مولوی: "ای یوسف خـوش نام ما خوش می روی بر بام ما" - صدا: احمد شاملو

مولوی: "ای یوسف خـوش نام ما خوش می روی بر بام ما" - صدا: احمد شاملو
by R2-D2






ای یوسف خـوش نام ما خوش می روی بر بام ما


ای یوسف خـوش نام ما خوش می روی بر بام ما
ای در شکــسته جام ما ای بــــــر دریـــده دام ما

ای دور ما ای سـور ما ای دولــــــت منصـــور ما
جوشی بده در شــور ما تا می شـــود انگـــور ما

ای دلبـــر و مقصـــود ما ای قبلــه و معبـــــود ما
آتش زدی در عــــــود ما نظاره کـــــــن در دود ما
ای یار ما عیّـــــــــــار ما دام دل خمّـــــــــــــار ما
پا وا مکــش از کــــار ما بستان گرو دستـــــار ما

در گل بمــــــانده پای دل جان میدهم چه جای دل
وز آتـــــش ســـودای دل ای وای دل  ای وای ما






more from R2-D2


by Mehrban on




by R2-D2 on


As promised, this is the blog on Hafez

حافظ: "سالها دل طلب جام جم از ما می کرد" ... صدا: احمد شاملو

The translation of this poem is at the link below site, under the title

In Search Of The Grail  - The Second Poem From The Top

If you like, please post the translation, and other videos from Hafez,  in the comment section






by yolanda on

         Rumi Wisdom: Visit the Sick



Visit the sick, and you will heal yourself.

The ill person may be a Sufi master,

And your kindness will be repaid in wisdom.

Even if the sick person is your enemy,

You will still benefit,

For kindness has the power to transform

Sworn enemies into firm friends.

And if there is no healing of bad feeling,

There certainly will be less ill will,

Because kindness is the greatest of all balms.


Rumi Wisdom: Intellectual Quest


The intellectual quest is exquisite like pearls and coral,

But it is not the same as the spiritual quest.

The spiritual quest is on another level altogether,

Spiritual wine has a subtler taste.

The intellect and the senses investigate cause and effect.

The spiritual seeker surrenders to the wonder.


translated by Timothy Freke


Last Segment of the video is super cool, it sums up Sufism:

Great singing and beautiful stage design!

The song is pretty and the visual is abstract!



by R2-D2 on


All the videos are great ... I am in the process of making a blog on Hafez - Please feel free to put any additional videos, or translations, here ...





by yolanda on

Hi RD,

   I really like the 1st video....the whole band had great harmony....my favorite instruments are santour and daf. The whole band had Chemistry!

I am sorry that I accidentally posted the same video twice in your last Rumi blog.

Stunning video and beautiful Rumi's poems/quotes:


پرویز مشکاتیان





کنسرت مجید درخشانی و گروه مضراب با آواز پوریا اخواص






by R2-D2 on


Tks for the videos - BTW, the very video on top, in your comment below, is a recitation of the poem in our last blog on Rumi ...





by yolanda on

Hi! RD,

    Thank you for blogging on Rumi again. When I was watching World Cup in June/July.....I searched the entire Internet for Rumi videos and found a lot of Rumi related videos......I planned to post them on IC before I visited Beijing.....in case the plane crashes.....but there were no Rumi blogs on IC at  that time...Thank God that I survived the long flights and I am still alive.

This guy has a great voice and the song with Rumi's poem as lyrics sounds great.

A very short and sweet Love Poem by Rumi, I think "thee" refers to Shams

More Rumi quotes:

One of my favorite Rumi poems:



به یاد شاملو و مولانای عزیز

