Nur's comment that the vatican style leadership of this organization if corrupt. if what he says is true, IF, and the leaders are messengers of god and to disagree with them makes you banished from the bahahi organization, that is seriously fudged up.

i don't know why anyone cares. the mormons kick people out every day too. human beings are prisoners until they get rid of these religions and empty faiths. 

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

wait a minute... just to be clear

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

are you saying the bahais will support this bill because they hate gays OR because they want to keep their cozy spot in uganda? 

i thought evangelicals HATE the bahais. i remember the US christian evang. totally telling ministries to beware of these frauds. not that they themselves are less fraudulent, but i'm using their words. 


Marge/ Agent whatever

by sag koochooloo on

We are laughing. It is interesting that you said "you are doing something right", so we can see you for what you really are behind the cute avetar.

And thanks for editing your comment to add this to make it more acceptable 

" it's not that I agree with you, it's just that you say something against religion, which is your right, and they get so upset. 

there is no difference between this religion and the others. i am grateful for your explanation of the leadership of bahai. lol "pope and vatican rolled into one." if i were rich, i'd send boxes and boxes of the god delusion to their offices in haifa.  "

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek


by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

nur you get these people so angry. you must be doing something right. just be careful you don't end up in the scientology style hit job. it's not that I agree with you, it's just that you say something against religion, which is your right, and they get so upset. 

there is no difference between this religion and the others. i am grateful for your explanation of the leadership of bahai. lol "pope and vatican rolled into one." if i were rich, i'd send boxes and boxes of the god delusion to their offices in haifa.  


"incredibly dangerous your organization "

by sag koochooloo on

I am an ATHEIST. And the more I see the likes of you, zionists and IRI the more I know I came to the right decision.

I like Anvar because he is a nice person. The kind of logic your prejudiced mind cannot comprehend. But dont give up the day job, in your case Religion. You demonstrate how Religion can spread prejudice and hate.

Someone else said to you that you can write anything you want on IC but you cannot force people to like it. The penny has not dropped. People do not like bigots and iranians want change from prejudiced views. Please do not get back with some reposte for the sake of it as you cannot convince me or anyone else, even with threats. Have a nice day.


JJ is censoring my comments

by mannya2001 on

thank you for proving my point