Take a good look at these faces.......

Take a good look at these faces.......
by Roozbeh_Gilani

Take a good look at these faces, of pure evil, of our enemy.

These are the faces of the murdering thugs, the islamo Fascist army of occupation of our beloved homeland Iran, who two years ago attacked millions of unarmed, peaceful  demonstrators across Iran , stabbed  & shot to death hundreds of them, raped and tortured tens of thousands more. These are the same murdering thugs who have been killing and torturing the brightest and best of Iran's youth for the past 32 years.

50,000 of these murderers who answer to and obey only the chief murderer himself, khamenei, were putting on another show of force on streets of tehran, during the aptly named "anti uprising exercise"!!!!,  only last week, with clear objective of telling Iranian people what awaits them if they decide to  go down the path the people of Egypt and Lybia took, and syrians are taking now.

Given the venue and title of this exercise, it is very obvious that these murdering thugs and their bosses very clearly know who their real "enemy" is. Their mortal enemy is not US or israel army. Their enemy is Iranian people....

Make no mistakes. These murdering mercenaries are not reformable. Make no mistakes, so long as these sub human creatures are around and armed, our country will be under the yoke of Islamist fascism, with all the bells and whistles which come with this most evil ideology: poverty, unemployment, prostitution, drug addiction, constant threat of war, gender, ethnic  and religious apartheid.......



Recently by Roozbeh_GilaniCommentsDate
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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

RG Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Let me translate: the post was not to you it is a personal thing against me. Alright got it?  For some reason there are those who think I am an IRI supporter. I have been called Mossad agent before now add IRI to it. I don't mind.

Yes the group is a majority if you add people like me to it. Just like the creative accounting in Wall Street. If you make things up then add them you get the pre-desired result. But it won't hold up to reality. Just as the mortgages did not hold up.



by Fesenjoon2 on

baba joon, my post wasnt meant at you. ghaboolet daareem.

My post is addressed to all those who keep denying any links between IRI and Iranians, as if IRI is some foreign entity from Lebanon or Syria that has infiltrated Iran.

My post is meant at those happy America residing posters who think they know everything, and yet cant speak proper Farsi, or havent lived there since Reagan was around.

In Iran, we call them navaabeegh.


Fesenjoon khan:

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Nobody claimed islamist regime has no support in Iran. But Gaddafi and mubarak had lots of suppurt, so does assad.

The point is that the majority of Iranians, even devout muslims are rapidly turning against the islamist regime. The point is that the islamist regime has lost the popular mandate that it once enjoyed. the point is that regime is only clinging to power by having these bassiji thugs employed at every street corner of Iran and need to put on these shows of force close to anniversary of the Ashura uprising of 2009 to frighten the people.... 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


wishful thinking

by Fesenjoon2 on

that "group" is the majority.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

So according to

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Some people if you oppose Islam you are not Iranian. If you are a frothing at the mouth Basiji then you are Iranian. By the way this is what both Islamic Regime AND some self declared anti-Islamist say. 

Does anyone remember Niloufar Parsi on IC from a while ago? She used to say the same but she was on IRI side. I am beginning to wonder if the self declared anti-IRI side is really what it claims to be. The argument sure sounds like that of NP.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Iran != regime

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I already explained that on another thread. One group is not a whole nation. A nation is all of its people; its history and its heritage. This is a gang of Iranian people as small sample at that.



hah hah

by Fesenjoon2 on

oh, but according to our resident pundits on IC, Iran is not the same as the regime.

Therefore, these faces belong to men from Mars. Theyre aliens! 


Well Said Roozbeh...... Iran's enemies

by Siavash300 on

They have sworn to kill every single Iranians for the sake of arabs ideas from 1400 years ago.  No mercy, no forgiveness and full of hate. They are minority but they have guns and deadly weapons in their hands and kill or supress any voice of freedom. One of my friends keep saying that the only solution is to get help from foreign power. Without foreign power intervention nothing will ever happen. Forces such as Nato or something  similar to what happened in Lybia and Iraq. Iranians with bare hands with no outside support can not do anything. They have to suffer.


Islamist feces indeed.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Dear SamSam, Thanks for the correction. I believe we all have ideologies, knowingly or not, and I see nothing wrong with that. The problem is when people start sacrificing common sense and human values for the sake of an ideology. That is when we end up with the mess we have in Iran.

Dear Vildmose, regime is making a lot of brave noises these days, but believe me, they are crapping their pants, seeing what happened to gaddafi, and what is about to happen to the pretty boy Assad. These islamist criminals are only brave against unarmed demonstrators... 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Anonymous Bugger

Take a good look at these faces ?

by Anonymous Bugger on

u meant;, Take a good look at these feces ?..:)

Mr Roozbeh, these are ideologues & Ideologues be it Islamic, Mojaheds, Fadaii, tudehi, Meli Mazhabi,  or Sabzi..etc are no different from each other since they,re all self-righteous & they all kill for their idols if given the chance. After all, it was the former who gift-wrapped , pumped & then dumped the latter on our laps ;).

Cheers !!!