by Zion

The greatest scholar and `humanitarian` of all times. Criticizing this great hero of mankind is one of the biggest remaining taboos among progressives, and a sign of unspeakable evil.

Here he is meeting possibly the greatest assembly of progressive humanists in world history, based in Lebanon:


more from Zion

Did He receive his honorary Turban?

by samsam1111 on

The greatest dis-service done to the cause of peace has always been by leftist Idealists romanticizing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a mythical battle between good & evil. Their provocative self rightious  rethoric is one big reason that so many innocent young impressionable Palestinians choose suicide bombing over tolerance, peace & dialogue. most genocides started with those innocent leftist rethorics that ended in monsters like Stalin or Mao who ate their own so called oppresed masses. No wonder that the 1st seeds of sessesionism in Iran was spread through the same leftist agenda of so called justice for all that turned out to be nothing more than espionage on behalf of Soviets..


To the editor

by Zion on

Is there a reason the rest of this blog entry has vanished and I can`t edit my own blog entry anymore?