Hossein Ali Montazeri-an Iranian Hero or a Dictator who Committed Crimes against the Iranian People?


Sayeh Hassan
by Sayeh Hassan

Hossein Ali Montazeri died last night (December 19th 2009) at the age of 87, his death generating various reactions from different opposition groups and figures.

Montazeri was one of the leaders of the Islamic Revolution and at one time the designated successor of Khomeini as the “Supreme Leader.” He was a strong supporter of the Islamic Regime throughout his life and not once did he advocate for a secular and a democratic government.

Although he was a key and powerful figure within the Islamic Regime up to around 1989he never objected to the atrocities committed by the Islamic Regime which included rape, torture and execution of innocent political prisoners, during the early years of the revolution.

He did briefly object to the mass executions of political prisoners in 1988; however his objections were more so to the scale of the executions rather than the executions themselves. He also remained silent for the past 20 years against the rape, torture and execution of thousands of political prisoners. Silence against such atrocities could only be seen as approval of these atrocities.

Montazeri was a supporter of reform within the “un-reformable” Islamic Regime. His crimes against the Iranian people will never be forgotten, and had he lived he would have been tried in criminal courts for the crimes he committed against the Iranian people. His objections to the 1988 mass executions would at best be used as a mitigating factor during his sentencing hearing.

I am quite disappointed in many opposition groups and figures who have decided to create a hero out of this “reformist mullah” who has the blood of thousands of innocent Iranians on his hands.

Why is it that we are so quick to forget the real heroes’ of the people’s movement for a free and democratic Iran, while we have no problem making heroes out of undeserving dictators like Montazeri?

We don’t know or don’t remember the names of thousands of brave men and women who knowingly and willingly sacrificed their lives for a free Iran, but we are quite eager to create a brave hero from a person who may very well have been responsible for the death of those very same young Iranian men and women.

Isn’t time to put an end to this reformist propaganda which ultimately only benefits the Islamic Regime, and to support and remember the real heroes of the pro-democracy Iranian movement?

In memory of all brave young men and women who risked everything for a free, secular and democratic Iran.

In solidarity with all unknown Iranian heroes who are fighting against this barbaric dictatorship called the Islamic Regime.

Down with the Islamic Regime
Long Live Freedom in Iran


more from Sayeh Hassan
marhoum Kharmagas

Hazrate Faramarz!

by marhoum Kharmagas on

Not sure why you got ticked off with the word shahi! We have vatandoos Shahis such as Zahedi and we have vatanforoush greens such as Makhmalbaf....... 

Many of your postings and blogs indicate your closeness with the monarchists .... 


You are very funny...

by Souri on

Thank you Mr Faramarz. That was a good poem. why dont you post it in my blog?

You said you were in IC since 4 years ago? Always with the same user name?


سورى خانم اين هم شعرى با ث براى شما


ثريا، مشكل از ما نيست و از نوشتار است
گوش فرا ده كه چاره در نرم افزار است
اى يارى كه هر سال روى به سوى ايران
نرم افسار جو، كه كارت پرطرفدار است

As you can see, I am a starving poet!

This is a love poem that I wrote for a software engineer, Soraya that goes to Iran every year. It is a mix of poetry and software helpdesk support. It should be good for your Moshaereh

Shazde Asdola Mirza

LOL souri khanom: actually that's the most painful reason of all

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Every voice counts! Every action counts!



by Souri on

LooooL, you forgot to name the third reason why you are a Muslim :)

But we won t ask you to explain it in detail :)

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Gitdoun: if poeple like me don't say that we are Muslim, then

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

the whole world would think that all muslims are crazy retards ;-)

Whenever someone asks if I am a muslim, considering that I drink like a fish, curse like a sailor and chase women - well this one actually like a muslim - I say, yes I am!

How come a non-practicing Christian is not asked to renounce his identity? Why should I? I am a muslim on two accounts:

1. The muslim establishment considers me a muslim, whether I want it or not! There is no exit door in Islam. Once you are born a muslim, you will be treated (actually mostly mistreated) like a muslim, to the end of your natural life. Even if you renounce Islam as the complete bullshit that it is, you are still considered a muslim and punished like a muslim who has become a MORTAD. The mullahs don't simply let you go and have your new religion and new life - just look at what has happened and been happening to the Baha'i for the last 150 years!

2. Personally, I consider myself a muslim and even shia. That shit has been injected into my veins since I was a kid. It is within me. It makes my culture, my likes, my dislikes - whether I like it or not. Do you get it? You or I cannot change what we are, but can say whatever we like about what we are, because we live in a free country! Yes, that is why I love Canada more than I love the Islamic Republic of Iran, because it respects my real self and my honest values, without prejudice.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

سوری خانم، باشه عصبانی‌ نمی‌‌شم - اینهم شعر با ث

Shazde Asdola Mirza


ثمر عشق چو در باغ دلم ریشه فرو برده ز نو

 گرچه نوخیز نهالیست ، سراپا شکر است


marhoum Kharmagas

gitdoun ver.2.0

by marhoum Kharmagas on

I don't know how old you are, but many of us are old enough to know some of these contradictions that you pointed out. If you know Farsi, please watch this video from Zahedi:


gitdoun ver.2.0

Shazde do u have Dyslexia ??

by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

Shazde yet again you prove my point "I am Shia and from a mullah lineage, but with no belief in it"    If your Shia and have No belief in Islam then your NOT a shia or a Muslim !!!  Shiaism isn't a Race or bloodline!!  as i said your full of contradictions and illogical statements. And your comment below regarding Montazari was worthless if infact it was about him at allll. I saw more on Ahmadinejad and the IRI than Montazeri himself. Shazde some parting advice here at UCLA they do have treatment for Dyslexia i encourage you to make an appointment today and get treated !

marhoum Kharmagas

that was my point Shazdeh!

by marhoum Kharmagas on

...likes of you didn't support him (Shah), ..., jA zadid, long time ago!... you were with him and not with him!

BTW, I agree with Montazeri that Shah's regime made much fewer mistakes. Not only that, I believe Shah towards the end of his life wanted to make Iran independent and prosperous, Shah's regime was much less corrupt etc, etc.

Why didn't you closet shahis stand for him then? Perhaps like today your loyalty was not to Shah and the country but to U.S/Israel.



حالا دم عیدی انقدر خودتونو عصبانی نکنید، خوبیت نداره


از روی همدیگه ببوسید و صلوات بفرستید.

این شازده خیلی‌ با سواد و سمارته ولی‌ نباید عصبانیش کنین.

حالا همتون بگین ببینم، هیچکی یه شعر خوب سراغ نداره که با ث سه نقطه شروع بشه؟

من واسه بلاگم شعر کم آوردم.

هر کی‌ بیاد کمک، یک جایزه خوب پیش من داره.

صلوات هم نیارید اونجا، چونک صلوات با صاد شروع میشه.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Gitdoun: some reading can serve you well - read my boy read!

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Literature, especially the humorous type is often full of contradiction. Go read some! Read Saadi, Zakani, Iraj, Hedayat - or perhaps you should start with R. Etemadi?

I am Shia and from a mullah lineage, but with no belief in it. So what? Kasravi was too. So were Taghizadeh, Aref and Kiyanori. Oh wait a minute - you probably know none of them! Go google.

As for your CHEERING paragraph, don't confuse yourself too much kid. You can't carry an argument if you life depended on it. Just stay with your IRI handlers, see what they say and watch what they do - then try to Emulate, which should be easy for a devote Shia like yourself!

gitdoun ver.2.0


by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

you can't reason with Shazde his posts are so off topic and so contradictory i have no idea what he is spewing. in one hand he says "Open you eyes and see who are the people CHEERING your blog here. They are the worst creatures on I.C., who do not care for anything, except supporting IRI's future"

wouldn't that be you who is CHEERING her blog and thus an ahmadinejad supporter ???  or do u mean people who are dismantling Sayeh Hassan's arguments ????

Shazde after allll these months you are still a person of contradiction and confusion ! your the saaame person who insults Hazrat Fatima Zahra and then turn around saying your Shia and come from a roh'anee /priestly family !!  

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Dead Fly living off IRI crap: the one working for Savak is YOU

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Faramarz has been here 4 years and his record is clear. Mine is only one year, but it is exactly the same type of all-around criticizing humor.

When your head clears from the IRI swamp vapors, go see if you can find any of my material in support of Shah and Savak - who by the way even Montazeri declared 100 times better than your Khomeini and his torturers.


دوست عزيز بر چسب به ما نزن


There is at least 4 years worth of stuff by me on this site and I don't believe that any of it points to blind support of a particular person or ideology. I have pointed out things as I saw them and I tried to incorporate my humor into the mix. That’s all.

Welcome back.

marhoum Kharmagas


by marhoum Kharmagas on



خر مگس خان گفتم از امشى دورى كن، گوش نكردى


خر مگس خان گفتم كه از امشى و پيف پاف دورى كن، گوش نكردى، اينهم نتيجه اش فكر كردم كه شايد موندت رفته بالا و با مگس ها ى تسه تسه مى پرى!

marhoum Kharmagas


by marhoum Kharmagas on

Shazdeh, Montazeri not only voiced his opposition to IRI blunders and crimes, but also prior to that he stood against shahis, and SAVAKIs .... your crowd.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Dear Sayeh: you are intelligent and compassionate, but careless

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

in your uncompromising judgment towards real people in Iran, who have invested their whole life in real battles for what they have believed to benefit their country.

Open you eyes and see who are the people cheering your blog here. They are the worst creatures on I.C., who do not care for anything, except supporting IRI's future, which lies in a single most important goal: gaining nuclear weapons without suffering debilitating sanctions.

They are the same who supported Ahmadi Nezhad from day one and throughout his campaign of murder and terror. They are the same creatures who bad mouth the courageous Iranian opposition figures, who have placed their lives and families on sacrifice, for what they believe will be Iran's freedom.

You believe that IRI is not reformable and must be overthrown - me too. However, the opposition to terror and dictatorship in Iran has many facets and fighters. It is up to the Iranian people to decide (in a free democratic environment) what should follow from this movement. However, in face of the current ruthless dictatorship of AN, Khamenei and Sepah - we cannot afford to lose even one pro-reform figure (Montazeri, Ebadi, Makhmalbaf, Sorosh) to the dungeons of darkness and torture.

The Evil in Iran now has all the instruments of power: top mullah, the majles, the presidency, the city councils, the judiciary, the media! Their victory would have been complete, but for the peaceful, persistent and united opposition movement. If they are able to suppress it, then their rule over Iran will be supreme for at least another generation!

That is why, the Evil worshippers on this site, all the time, aim to attack any and all the opposition leaders with any and all they can find - from left, right and center. These monsters have no love for Iran or freedom or democracy - but they are ready to decry Makhmalbaf as traitor, Ebadi as weak and Montazeri as dictator!

Remember, their aims are simple: divide the opposition, weaken it by both propaganda and brute force, and then crush it like all the others before!


marhoum kharmagas, I agree with Fred

by Jaleho on

in his depiction of Makhmalbaaf too!

Actually, I was so shocked to see ALL LOSERS from neocons to Shahis to Reza Pahlavi and MKO, to Makhmalbaaf.... who tried to hijack the Iranian youth revolt against their lack of daily freedom and need to reform the constitution (as in abolition of Velayat Faghih ), and diverted it as their own casue!

Those youth in polls have shown to be against sanctions by 95%,  and for Iran's right to nuclear energy by 93%.

Although I agree with Fred's depiction of Makhmalbaaf, I believe he himself is one of those who tries to ride on the back of Iranian youth for his own casue which is NOT that of Iranian youth.

Look at what I said in the link that Fred used to show Makhmalbaaf is a for sanctions. I got massacred by everyone back then for my comment about Makhmalbaaaf, but later some changed their mind (I don't see Ostad's ugly comment to me anymore for example!)

In the end, the fact that Makhmalbaaf had to shut up and immediately became irrelevant after the following talk, makes it clear that neither his cause nor Fred's is in line with Iranian fight. Here's what killed him politically:


Sore LOSER turned TRAITOR!!

by Jaleho on

disgusting traitor is begging the Europeans and westernes to ignore not only the vote of 24 million Iranians, but also the 13 million supporters of Mousavi who are also for Iran's nuclear energy!

He's a representative of dirty neo-cons and bunch of Iranian expats in the west, not Iranians inside Iran!! Asking for more sanctions and pressure on Iranian people and calling himslef representing Iranians?!!



Dear Sayeh, For what it's

by PArviz on

Dear Sayeh,

For what it's worth, I agree with you 100%. The only way forward for Iran is towards a secular democracy.


Down with the ENTIRE islamic republic!


Marhoum jan

by IRANdokht on

100 saal zendeh bashi! Khoda bad nadeh... kessaalat ra'f shod ishalla?

Vallahe I am speechless. I've read FR's ultra-sweet comment to me a few times so far and I keep pinching myself to make sure it all isn't just a dream... ;-)

I must say that compared to Sayeh's bitterness and vicious attacks while having a lot of other anti-green people around too, it's refreshing to see FR's reform and the new positive attitude. Lets cherish the moment and not ask too many questions. I want to keep dreaming :o) 

Just kidding Farah jan. I know you have a healthy sense of humor and I do appreciate your nice words. Looking forward to seeing more pro-green blogs from you. 


marhoum Kharmagas

soon Fred will be green too! (to Jaleh)

by marhoum Kharmagas on

Khanome Jaleh, I wouldn't be surprised to see Fred turn green one of these days too. Listen to Makhmalbaf's audio at the bottom of the following page and you'll realize how close Fred and Makhmalbaf's views are.....




marhoum kharmagas,

by Jaleho on

You rock! You make me laugh even az oon donya. Now, I got to admit that Farah khanoom's "Reformation to Green" was very entertaining to read as well. With Reza Pahlavi wearing a green wrist band, who can blame Farah Khanoom's transformation?


I am quite disappointed in

by benross on

I am quite disappointed in many opposition groups and figures who have decided to create a hero out of this “reformist mullah” who has the blood of thousands of innocent Iranians on his hands.

Dear Sayeh,

This single paragraph has more substance in it than all those promotional material that Shireen Ebaadi has put out. There is a catch though. The blood of thousands of innocent Iranians is on the hands of all of us. Pick anybody and you can successfully argue that he has blood on his hands. Because in the deepest sense of the truth, it is a fact. We all have bloods of innocent Iranians on our hands, by our actions, or inactions.

Montazeri was no hero, by any stretch of imagination. But he was a good man with a good heart, one of 90% of Iranians who participated in a disastrous revolution in which 100% of Iranians are guilty of. And one of many who tried to rectify the historical mistake, in his own way and within his own mind-frame as an akhoond. Having a prominent position in the revolution hierarchy, his effort was more noticeable than most. The public recognition in his death is coming from the prominence of his position not the depth of his effort, which by no means was any more important than the effort of any ordinary Iranian within the past 30 years.

Singling out Montazeri as the guilty one, has two problems. First problem is that you can't single out a person or even many persons, in a large scale historic social event such as a revolution. Second problem, is that by ignoring the efforts of a man for rectifying a historic mistake, you risk to ignore the efforts of everybody in rectifying their error. Those people who went to mourn the death of Montazeri, are not mourning their hero. They are simply continuing to rectify their error in action. The 'hero' rhetoric has a self promoting narrative which has nothing to do with what is going on in the streets of Qom and Tehran.

Iranians have no longer any inspirational hero of old generation. You are guilty of not seeing Montazeri, as the street sees him. 



گذشته‌ای که نمی‌گذرد، شادی صدر

Kaveh Parsa

آيت الله منتظری در خاطرات خود می گويد: "...من همينطور ناراحت بودم...فکر می کردم که بالاخره به من می گويند قائم مقام رهبری، من در اين انقلاب سهيم بوده ام، اگر يک نفر بی گناه در اين جمهوری اسلامی کشته شود من هم مسئولم..."

اگر مرگ آيت‌الله منتظری، فرصتی باشد برای خواندن زندگی او و خاطرات او، فرصتی نيز هست برای بازخوانی تاريخ نقض سيستماتيک حقوق بشر در دهه‌ی اول جمهوری اسلامی و يادآوری اين واقعيت که حقوق بشر، نه گزينشی است و نه استثنايی. نقض حقوق بشر در جمهوری اسلامی هم از ۲۲ خرداد ۸۸ آغاز نشده‌است.  برای آن بخش از رهبران فعلی اپوزيسيون که در دهه ۶۰، بر سر کار بوده اند و لاجرم در نقض سيستماتيک حقوق زندانيان سياسی، دگرانديشان، زنان، بهاييان و قوميتها، مسئوليت حقوقی دارند، و مثل آيت الله منتظری، در همان زمان با موضوع، برخورد و مخالفت نکرده اند، تنها راه باقی مانده، اعتراف به اشتباه و طلب بخشش از قربانيان است؛

لینک برای متن کامل مقاله شادی صدر


Farah Rusta

khamagas jaan salam

by Farah Rusta on

Good to see you again, albeit in after life :).  I am glad I caused you laugh. Hope you always do.


Best wishes



khaleh mosheh

Dear Sayeh Jan

by khaleh mosheh on

Hi Sis,

I just adore you to bits coz your so full of passion. I think we do need girl power and passion if we ever to get rid of these shipsho mollas.

As for Montazeri, well I dont like him much being an Akhund,  but a lot of folks back home go for all this Shia clerik  'marja taghlled' and all. So I reckon if you have a public figure who shows courage and stands for the right of the people then that gets him a bit of respect in my book, even if he does it belatedly. Better late than never I say. 

But I agree Mollas way of thinking even the most progressive of them is still way too backward to help our society to really become a modern one.

Also hopefullly his death can be used by the opposition to bring this filthy nasty regime down to its knees, so at least his death may acheive what he may have tried to do in his later years but clearly he was by then powerless to accomplish. 

Keep up the passion Sis and merry Xmas. 

marhoum Kharmagas

it could be for the grinch! (to ID and FR)

by marhoum Kharmagas on

ID, it could be for the Grinch, we are very close to Christmas:


Farah, just kidding, as you know although we have different views I have found many of your comments interesting and informative. BTW, I couldn't stop laughing when I saw your green avatar. 

Farah Rusta

Irandokht jaan

by Farah Rusta on

Thank you for your  welcoming comment. I missed you so much. You are among the very few decent, well-balanced and reasonable people on this site whom I admire and try to emulate. I know that you may not approve of my geen credentials but allow me to explain. I am reformed but I am not a "reformist". And I have turned green but I believe that being green should not necessarily mean to agree with the pro-Islamic faction of the greens. As I am sure you appreciate, greens come from a variety of political backgrounds. I happen to be in favor of a secular democratic form of government. And for the record, I am no longer deluded by the prospects of a parialmentary monarchy. 

As always, I am so pleased to hear from you.
