من در بلاگ زیر نفرت کور و دمو کراسی این کامنت رو در جواب این سوال نوشتم که خشم و نفرت برخی از ما نسبت به آقای رضا پهلوی بیانگر چه چیزیست؟
به پیشنهاد دوستان، فکر کردم که بد نباشه که این کامنت رو به صورت بلاگ پست کنم، تا دوستان بیشتری اون رو بخونند. از توجه شما سپاسگزارم
در جواب سوال شما باید بگم، من فکر میکنم که خشم و نفرت ایرانیان از رضا پهلوی، بیانگر ترس است. ترس از قبول این مطلب که اشتباه کردند. در واقع این از نظر روانانسانی، کاملا طبیعی ایست. شناختن و قبول اینکه در انتخاب و تصمیم گذشته، اشتباه کردیم، خیلی دردناک است. ایرانی که انقلاب کرد، که در مقابل توپ و تفنگ ایستاد، از خون برادر و دوست گذشت و در بدری و دوری از وطن رو تحمل کرد، هرگز نمیتونه قبول کنه، که همه اینها بیهوده بوده و بیثمر. و یا حتی نتیجه این همه بدبختی و مصائب، انقدر بد تر از قبل شده، که حالا باید خودش همون کسانی رو که با تیپا بیرون کرده، برگردونه با دست خودش به مملکتی که خودش ویرون کرده، ببره.
البته این توهم و تصویریست که ایرانیهای متعهد و انقلابی در ذهن خودشون درست کردند. همونطور که جناب رشید فرمودند، اینها همه از ذهن و باطن خود ما سر چشمه میگیره ولیکن الزاماً واقعی نیست.
انقلاب در اون زمان اجتناب ناپذیر بود. شرایط جامعه و فشار در زمان پهلوی به حدی رسیده بود که مردم از خفقان به تنگ آمده بودند. سالها سرکوبی و اختناق، مردم را به سطوح آورده بود. خانوادههای که در اون زمان عزیزانشون زندان سیاسی بودند میفهمند من از چی دارم صحبت میکنم. ظلم ارتشیها و ساواک به مردم، و تبعیضهای طبقاتی، همه و همه اینها مردم رو به ستوه آورده بود. همه اینها رو نمیشه انکار کرد. ما امروز فقط شرایط فعلی رو با گذشته مقایسه میکنیم و : هر سال میگیم دریغ از پارسال!
اما، باید تحولات یک جامعه رو در سیر طولانی تاریخ اون جامعه ببینیم. انقلاب ضروری و اجتناب ناپذیر بود. اما برای رسیدن به اون نتیجه مطلوب (دموکراسی) مسیر ما متأسفانه طولانی و رنج آور شد. بهای خیلی گرانی از جان و مال و غرور اجتماعی و حتی فرهنگی برای این مطلوب، پرداختیم. برای همین هم، فکر میکنیم که قبول رضا پهلوی، قبول و به رسمیت شناختن اشتباهی است که در گذشته مرتکب شدیم. اما به نظر من، این انقلاب اشتباه نبوده، و حتی اگر این انقلاب اتفاق نمیافتاد، رضا پهلوی هم، این انسان امروزی نمیشد. باید قبول کنیم که چرخ انقلاب، در مسیر خودش خیلی چیزها رو خورد کرد و از بین برد. به همون نسبت هم، فهم و شعور سیاسی ایرانیان به تدریج بالا تر و بالاتر رفت. مفهوم آزادی و دموکراسی، برای همه، منجمله خود آقای رضا پهلوی، امروز خیلی مشخص تر شده. تا جایی که امروز ایشون کلماتی رو بکار میبره که اگر انقلاب نشده بود، امکان نداشت روزی از او بشنویم (مثل : من هرگز به خودم اجازه نمیدم که خودم رو رهبر معرفی کنم! این مردم هستند که تصمیم خواهند گرفت).
امروز من انقدر از جامعه خودم دور افتادم که فکر میکنم حتی حق ندارم که در مورد آینده کشورم هیچ تصمیمی بگیرم، فقط این تصمیم رو به عهده هم وطنان داخل کشورم میگذارم و به اونها عتماد میکنم. شاید که اشتباه میکنم. شاید که اونها هم اشتباه کنند. اما یک چیز که مسلم هست اینه که هر ایرانی، با هر فکر و ایدولوژی ، برای ایران و ایرانی بهترین آرزوها رو داره. ایران در قلب همه ما ایرانیها میتپه. من هرگز باور نکردم و نخواهم کرد که یک ایرانی، وطن فروش بشه. بله، اشتباه هم میکنیم و خواهیم کرد، تا روزی که بالاخره فهم سیاسی ، کوشش مردم، شرایط اجتماعی و حتی بین المللی، ما رو یاری کنه تا به دموکراسی واقعی برسیم، چه با آقای پهلوی، چه بدون ایشون.
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dear religionoutofgovernment
by Souri on Thu Jan 05, 2012 04:48 PM PSTthanks for your comment. As you said, every person looks from his own window and see things from a different angle. What we all want. is a free Iran with the happy Iranians, living under much more civilized rules. It is good to put our differences aside and listen to each other, trying to find a way to reach to that goal.
Thank You Souri
by Faramarz on Thu Jan 05, 2012 04:47 PM PSTI am overwhelmed by raw emotions!
OK, I liked it a lot!
Rastakhiz was a good thing
by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on Thu Jan 05, 2012 04:45 PM PSTSAVAK was a blessing
All that corruption and theft of public goods and oil money, well hey if you didn't steal any...
All that brotherhood and understanding between SAVAK and Hojatieh; isn't that just utopian.
Dust has settled for thirty three years, and you still can't understanding the dif between shinolla and shitte.
All we had to do was to put up with it for a few more years, when we would have crossed the Gates of the Great Civilization, Darvazeh Tamadon Bozorg.
Elizabeth Hix is the Iranian coordiantor for HRW.
Lahiji is the most prominent HR attorny in Iran.
Aksaryat get that nick-name from a split.
For someone so incredibly ignorant of some of the most basic facts and realities of Iran, you yet allow yourself to insult and offend so repetitively, bordering on recividism.
How poetic, Faramarz. Siavash Kasraaee just did it for you :-)
by Souri on Thu Jan 05, 2012 04:43 PM PSTهمه با آیینه گفتم، که خموشانه مرا می پایید
گفتم ای آیینه با من تو بگو
چه کسی بال ِ خیالم را چید ؟
چه کسی صندوق جادویی اندیشه ی من غارت کرد ؟
چه کسی خرمن رویایی گلهای مرا داد به باد ؟
سرانگشت بر آیینه نهادم پُرسان:
چه کس آخر، چه کسی کشت مرا
که نه دستی به مدد از سوی یاری برخاست
نه کسی را خبری شد نه هیاهویی در شهر افتاد ؟
اشک بر دیده به تاریکیِ آغازِ غروب
بی صدا بر دلم انگشت نهاد
Souri Jaan
by religionoutofgovernment on Thu Jan 05, 2012 04:39 PM PSTNice blog. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings about the revolution and RP. Of course, different people have different reasons for their hesitations toward RP but you are certainly correct.
I would add that historically, due to lack of a transparent/civil society and the organs to protect the pillars of a civil society, we have had too much emphasis on personalities, dictators and threat of dictators. Once a civil society is created with all its safeguards, such as an independent judiciary that RP mention, we can start looking at RP not as a threat but as a progressive personality that can either be useful to our society or can be discarded when he is not. Although we don't have such a civil society yet, we have the basics of such a society in the political intellectual maturity of our citizens. So I think the fears of a dictator are overblown at this time.
The last issue is that there are people, including many on IC, who will vehemently oppose anyone who has a plan not consistent with their ideology and platform. in fact, because ideologies and predetermined platforms are inherently undemocratic, they fear anyone including RP who speaks of a democratic society. This crowd usually runs out of logic and intellectual reserve very quickly and resorts to name calling, such as Shahollahi.
by Souri on Thu Jan 05, 2012 04:36 PM PSTThanks for your comment. I believe you are a bit younger than us (Faramarz, Hooshang, myself and many others) so, I can't blame you for thinking that the revolution was a mistake. Although, I believe you must inform yourself about the past, the Pahlavis era and even the other Monarches.
I have also read your comment to me, in that other blog. My pleasure.
Well Said VPK
by Faramarz on Thu Jan 05, 2012 04:35 PM PSTIt takes courage to look in the mirror and say, "We have met the enemy, and he is us!"
Faramarz agreed
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Thu Jan 05, 2012 04:27 PM PSTReverse engineering actaully always helped in the lab in school
by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on Thu Jan 05, 2012 04:14 PM PSTBut that's another story.
All these apologist of IR and shah ALWAYS blame the people for all the problems; Iranian people are just too wild,
they have to be controlled
they didn't appreciate shah
they need a strong man,
In terms of the political forces what I had in mind were the forces that initially either politically supported khomini form the Left (Tudeh, Ranjbaran, and the Trotskyst fellow I can't recall his name right now, sounds like a religious one. Does anyone remember his name? He also ran as a presidential candidate), or the right forces during the early stages of IR.
Ofcourse you're absloutely correct pointing out Rajavi's treacherous cooperation with Saddam.Before that he went for a meeting with Khomini and Ayat Shaytan kicked him out. On a side note, when you have a political stage packed with characters like shah, khomini, rajavi,....just how much chances of a survival can any people have?
War proved to be one of IR's most effective weapons in combating the workers' and the democratic movement in Iran. As it was at the same time a combined US, Iraqi response to IR.
Now its time to meet the Guinness family, cheers
Merci Faramarz jon
by Souri on Thu Jan 05, 2012 04:01 PM PSTI tend to believe that there are still people who hate him for the crimes of his father. Or they hate him just because he is a Pahlavi.
I like his personality too. But I don't know if he is really honest in politics or not. But again, do we really know this of all other Political men in other countries?
For the time being, he seems to speak from his heart and he wants really the wellbeing of the Iranians.
The future will judge him.
by Souri on Thu Jan 05, 2012 03:52 PM PSTWho said "the Iranian people are blamed for it all" ?
Again another maghlateh?
Bakhtiar and Ovaissi (and MKE, of course you don't name them because for now you are defending these poor victims) have empowered the mullah because they helped Saddam in the war? Do they really had in their mind to help the mullas, in your opinion? Really?
So this is the way you do analyze the historical facts? By doing a "reverse Engineering"?
Souri Jon
by Faramarz on Thu Jan 05, 2012 03:45 PM PSTThe hostility towards Reza Pahlavi is completely misplaced. We Iranians talk about democracy, turning the leaf and moving forward, but at the same time we are still stuck in the past and the bitter memories of the past, but the unfortunate thing is that Reza Pahlavi is not a part of that past.
He was a young man when the ’79 revolution took place. He really had nothing to do with the “sins of his father.” He could have become a gigolo and cruise the hotspots of Paris, London or Monaco and marry a virgin like Princess Diana at the age 40, but instead, the guy is doing what he can to shine lights on the crimes of the Regime. He also married a fine woman and is raising a beautiful family. Like most Iranian men in the US, his hobbies are to BBQ for his family in his backyard and watch American football on the big screen TV.
I have to say that I really do not understand the bitter feelings that some have towards him. But then again, I know our people, so in a way, I do.
Ali jon
by Souri on Thu Jan 05, 2012 03:44 PM PSTThanks for having read this text and also for your comment.
If only you knew how many arteshi counted among our big family! You will be impressed :)
They were all, the very kind souls of course. But in general, they had lots of privilege which the "ordinary people" were deprived of.
One and the most hateful thing among others, was that rule of having a domestic (gomaashteh) which was so oppressive and inhuman, in my eye.
Dear Dr Saadat Noury
by Souri on Thu Jan 05, 2012 03:36 PM PSTThanks for your beautiful input. Very meaningful poems.
Wish you the bests.
خشم و نفرت ایرانیان از رضا پهلوی??
Ali P.Thu Jan 05, 2012 03:26 PM PST
I don't know anyone who hates RP. If there are, they could not a huge number.
There are those who are just not fans of him.
And then, there are those- like me- who is watching him, with an open mind, with no particular like, or dislike for him (with, more recently, listening closely to what he has to say, and I gotta admit: I am starting to like the guy)
Ali P.
P.S."Zolmeh arteshee haa" Souri jaan? Deevaaree kootaah tar az deevaareh arteshee haa paydaa nakardee? ;-)
Thank you for your clarifications
by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on Thu Jan 05, 2012 03:19 PM PSTOutside of "Iranian.com" RP is as relevant to Iranian politics as Ghajar princes of the past.
The last part of my observations remains a bitter historical fact.
Many forces from the Left: Stalinists, Maoist, Trotskyist were in support of IR (we don't need to name them since we all know who they were).
From the Right spectrum: Bakhtiar, Ovaissi, et al.. by helping Saddam in his attack on Iran immensly helped mullahs to cement their power.
Of course all these "little inconvenient details" gets forgotten, and we're left with Iranian people being blamed for it all. Cheers
by Souri on Thu Jan 05, 2012 03:07 PM PSTI apologize if I didn't express my opinion clearly.
What has confused you is that I have started by saying : Fear of admitting a mistake!
But if you read the entire text (which I assume you did) you will notice that I am talking from their point of view (not mine).
I said "the revolutionists of the past" who hate RP blindly, think that if now they listen to him and give him the opportunity to prove himself, they will have insulted themselves and their past ideology/deeds.
And I have followed by saying that "in my opinion" they are wrong! Because the Revolution was not a mistake but an inevitable reaction to that oppressive situation.
In addition, I said also, that we have rose above that situation and now the people of Iran are in another stage of political knowledge and situation which bring us to a new road with a new Pahlavi, in a new context.
I discard the very last part of your comment, because it is a complete malicious sarcasm.
Dear Souri Babnoo
by M. Saadat Noury on Thu Jan 05, 2012 02:59 PM PST١
ما ، نسل ضربه دیده ز پرگار_نفرت ا یم
ما ، ازبرای_نسل_ بشردرس_عبرت ا یم
با شد د یا رو کلبه ی ما ، پر شود زمهر
ما ، د وستدا ر_ حربه ی عشق و مسرت ا یم
سخن ایران
منگر مرا چنین که شدم کوچک و نزار
بنگر مرا به عهد _ شکوه و بزرگی ام
منگر مرا به چهره ی غمگین و سوگوار
بنگر مرا ، به دوره ی شاد و سترگی ام...
So which one is it? Was the revolt against tyranny right,or not?
by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on Thu Jan 05, 2012 02:48 PM PSTWith all due respect for writer and deep appreciation of the immense complexity of the topic of 1979 Revolution against monarchy in Iran, this short piece reads as if it wants to have it both ways.
It starts by saying, yes we made a mistake, but towards the end it concludes that the insurrection against shah was inevitable.
The historical fact of the matter remains that the oppression, single-party system, and the corruption of shah made a revolt against the system in Iran INEVITABLE.
At the same time due to a total lack of democratic culture and a thorough lack of any substantial political dialogue in that society, the odds were overwhelmingly stacked against a democratic outcome.
Not to mention that many forces from the right and the left did thier best to directly and indirectly augment mullahs position within Iran.