زبیده، قهرمان ملی‌


persian westender
by persian westender

شیرجه زدم تو استخر تاریخ ایران که آبش کدر بود. زیرآب، رفتم طرفهای ۲۰۰-۲۵۰ سال پیش. خودم رو گذاشتم جای زبیده که ۱۱-۱۲ سال داشت و چهار ساعت پیش عقدش کردند. ملّا یحیی خطبه عقد رو با صدای زیر و خنده‌داری خونده بود و من به اشاره آقام که اخمهاش تو هم بود گفتم: "بله"....

حالا تو اتاق رو تشک پنبه‌ای نشستم و قلبم مثل گنجشک توپ توپ میزنه. منتظر آمیز ابوالقاسم نشستم که میگفتن یه دکون دو نبش قصابی سربازارچه سید اسماعیل داره. خیلی‌ ازش میترسیدم. دوست داشتم ننه‌ام هم اینجا بود.ننه‌ام خیلی‌ دلداریم داده بود که اولش یک کم درد داره. عروسک پارچه ایم اون گوشه افتاده بود وصورتش روی زمین بود، انگار اون هم دل نداشت حال و روز من رو ببینه...

در رو پاشنه با صدای قیژ قیژ ترسناکی چرخید. خدایا، این آدم چقدرپیرتر و گنده تر از اون وقتیه که خطبه عقد رو خوندن؟ آقام گفته بود دور و بر۳۵ سالشه، ولی‌ الان مثل ۵۰ ساله‌ها به‌ نظر میومد....تندی اومد کنارم نشست و یک خنده زورکی تحویلم داد. دندونهای زردش رعشه به تنم انداخت. دست سنگین و زبرش روگذاشت پشت گردنم و چیزهایی میگفت که اصلا نمی‌فهمیدم. احساس می‌کردم شدم مثل اون کفتر چاهی که عبدالله تو آب انبار پیداش کرده بود و بال بال میزد. وقتی‌ دادش دستم قلبش تند تند میزد، ولی‌ صداش در نمیومد.....

میرزا از حرف زدن ایستاد،نمیتونستم تو روش نگاه کنم. خشک شده بودم، مثله یه تیکه چوب. فقط به چراغ زنبوری خیره شده بودم و ننه رو میخواستم. یکدفعه یه بسم‌الله گفت و هیکل گنده اش روانداخت روم، نفهمیدم کی جامه اش رو باز کرده بود زیر هیکل سنگینش تقلا میکردم و جیغ میزدم...

......۵ دقیقه بعد، آمیز ابوالقاسم بیحال روی زمین افتاد بود ومن از درد مینالیدم و پهنه صورتم پر اشک بود. از لای پاهام خون داغ راه گرفته بود. از پشت در صدای پچ پچ میومد، دلم برای عروسکم لک زده بود. چشم گردوندم تا پیداش کنم ولی‌ نتونستم، لابد اونهم زیر آمیز ابوالقاسم مونده بود ...


حالا دیگه زبیده نبودم...خودم بودم. از استخر در اومده بودم و داشتم خودم رو خشک می‌کردم و داشتم فکر می‌کردم امیر کبیر و ستار خان و باقر خان به جای خود، ولی‌ ما تو تاریخ ایران میلیونها قهرمان ملی‌ دیگه هم داشتیم، بدون اینکه کسی‌ از اونها نامی‌ ببره و یادی بکنه....

بهمن ۸۸


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persian westender

Dear mitra northcal

by persian westender on

Thank you for reading and the comment. I think I am not the only one...  


persian westender


by persian westender on

 I think religion no matter what, provides a pretext for gender inequality and it applies to ancient religions too:

“...The unfortunate fact is that men and women were not equal in ancient Iran. For example, the arduous purification rituals that women had to undergo every month and after childbirth cannot compare to anything men dealt with. After giving birth, Zarthushti women lived in isolation for a period of forty days, and had to perform additional purification rituals before coming out of such isolation. Similar purification rites followed periods of menstruation, and these rites were attached as much to religious belief as to sanitation....”

read the rest in the reference:


Another source:


for very ancient era, I guess we have to rely on mythological resources such as story of Gilgamesh.

by the way,  with underage marriage a forced marriage also is attached (it might be consensual, but steel it is abuse). 





by SamSamIIII on

  I don’t know if treatment of women by men in general was ideal in pre-Islam era. If you have historical evidences regarding this pls let us know

I think on the contrary the burden of the proof is on the claiment since ;"one is not guilty until proven otherwise" . Anyhow, I was talking about underage marriage(not forced marriage) & as such neither in zorostrian teachings nor the tales & traditions of the old Iran you see any evidence of 9 or 10 yr olds being forced to marry. & as for ideal treatment of women, it may not have been perfect but female gender had more political/social rights than many nations in 21st century as the numerous queenship of Pourandokht & Azardokht and female socio political leaders attest to that. Was it on par with modern ideals? ofcourse not but then we cant compare modern standards within antiquity environment.


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia

mitra northcal

Dear pw, thanks for taking me on a sad trip to Iran of yesterday

by mitra northcal on


Dear persian westender, I liked your story.  The fact that you even think about fate of Iranian women of hundreds of years ago, that shows you are a sensitive person who does not like to see injustice and speaks up about it.

persian westender


by persian westender on

Please note that one of my ideas to write this story was to say that there should be many anonymous individuals in our history whom may have lived like heroes and nobody knows about them;  Just ordinary people whose life-long courage and resilience may have surpassed those of famous national heroes. Act of heroism could be pretty subjective and a matter of personal choice. While we have a list of known national heroes in Iran, I may have my own choice of national heroes/ heroines without considering the other ones as discredited. Here are the source://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_national_heroes

Samsam IIII : While I realize that underage/forced marriage among Iranians was (is) an ugly practice initiated from Islamic traditions; I don’t know if treatment of women by men in general was ideal in pre-Islam era. If you have historical evidences regarding this pls let us know.

Azadeh: This is tragic indeed. Thank you for the comment.



Azadeh Azad


by Azadeh Azad on

Thank you, persian westender, for this heartbreaking story. Imagine a society where half of the population is raped by the other half, and its children are the products of rape. This is the foundation of our "glorious" past and present.

~ Sigh!




by SamSamIIII on


Its very uncomfortable to read & guess it was meant to be that way & I,m sure it wasn,t written to get literary reviews. Not victims since they expected their fate, not heros since they weren,t rewarded but an army of survivors who more tragic than the act itself lost their childhood innocence courtesy of the good old dual-identity shaikhak culture of pretence & rightiousness. & contrary to some,s opinion the suffering is not so much in past tense but very much alive in ommatestan thanks to us the passive army of male cultprits.


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia

persian westender

Dear divaneh and hamsadeh ghadimi

by persian westender on

Thanks for reading.

 Zobeideh is more like a heroine to me, although you don’t see an explicit act of bravery from her here in this short story. Humans like Zobeideh, however have withstood the test of time and have changed their doomed destiny throughout the history. They didn’t break by horrible situations they went through; the situations which I as a narrator found them hard even to imagine.                 



hamsade ghadimi

persian westender

by hamsade ghadimi on

eyval, that was a well-written piece.  i didn't want it to end.  i'm curious, is badbakhty keshidan a requirement to be a hero?


Fantastic Story

by divaneh on

Another great writing. Truly enjoyed it. I just don't know if Zobeideh was a hero or a victim.

persian westender


by persian westender on


Souri: Thank you for reading the story.

MPD: Merci for the comment.

Fatollah jan: Once in a while some dose of truth is not bad. Thanks

JJ: ... and thank you for the medium you’ve provided to express that.



Jahanshah Javid

Silent screams

by Jahanshah Javid on

Thank you for giving a voice to so many who suffered.



by Fatollah on

we have a long distance to cover, thanks for the post. 

p/s didn't enjoy the post one bit, haghighat talkh-e

Multiple Personality Disorder

This is a fantastic piece of writing

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

PW, you have done a great job writing this story in the first-person voice.  Excellent job!



by Souri on

I truly enjoyed. Very skillfully written. Thank you.