Moment comrade ... moment


Shazde Asdola Mirza
by Shazde Asdola Mirza

It seems that many "comrades" have issues with my latest article.


That is either because they haven't fully understood it (their problem) or haven't fully appreciated it (my problem). Either case can benefit from a spot of explanation in plain English.

1. Definitions:

In this play, Rofagha are in essence petit-bourgeois, but of the kind that aims to gain leadership of the proletariat, in order to establish their idealized form of government (the so call dictatorship of proletariat, which is really the dictatorship of communist party under its supreme ayatollah). They have a rebellious child-parent relationship with the bourgeois (give me cash so that I can scorn you) ... as well as a guilt complex towards proletariat (my remorse over a self-indulgent life style can only be balanced with the penance of loving the working class God).

Proletariat is that group of people who physically resides in the society, but is actually outside the administrative, ownership and cultural sphere of that society. They are mostly simple folks who work not because Labor is the new god on earth, but simply to pay rent, eat and yes, to have fun ... as much fun as they can get their hands on! They are after a natural life and the fulfillment of their natural desires, like anyone else ... no worse and no better than any other person ... but certainly less wealthy in cash and culture. Help them rebel and come to power and they will … oh well, you have seen what happens!

Bourgeois is part owner of the establishment and part administrative head of the organization. He carries the burden of leadership and therefore can't afford to be funny, liberal and relaxed. His great art is the leadership of men, which is more difficult than herding cats and taming shrews. His love is concentrated on his material gain and his family sphere and children, which he has foolishly shielded from the cold realities of life, by sending off to the best schools and preventing them from getting exposed to the bottom layers of society … often resulting in a meek generation of weaklings, who can be defeated by the smartest and brightest of the proletariat, who then become bourgeois and then send their pampered children to the best universities … etc, etc.

2. Proposition

That everyone in the play is trying to enjoy life, the way they “believe” to suit them the best. Proletariat is after the immediate gratification of needs and desires. Bourgeois knows that life is full of dangers and uncertainties (most likely having started as a smart proletariat) and is therefore trying to build up his business and invest in his children's future.

Comrades (Rofagha) may not seem to be enjoying themselves, but they too are actually striving to travel through a “marvelous and magical” path, which promises to fulfill a religious-like duty and deliver them to the peak of humanity. A path which they feel is going to give them the greatest fulfillment in life possible, despite some little problems that have occurred in the “execution” of the great communist roadmap in Russia, China, Korea, Albania, Cambodia, etc! Yes, they are basically nut jobs, who can't see the folly in themselves … even though they can easily see the folly in other petit-bourgeois nut jobs … such as the Islamists, the Fascists, the Aryanists, etc.

The proletariat and the bourgeois see things more or less the way they are ... that one group is underneath and the other one is overhead ... that one is trying to get higher and the other is trying to maintain his dominance ... that both want the same things in life and are competing for the same opportunities … that once in power the proletariat can be 100 times more brutal and abusive than any comrade can imagine.

It is only the Rofagha who don't see things the way they are, because the comrades are blinded by a religious type mind-shield, by a giant blind-spot, by a huge guilt-hate complex.

3. Similitude

In the play, the workers know what is going on in the kitchen (what is going on in the real life). The bourgeois too knows the truth and is trying to remedy the situation, in order to protect and improve his business. But the Rofagha are completely unaware of the kitchen scene's reality and don't understand the meaning of sounds and actions that are coming from the workplace. Most importantly, not understanding the current situation, they fall victim to the consequences of other people's negative motives and wrongful actions … as well as their own ignorance (i.e. eating crap as nourishment … swallowing Imam as savior … dying and killing for someone else’s mean desires)!

Finally, a word about the culture of martyrdom is necessary, because every time one tries to expose an Islamist, the mullah cries and screams about Karbala and Hoveizeh - and the same thing happens with the Shahollahis and their justification of everything based on what happened to their ilk after the revolution, etc. Comrades have always used the martyr guilt to the fullest effect too, from the WWII and Stalingrad to Korea and Cambodia. But let’s remember this:

"Truth hurts but won't kill you - Lies can kill you and then use your dead body to justify more lies!"


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Hoshang Targol

مومنت مومنت بی

Hoshang Targol

مومنت مومنت

بی خیال قمر خانوم تلویزیونی، قمر خانوم خودمونو بچسب (منظورمو  میفهمی،
حالا نچسبیدی هم نچسبیدی !) از " ساخت-زدایی"  کیف کردی یا نه؟

شازده جون،چقد بگم، عزیز من، " خانی " در کار نیست ،"اون دوره  خان خانی تموم شد..."

Shazde Asdola Mirza

هوشنگ خان

Shazde Asdola Mirza

آخرای سریال قمر خانم رو یادم نمیاد ... گمونم خارج بودم.

Shazde Asdola Mirza


by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

do you blame him? with a lovely eye like this plus such passion and energy, obsessive stalking is no surprise! the amazing part is that there is only one stalker so far ;-)

Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

i think i have an obsessive stalker in this place!

Hoshang Targol

Moment, moment, Shazdeh jon : As a reminder!

by Hoshang Targol on

don't mean to beat on a corpse, but, it just occured to me that you were wrong on both counts of Abji Nariman and Ghamar Khanom, which one is more important, I'm not sure?


for the first one just take a look at this very hurriedly written little note, and let me know what you think. keep in mind this was right after his/her masterpiece on the US!

ساخت- زدایی آبجی نیلو

چگونه میتوان کل یک کشور و مردمانش را ابله خواند ،
بدون توجه به حتا ذکر یک مورد مثبت ( با  وجود ارائه دادن ده ها  و صد ها
نمونه مثبت )؟
 یا چگونه  از پایان فقر در جهان میتوان صفحه ها نوشت بدون حتا یک بار اشاره به فقر در ایران، با جمعیتی  بالغ بر چهل میلیون زیر خط فقر ؟"پرداختن"  به سوسیالیسم بدون حتا یک بار نام آوردن از طبقه کارگر ؟ یا....

    ادعای ن .پ. 
بر این است که :" از آنجایی  که ارتش امریکا  ایران را محاصره کرده است، و
این همان ارتشی است که عراق و افغانستان را نیز اشغال کرده است، و
احتمال حمله به ایران نیز بالا است ، پس ما (ایرانیان )  میبایست، از
امریکا افشا گری نموده و مانع  جنگی تازه شویم ."

که خوب تا اینجای داستان هر انسان عاقل و بالغی نیز با این هدف انسانی و منطقی موافقت دارد و آرزوی  پیروزی در این امر.   در
این رابطه طبیعتا اولین پرسشی که برای هر خواننده صلح دوست مطرح میشود این
خواهد بود که : "  کدام نیروها و جنبشها در امریکا ضد-جنگ میباشند، و ما (
ایرانیان ) بمثابه  سفیران  صلح و دوستی  ملت ایران ، چگونه میتوانیم این
نیروها را شناسایی و تقویت نمایم" که خوشبختانه  جامعه امریکا از این لحاظ
در مضیقه نیست  و هر کنشگر صلح  میتواند  به آسانی ده ها و صد ها افراد،
گروه ها، احزاب و شبکه های  ضد-جنگ را شناسایی و تقویت نماید .

 خب، تا اینجای
داستان بسیار ساده است، تنها کاری که برای آبجی نیلو باقی میماند،
شناسایی و بر قراری ارتباط با این نیروها در راه جلو گیری از یک جنگ دیگر. اما این
آبجی صلح طلب ما نه تنها  کاری به کار کنشگران صلح در امریکا ندارد ،
بلکه تمام و کمال ، بطور مطلق ، و بدون استثنا  کل ملت امریکا و تاریخ
و فرهنگ و ادبیات و... را " احمق "  خوانده و حتا ادعای
این که " تمامی نیروها در امریکا مطیع قدرت اند و  هیچ کاری نمیکنند [
نقل  به معنا از آبجی ]". این تناقص از کجا سر میزنه ؟ از یک سو ادعای صلح
طلبی و دوستی و هبستگی  بین مملکتها برای حفظ صلح، و از سوی دیگر  اصرار
کودکانه در رد و انکار هر گونه  جنبه مثبت و مثمر در جامعه امریکا
و ابله و احمق  پنداشتن تمامی احاد یک جامعه  

کلید این تناقص را باید در ماموریت آبجی پیدا کرد. این وظیفه نه برقرای تفاهم و دوستی مابین مردمان ایران 
و امریکا بلکه : تقویت پندارهای سخیف و ابلهانه 
ملاها در مورد غرب بطور کل و امریکا مشخصا.
البته چنین تقویت پندارهای سخیف و ابلهانه  ملاها  فقط در مورد
موارد خارجی نیست بلکه شامل خود ایران نیز میشود،
مبالغه نخواهد بود اگر تمامی مقالات این زید (
درمورد ایران را ) چیزی جز  تحریف، کتمان حقیقت ، و مثبت نشان دادن جمهوری
جهنمی ( در جهنمی ترین دوره اش )تعریف کنیم .

در پایان بسیار مایل بودم اگر
تمامی دوستان بقیه این محاوره را به زبان فارسی انجام میدادند ، از شما چه
پنهان  این حقیر مقداری کنجکاو است ببیند این " پارسی " فارسیش کجاس ؟!


  "عصمت به آینه مفروش ، که فاجران  نیازمند ترانند"

As far as Ghamar khanom, you mentinoned the boy-assistant , that she invites to see after the wedding. But if you recall, or don't, the final episode of the series was a particularly  brutally violent one; one of the girls gets assulted: and Ghamar Khanom ends up in jail for dealing drugs, cheers

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Dirty Angel: need a hand out of the gutter? ;-)

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

She clearly says, "Bokhorim"! But then again ... my ears could be waxed up or your ears could be dirty ;-)

Shazde Asdola Mirza

ممنون ابی جان

Shazde Asdola Mirza

God bless her soul. She left us with a great artistic gift and many outstanding contributions to Iranian culture.

Dirty Angel

Is it me? Am I being dirty or

by Dirty Angel on

did the other woman in the video say: "bayad bezanimo, bokonimo, bekoobim."


"What's three times worse than war?" "Three wars?"

ebi amirhosseini

Unfortunately she passed away....

by ebi amirhosseini on

Shazde Asdola Mirza

AN says there is no homosexuals in Iran

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

But some how, all the "intellectual" arguments end up in that Ghazvini "black hole".

Good night and god bless.

Hoshang Targol

مومنت ، مومنت

Hoshang Targol

مومنت ، مومنت

این نقطه کور نیست ، عزیز من ، به این میگن Lacuna " لاکونا" . به روح پاک
ژاک لاکان و لوی التوسر قسم ، اینو از خودم در نیاوردم. البته همون "نقطه
کور" خودمونه منتها مقداری آکادمیک تر ، قزوینیها هم چندان از این " مفهوم"
بدشون نمیاد، روز و شبت خوش که خیلی باحالی.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

OK - good night Hoshang dear, but remember ...

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

We all have our own blind spots ... others can see it, but not us!

Hoshang Targol

اصفهانیو میگن

Hoshang Targol

از عقب دل میبره ، از جلو زهره !

Hoshang Targol

مومنت مومنت

Hoshang Targol

عزیز  من
پول پات قرمساق هم  فکر میکرد مارکسیسته! همچنین عمو یوسف، انور خوجه، ...و
بقیه این ارازل و اوباش. اینها میگن ف ، من میدونم میخوان بگن: فرزاد!

دوما : هیچ فرقی نداره  که چه عنوانی رو خودش میزاره ، همینکه  " هدفمند
کردن یارانه ها "  را تاکید میکنه، خودش یه مثنوی هفتاد من کاغذه. احترام ، احترام میاره و از این حرفا. مثلا " چپی" که هنوز از این آت
آشغالها حمایت کنه ( اون هم به بهانه 'تحریم' و 'جنگ') به درد لای جرز  هم
نمیخوره، چه برسه به برخورد محترمانه! دمت گرم و شبت خوش .

بعد تحریر - اگه میخوایی یه  چپ حسابی ببینی ، یه نگاهی بنداز اینجا cpiran .org                                         Az Door Del Mibareh - Az Jelo Zahreh, not our friend of course!!!!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

حاجی ابراهیم - حقا که دود از کنده بلند میشه

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Thanks a million for correcting me.

Is she still with us? Is she still active in the movie / tv business?

ebi amirhosseini

shazdeh Va'la'

by ebi amirhosseini on


Aziz-al-Saltaneh,not Moluk,cheraa laghabe marhoom Parvin Malakooti ro azash migiri!!!lol

Hamoon ke mikhaast sonbole doostali khara ro beboreh!!moment!!


Ebi aka Haaji

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Hey Hajminator dear ... thanks for improving it

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

"نزدیک" در این مورد، واژه بهتری است تا "جلو". البته بیشتر نزدیکی‌ کردن‌ها هم از جلو صورت می‌گیرد، ولی‌ آن داستان دیگری است.


از دور دل میبره، از نزدیک زهره!


simply priceless!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

خر جان

Shazde Asdola Mirza

The same actress played the powerful, mean and yet "closet romantic" charater of Ezat-al-Molok in the Uncle Napoleon TV series. God bless them all ... we had good artists! Our own Ghamar Khanom is also a great artist ... Az Door Del Mibareh - Az Jelo Zahreh ;-)

Shazde Asdola Mirza

But she isn't Hezbollah - she is a lefty ... like you Hoshang!

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

You shouldn't make my early mistake ... read her pieces carefully. She is a leftist and not Hezbollah at all. Actually, there is almost no Hezbollah in this site, who can write three sentences straight. All these people that you are taking for Hezbollah and IRI, almost all of them are PeaceNik leftists, who are primarily against war and sanctions towards Iran. Their mentality has been shaped during the GW's war on terror, and fearing the Iraq situation repeating in Iran.



by Khar on

Ghamar-Khanoum in a true sense is a classical tonbaan-kan va nafas-kesh, priceless Shazdeh jaan ;o)

Hoshang Targol

مومنت مومنت

Hoshang Targol

مومنت مومنت

شازده باورت بشه یا نه، از وقتی که رمان " دایی جان " را در سنی بسیار کم 
خواندم  ، شازده اسداله میرزا شوخی شوخی "التر-ایگو" من شد، یعنی خیلی
هواتو دارم و دمت گرمه. در مورد آن شخص خاص ، پیش خودمون بمونه :

یک) مطمئن نیستم با زن طرفم ، یا غول بیابون یا چی! [ یه چکه دقت کن در
"استدلالات " طرف ، اخه چه زن ایرونی میتونه انقدر پرت بگه ؟]

دو) بیشتر از هر چیز منو یاد مادر فولاد زره میندازه.

با تمام این توصیفات  اگر دقت کنی ، همواره سعی میکنم "عینیت آکادمیک" را
حفظ کنم ولی عزیز من ، تو این سن و سال، و خصوصاعرض یکی  دو سال اخیر،حوصله
سر کله زدن با جماعت حزب الله تقریبا کاملا  از بین رفته. به هر رو ، بی
خیال این ارازل و اوباش ، تو باحالی. باحال بمون، دمت گرم

Shazde Asdola Mirza

No, but she had a busy-boy assistant ... Hoshang

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Why are you so rude with NP? It isn't nice to abuse an intelligent lady! Haven't you learnt anything from me?

"Nice with Nice - Nasty with Nasty"

Hoshang Targol

شازده جون

Hoshang Targol

شازده جون ،مومنت مومنت 

این قمر خانوم، آخر سریال ، قاچاقچی از آب در نیومد؟

امروز اینجا ( آی .سی)   از  صبح تا حالا ، همش  ما رو میبرین دوران کودکی (
ویدئو  محله  امیریه ،  قمر خانوم و ... ) خوبه که با نوستالژیا چندان
مساعدتی نیست ، وگرنه ! شبت خوش

Shazde Asdola Mirza

خانه قمر خانم

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Despite some good intentions, all this bickering reminds me of the old Iranian TV series - Khaneh Ghamar Khanom!

We are even "blessed" with our own imposing, mean and grumpy Ghamar Khanom, in this little house of Iranian.Com. See if you can locate her chubby figure and screeching voice in this video ;-)



Marx Serving Adam

by comrade on

I waited long enough until the peak hour was over, before going to "the restaurant", and got the honor of being waited on by none other than the owner herself, who confided in me that had it not been for government's intervention her business would been foreclosed long before. When I asked her if she had Keynesian view, she rushed back to the kitchen to fetch one...

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.


Niloufar Parsi

been trying to

by Niloufar Parsi on

train you, but not much success as you are quite stupid really. one more time: try to think for yourself. stop latching on to the causes of others. find your own, and stop patronising the poor. it is exploitative. stop using slogans so much. it is embarrassing for a grown up. be yourself. unless you have no character of your own. this is what is suspect. shaban bi mokh with bad attitude.

Hoshang Targol

Not as "indefatigable" ?

by Hoshang Targol on

All those toes, even your jaws need a rest.


As usual, you don't have a damn word to say. Somethings never change.

Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on


Hoshang Targol

Correction , the event cited below is on Dec 4, 2010

by Hoshang Targol on

The simultaneoues demonstrations to be held in Toronto, London and Paris in defense of Reza Rakhshan and other jailed labor activists in Iran is on :


DECEMBER 4, 2010
