'US Supports Terrorism Against Iran': Rigi


Sargord Pirouz
by Sargord Pirouz

From the YouTube channel of 91177info:

Captured ringleader of the Jundallah terrorist group, Abdolmalek Rigi, confesses that the Obama administration had assured him of unlimited military aid and funding for waging an insurgency against the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

The following is the detailed transcript of Rigi's confession, stated in Farsi, as broadcasted on Press TV: 

"After Obama was elected, the Americans contacted us and they met me in Pakistan. They met us after clashes with my group around March 17 in (the southeastern city of) Zahedan, and he (the US operative) said that Americans had requested a meeting." 
"I said we didn't have any time for a meeting and if we do help them they should promise to give us aid. They said they would cooperate with us and will give me military equipment, arms and machine guns. They also promised to give us a base along the border with Afghanistan next to Iran." 

"They asked to meet me and we said where should we meet you and he said in Dubai. We sent someone to Dubai and we told a person to ask a place for myself in Afghanistan from the area near the operations and they complied that they would sort out the problem for us and they will find Mr. Rigi a base and guarantee his own security in Afghanistan or in any of the countries adjacent to Iran so that he can carry on his operations. 

"They told me that in Kyrgyzstan they have a base called Manas near Bishkek, and that a high-ranking person was coming to meet me and that if such high-ranking people come to the United Arab Emirates, they may be observed by intelligence people but in a place like Bishkek this high-ranking American person could come and we could reach an agreement on making personal contacts. But after the last major operation we took part in, they said that they wanted to meet with us. 

"The Americans said Iran was going its own way and they said our problem at the present is Iran not al-Qaeda and not the Taliban, but the main problem is Iran. We don't have a military plan against Iran. Attacking Iran is very difficult for us (the US). The CIA is very particular about you and is prepared to do anything for you because our government has reached the conclusion that there was nothing Americans could do about Iran and only I could take care of the operations for them. 

"One of the CIA officers said that it was too difficult for us to attack Iran militarily, but we plan to give aid and support to all anti-Iran groups that have the capability to wage war and create difficulty for the Iranian (Islamic) system. They reached the conclusion that your organization has the power to create difficulties for the Islamic Republic and they are prepared to give you training and/or any assistance that you would require, in terms of telecommunications security and procedures as well as other support, the Americans said they would be willing to provide it at an extensive level." 

Iran's security forces arrested Rigi on Tuesday by bringing down his plane over the Iranian airspace, as he was onboard a flight from the United Arab Emirates to Kyrgyzstan.


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David ET

One terrorist (IR) capturing another (Rigi)!

by David ET on



didn't you say we should talk about iran not palestine ?

by Anonymous8 on

why is this a problem?


To all you IRI sympathizers

by MM on

Why is it that you boast on the montage of 40-60 year old technologies, jump up and down on the capture of Rigi, someone who if Palestinian, you would have labeled as a martyr "soon", cry foul when a Hamas terrorist is killed in Dubai, and yet, you are deadly silent when this Islamist regime tortures, rapes and kills young Iranians in the name of god.

How many blogs have you put up for Rigi so far?  Shame on you and the Islamist IRI regime you cover for.



by IranMilitaryForum.net on

You keep pretending to weep with Crocodile tears for this guy's tragic misfortune. But as I expalined to you here:


You asked for blood and you got it! What is your problem? is it that there was not enough of blood shed as you and your cronies cuntinue to ask here as "patriot Iranians"? Is there any surprise why a good number of people here and the majority in Iran think of you people as brave, ruthless armchair commanders and give no hoot to characters like you! In fact they also do not believe you are Iranians period.

A  heartless foreign supported terrorist was captured, if you were an Iranian you would also rejoice not get totally demoralized and depressed to the point making a fool of yorself in virtual world.






by IranMilitaryForum.net on

Thanks for posting the video. Some here do not seem to realize the significance of Rigi's capture. In time, I am sure they will!!




IRI Terrorists murder another Innocent Iranian

by Onlyiran on

Mostfa Mir Ebrahimi, arrested six months ago in a pro-democracy protest in Iran, has died in an IRI prison:


That young man lived in Iran, peacefully demonstrated and demanded freedom in Iran and died in his country. And we have non-Iranians such as the Lebanese Iranmilitaryforum.net and American "sragord" who cannot even read or write Farsi telling us who's a terrorist and what is good for Iran and its people.

Shame on you all foreign paid mozdoors of IRI. You're no different than this character:


But then again, why wouldn't you be like that character. Isn't he one of the idols that you worship?


That is Lots of Confession!

by darius on

That is  lot of confession just 48 hours after his  capture.What is wrong with this picture?A man who while back dared to take a long a reporter

and then film his activities , now  sitting unharmed , relax and talkative?

What's happening in here? Does it makes sense at all When an activist  gets beaten and

bruised  besides  all other things he can be subjected to ,Mr.Rigi sits in front of the camera and tell us "One thousand and one night story"?

Well if this doesn't seem to you a darn deal between whomever , to me it is. ( I do not support any one who by any means or action plans to 

divide Iran in pieces) .Capturing Rigi , is not a significant story for IRI and also is not a significant  story  for others who are financing him or people alike.

when some claiming  or pretending fighting Alqaeda  and religious fanatic in region  Rigi And his  movement defeats the purpose.We all know any movement  that funds itself based on ignorance, religious motif and support from outside , soon or late  is doomed

to failure.

The true freedom seeker , do not come from outside( That includes you , me an all other brands) ,just for a simple reason, no one can teach another man freedom , he or she has to decide for himself.

 Defending IRI action is like defending others who roam around the globe, kidnap,torture and influence the global view to portray their wrong doing as self defense. There is no  defense for IRI , when

torturing and harming its own people.

A true believe of God does not twist the facts and speak on behalf of God to harm others and appoint himself as the voice of God on earth. 




Paidar Iran

Dear Sargord Pasdar ...

by Paidar Iran on

Your exact report was already aired by Seda Va Sima in Iran.  But thanks for recounting it here again as some of the poor regime followers may not had had the chance to view the truth reported by the Press TV. 

Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on


I politely decline, Timmy-jaan. 



by timothyfloyd on
