"زبـان آتـش" - شجريان


"زبـان آتـش" - شجريان
by R2-D2

صدا: استاد محمد رضا شجريان
شعر: فريدون مشيري

زبـان آتـش

تفنگت را زمين بگذار
كه من بيزارم از ديدار اين خونبارِ ناهنجار
تفنگِ دست تو يعني زبان آتش و آهن
من اما پيش اين اهريمني ابزار بنيان كن
ندارم جز زبانِ دل -دلي لبريزِ مهر تو-
تو اي با دوستي دشمن.

زبان آتش و آهن
زبان خشم و خونريزي ست
زبان قهر چنگيزي ست
بيا، بنشين، بگو، بشنو سخن، شايد
فروغ آدميت راه در قلب تو بگشايد.

برادر! گر كه مي خواني مرا، بنشين برادروار
تفنگت را زمين بگذار
تفنگت را زمين بگذار تا از جسم تو
اين ديو انسان كش برون آيد.

تو از آيين انساني چه مي داني؟
اگر جان را خدا داده ست
چرا بايد تو بستاني؟
چرا بايد كه با يك لحظه غفلت، اين برادر را
به خاك و خون بغلطاني؟

گرفتم در همه احوال حق گويي و حق جويي
و حق با توست
ولي حق را -برادر جان-
به زور اين زبان نافهم آتشبار
نبايد جست...

اگر اين بار شد وجدان خواب آلوده ات بيدار
تفنگت را زمين بگذار...

شعر: فريدون مشيري


more from R2-D2

notice 7:09 min - salute reminds of another bloody dictatorship

by MM on

That is the new video of Shajarian.

All together: Heil Myself



sorry you missed it. A very nice performance.

by MM on




by yolanda on

Thank you, MM, for posting the music video........great singing, but the graphics is disturbing and full of blood and violence.....it is the summary of last year's bloody uprising. I went to Shajarian's concert on May 30, I was hoping to hear the "Bird of Dawn" (Morgh-e sahâr) song, but it did not happen.

Thank you for sharing!


Longer version of "Lay Down your Guns" by Ostad Shajarian

by MM on

Lay down your guns! زبان آتش شجریان Shajarian

 تفنگت را زمین بگذار



by yolanda on

The English translation of the song lyrics (the post at the bottom) was done by an LA Times reporter. He did a great job!


Hovakhshatare Aziz

by R2-D2 on

Thank you for your kind words - I'll try to make other blogs of Shajarian to expose to the whole world the great artist that he is - Especially, to our young Iranians who were born, and raised outside of Iran!

Ghorbanat :)




Dear Yolanda

by R2-D2 on

Thank you so much for sharing this great English translation of the Poem :)

The article is absolutely correct: Ostaad Shajarian is the greatest Master of traditional Persian music - His wonderful voice has no rivals!




Nice work as expected from combination of two

by Hovakhshatare on

great artists like Shajarian & Moshiri.

Nice post



by yolanda on

Hi! R2-D2,

     Thank you for your blog. I did a search for this song "Language of Fire" and found an article about this song in Los Angeles Times. This song has made waves! 


Here is the English translation of the lyrics:


Lay down your gun,
As I hate this very abnormal shedding of blood.
The gun in your hand speaks the language of fire and iron,
But I, before this fiendish tool,
Have nothing but, the language of the heart,
The heart full to the brim with love for you,
Who are in love with the enemy.
The language of fire and iron is the game of fury and bloodshed.
It is the language of Genghis Khan.
Come, sit down, talk, hear.
Perhaps the light of humanity will get through to your heart, too.
My brother, if you want me, sit down for a brotherly chat.
Lay down your gun,
So that the human-killer leaves your body
How much do you know about the ethics of humanity?
If God has bestowed the soul, why then you take it away?
Why, in the twilight of ignorance,
Do you want to roll and wrap up your brethren in dirt and blood,
The God-given soul?
Let's suppose you are right, my brother, in seeking and telling right and correct things.
But we ought to not seek even righteous things through the fire-spewing gun.
If it once happens that the pangs of conscience bother you,
Then lay down your gun.


This song is perfect for the current situation!

Thanks for sharing!