آگاهی‌ استخدام فوری.

by Roozbeh_Gilani

به علت بر گذار شدن یک دادگاه توی لندن که این چپول‌ها و منافقین با پر روی زیاد از دست ما شکایت کردن به خاطر کشتن ده، بیست، سی‌ هزار (بابا کی‌ حوصله شمردن داشت) نفر از رفقاشون، اونهم ۲۰، ۳۰ سال قبل،  به چند تا آدم پر رو و بی‌ حیا احتیاج داریم که برن تو این بلاگ‌ها و هر وقت حرف از کشتن یا زندانی کردن ملت ایران به وسیله ما شد، داد بزنن "اسراییلی ریپیست"!!

تقاضا گران محترم، لطفا "اپلیکشن فرم" را   با کارت عضویت ساواک یا مدرک زندگی‌ در محله شهر نو سابق (بی‌ خیال، ما تموم تهرون رو به زودی شهر نو میکنیم!!)، یا رقاصی در یکی‌ از اون کاباره‌های آریامهری رو به آدرس اینترنتی ما، این پاین بفرستن:

ساواما‌ساواک‌سابق@آی آر آی.گاو 


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RG & Faramarz, I am with you

by Azarbanoo on

The only thing must be Focused are IRAN & IRANIANS at this very critical time. The other things are unimportant compare to IRAN for US IRANIANS.


تنها تضاد، تضاد بین ملت و رژم فاسد، دزد و ادمکش اسلامی.


 Faramarz Jan. I see Islamist regime as enemy of my people, People of Iran. I see the main "conflict", the conflict between people of Iran and islamist regime. I see the main task, as overthrowing the Islamist regime and it's replacement with a secular democracy. I do sympethise with palistinian people's cause. I do find Israel's policy towards palistinians as unjust. But I find the position of Islamist regime and it's cronies on Israel at best hypocritical.

The shamelessness of Islamist regime cronies who remain silent about the daily news of murder , rape and torture of our compatriots back home , yet pop out only to "attack Israel" in a blog related to political prisoners of islamist regime is simply breath taking.

BTW, I happen to know quite a few ex Tudeh members, all in their fifties or 60's. Some still live in Iran. They are good people. They all hate islamic republic. "Iranian.com Tudehi crowd" are a special bunch indeed. They seem to have their roots firmly in Hojjatieh society!  

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Nicely said faramarz

by religionoutofgovernment on

Thank you


تضاد اصلی، تضاد فرعی و تضاد کشکی!




Thanks for your blog Roozbeh.

Here on this site and after a while, we all figure out what the other people are up to. And no matter what other side issues they bring out, at the end of the day, there is one major issue that each one of us cares about immensely and everything else becomes subservient to that.

For the 60’s and 70’s communists and Tudeh crowd it is the Imperialism, Colonialism and Zionism that is still the battle cry. You saw how excited they got about the financial crisis and the Occupy Movement. They thought that the old Soviet Union might be back again!

For the Regime supporters and sympathizers, it is the survival of the Islamic Republic through the reforms or any other means. It is not that they like living under the Islamic Republic. In their view, it is the best system for the folks over there.

For some the main challenge remains standing up to the US and Israel no matter what the arena is, and for the rest of us it is all about the future of the Iranian youth and a better life in a free and secular society.

Well, all I can say is that the old crowd will be heading to the Senior Homes soon and can reminisce about the glory days of the past! The US will be around and will lead the world for the foreseeable future, and the rest of us will celebrate the collapse of the Regime and will take part in building a new Iran.