Serious brownie point to the Iranian of the Day!

Serious brownie point to the Iranian of the Day!
by Nur-i-Azal


In the mid 1990s this gentleman had a huge falling out with the North American and international Baha'i administration. He was de-fellowshipped (i.e. excommunicated) and thrown off the Baha'i roles for calling the Baha'i authorities a bunch of crooks..He specifically accused the North American Baha'i authorities of corruption and nepotism, and circulated a series of indicting letters together with a whole range of documents supporting his allegations to every Baha'i LSA (Local Spiritual Assembly) in the United States and Canada he could get the address for. I also received his letters but wish I had kept the file since there was some really good material in it.

Given his positions in the past, this is a man with rock solid integrity who is not afraid to stand up to bullies and entrenched elites. He is anti-Islamic, probably due to his Zoroastrian Baha'i pedigree, and his father was murdered by the mullahs in the early years of the revolution. But all the same, he is a good man! Mehdi Abedi and Michael Fischer include a chapter in their *DEBATING MUSLIMS: Cultural Dialogues in Post- Modernity and Tradition (1990) * about his father:

I hope he wins the Florida gubernatorial race - next year (2010?). He would be good, and also a win by him would be a providential slap in the face to the Haifan Baha'i fascists who de-fellowshipped him for rightfully calling them a bunch of crooks!




more from Nur-i-Azal

Dear Marge

by Nur-i-Azal on

The answer to all your questions is, Yes!

See this blog,


Mr Mansouri, as for you: I have repeatedly asked in as civil a manner as possible for you not to post on any of my blogs. I have not posted on yours and will not post in any of yours in the future either. Kindly do not post on any of mine or interact with me in any form or capacity whatsoever. I will remind you again, the directives of your founders and your "institutions" are quite explicit that no contact or interaction is to be made with covenant breakers or enemies of your faith. Since your organization considers me to be both these things, you are actually violating your own religious directives in your continued persistence.



Dear Crush; your answer is in his..

by faryarm on

your answer as to who follows who, is in his web history under a list of different names and IDs.




I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

just started reading your stuff Nur.....

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

and i'm intrigued! so tell me this, is bahai institution set up like the vatican and mormon church??? once you piss them off you're out? or should I say scientology? it seems when you do them wrong, you can't just leave dissatisfied, but that they follow you?


He's already passed that test of character

by Nur-i-Azal on

long ago in my book by telling your UHJ, the US National Spiritual Assembly and your Counsellors where to go!

Now I'll stay away from your blogs, and you stay away from mine. Deal?




A Test of Character that only time will reveal..

by faryarm on

A test of Character that only time will reveal;

Unfortunately he is another self seeking, ego driven character who is more interested in personal promotion, power and clout rather than participation in a community that places humility, sacrifice and service before personal ambition.

NO matter how well meaning on the surface, who is he kidding?

In my opinion this is nothing but a futile strategy to raise his public/buisness profile. After all what can any one achieve as another politician who has to work within an already obsolete and fundamentally flawed system that relies on special interest money, corrupt lobbies and back room deal making to conduct business in a vicious circle that in the end leads to more public disillusionment. Such is the nature of partisan politics in the US, not to mention in Florida.

Fortunately, his candidacy already proves the point made long ago, that all these people have one common trait that leads them astray; self promotion.