رنگ وان گوگ

Orang Gholikhani
by Orang Gholikhani

از کنار خاکستری یک کانال دل نا رنجیم گرفت بال آه چه غمگین بود آن قوی سفید زیر آسمان کبود از آب پرید -- باران آبی در انتهای شب شبنم شد در زردی خورشید دهکده بیدار شد باد رنگین کمان را به دشت قرمز کشید درخت آشفته زیتون را بنفش کشید آه برادر اینجا بهشت است تنها تو به من ایمان داری بهشت با بادی جهنمی امان از زوزه این باد این ناله به گوشم آویخت از آن چگونه میتوان گسیخت از آیند هم دیگر نمیخواهم گریخت آه صدا خوابید و باد رفت گرما دشت قهوه ای را به آواز آورد عرق قطره قطره به صورتم میرقصد این دیوانگی نیست هیچ قلبی به این پر رنگی نیست زندگی را به کاغذ چگونه کشید سکوت چه رنگی دارد


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Orang Gholikhani


by Orang Gholikhani on


These days there are some desagreeable comments in Iranian.com that your comments and Sima's one are as some spring breaths.

I'd prefer you comments,more positive and more agreeable, than Golnaz's one.


I don't want every body apreciate my works, I want share them with people how share the same value with me.

You can apreciate or not a poem but you cannot improve it. it is like a person.



Very nice poetry

by Nazanin (not verified) on

Orang I didn't mean that. Sima that was funny though. Thanks for the links. I like your poetry and I especially liked the English poem when you wrote "Believe it or not people named it Life". Thank you.


and I hope.....

by Golnaz Saberi (not verified) on

and I hope one day your work would be good enough to be appreciated.

Orang Gholikhani


by Orang Gholikhani on

I agree with Sima, Nazanin's comment could be misunterpreted but I don't care because I loved also "Chicken with plum" of Marjan Satrapi.

Nazanin if you like it go to this site (it is in French sorry)


She is writing a new one Onzième Laureate (eleventh laureat) :


I hope one day you will also apreciate what I write :-) 



I like Nazanin's comment

by Sima hoveida (not verified) on

Nazanin jan, it reminds me of when I was in a party
and the food was awful, and a lady said "The water
tastes really good", lol


Chicken with Plum

by Nazanin (not verified) on

I really like your icon/graphic. Vive Satrapi!