by Zion

The greatest scholar and `humanitarian` of all times. Criticizing this great hero of mankind is one of the biggest remaining taboos among progressives, and a sign of unspeakable evil.

Here he is meeting possibly the greatest assembly of progressive humanists in world history, based in Lebanon:


more from Zion

Dear Robin

by Zion on

I'm so sorry to hear all this. Ani b'emet mitztaer. I didn't check this place so I was not aware of this comment of yours until now. I don't know what has happened, could you recount what the reason for all this quarrel was? What happened?

I enjoyed our discussions a lot and learned so much from you Robin. Thank you.
By all means let me know how I can contact you by email, so we can talk more.
I hope you get to read this.
Take care of yourself.


my dear zion

by robin formerly rosie (not verified) on

i tried a couple of times to contact you but was unable because you don't have a contact button and there was something wrong with the contributors' page, it did not extend to the end of the alphabet. i did advise foaad (the geek) about it and he said he was working on it and it seems he has fixed it. this is good news. he is very efficient). it is good to have an efficient person in admin...

as you may know, i regret to inform you (or corroborate to you what you already know) that rosie is dead. yizkadal ve yizkadash, etc. she has apparently been sacrificed on the altar of god knows what...for god knows what...a sort yitzchak in was grueling...her account is closed and she has an extreme aversion to goldfishhood so she won't be coming back much in fishform. i just wanted to tell you that you've been a wonderful contender and i've enjoyed our discussions so much; i don't really understand why people in my "camp" wouldn't make the simple concession that those pallywood videos were really out to was very disheartening for me that they were so intransigent and it contributed to my decision not to fight for rosie's life...against...the odds.....why bother if my own "comrades" are going to be so unreasonable?...they continually accuse you of dogmatism...but... we are all both innocent and guilty are we not? i certainly hope so. i don't like preaching to the converted, my arguments with you were far more stimulating.

if you'd like me to have my e-mail let me know i'll give it to you. (as i said rosie's account is closed), for now all i will say is !1) rosie was a good soldier, she did her best, really, she did; 2) i wish we'd continued our conversation from last year about the role of mystery cults in the formation of mazdaism and the abrahamic religions because we'll NEVER agree on politics; 3) did you see my translation of celan on the holocaust thread?; and 4) shana habaah biyirushalim; yirushalim shel zahav...but it has to be the NEW jerusalem my friend....don't forget...the NEW jerusalem...we'l never AGREE but... inroads... must be made...the a are aware of this, are you not?

well same ol' same ol' get my ca change, plus ca reste egal...

ani ohavetach (in my own way...)
robin (formerly rosie)


Criticizing the great

by mazandarani on

Criticizing the great "scholars" and half-gods Podhoretz, Morris or Pipes is a taboo and a sign of unspeakable evil for blimpish jews like zion and moshe mazloom. And, if there would be an institute, which would dedicate itself to translations and divulgence of racist and offensive speech of israeli or jewish journalists and politicians, it would have a lot to do...

by the way, is there a reason so much space here is dedicated to jewish topics and authors?! the name of this otherwise great site is 


samsam1111 if I was a woman and not married.....

by curly (not verified) on

I would have kissed you!
you did say it so to the point.
LUV ya man....


I urge those who care for Israel

by Daryush on

To visit or live there. End of story

Those who hate Israel:

Feel sorry for those who are weak. It's a nice thing to do.

Israel is nothing, absolutely doesn't count. It's all media fuss and political cloud covering the reality. 


Re: The truth is your enemy.

by Sadaia_qesa on


I celebrate the truth.


Zion, you once said that you are sorry to have had to talked to me (Anonymous...)


Now I`m sorry I even talked to you Anonymous..."



You are scared of the truth. And we shall unmask the truth.

Are you ready to look in the mirror?


And see Zionisem for what it is ?




Zionisem is a killer of innocent Palestinians.













Well said Mehdi

by Zion on

You nailed it. None of the apologetics here are going to change the facts:
some of the attributes of Chomsky`s freedom fighters, the great assembly of humanist progressives in Lebanon:


The profile of one heroic progressive freedom fighter who was recently freed from the prisons Chomsky talks about:


His reception by the rest of Chomsky`s freedom fighter progressive assembly:


Thanks again for reminding everyone what our enemies are really like behind the masks. Greatly appreciated.


Zion,Mazloom (a taboo broken)

by Peace (not verified) on

Israel was kicked out of Lebanon at the first Lebanon war and was made to make peace with Hezbollah during the second war and you still do not get it.It was thought that Israel was the biggest power in the middle east,but Hezbollah broke that taboo by bombarding Israel every day for thirty days while under attack by air and ground and sea.Israel destroyed the country,but she could not destroy Lebanese people moral.What else do you expect when your defence minister is looking through a binocular with its caps on.


See how Israel is being sold to the world

by Sadaia_qesa on



I was going to feature this in an articale but

my post was deleted. Here I post this link instead




I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty,
(but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say theyare Jews, and are NOT, but [are] (Idumeans) the synagogue of Satan.

King of kings' Bible - Revelation 2:9




Know a tree by the fruit it bears.

shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or
figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit;
but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring
forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast
into The Fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Matthew 7:16-20



Jewish child molesters that are never on the NEWS - WHY?





Mehdi Mazloom

Noam Chomsky 'is' and 'has always been' ... by J. Cohen

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Had Chomsky (A Jew) on that same interview criticized Hizbollah and Iran for their denial of the holocaust, and admonish them for their intolerance towards the non-Muslim minorities in their countries. As well as their fundamentalist religious ideologies, and demand from them to do their share to bring peace and stability to the region. Many people would have respected him for it.

Furthermore, had this little fellow gone to Tehran, or any Arab & Islamic capitals and lecture them about the prevailing violence throughout their countries as means of settling their internal disputes, to which he knows damn well, he would come out of there with his head under his arms.

His hallmark seem to be, to use the openness and and the sacred values of free speech in his own country and selectively uses it to advance his own populist agenda.


To Ayatollah Zion:

by Yo Mama (not verified) on

Hezbollah has elect members in the Lebanese parliament. They are also quit popular in Lebanon ... especially during war with Israel. Hezbollah's a social organization first ... with a militant wing for defense (2 things which the Lebanese government has always failed to bring ... way before there were a Hezbollah). Shiites were historically abused in Lebanon and struggled to be what they are today. They have never invaded anyone and only resisted foreign occupation from early 80's (way after Lebanon's troubles had already started). News Flash: Shaba farms are still under Israeli occupation! Let lose some of the Christian groups in Lebanon (Samir Jaja/Lebanese Forces) and you'll repeat of Sabra and Shatila and killing many innocent Muslims.
Oh...Chomsky is also known to be the most intellectual human alive (Time magazine).
You wanna rid Lebanon of "terrorists"? Here's how you do it ... give them several billion dollars a year and through in several hundreds M-1 tanks and F-15's and F-16's and ...


Read above

by Sadaia_qesa on


Read above

Mehdi Mazloom

Yeah, Lets watch and learn the truth

by Mehdi Mazloom on

In it opening display, the following are depicted in Green letters on Yellow background.

 A True Leader.

A fearless Warrior

The ultimate Love of the land

this is a true true story...Lebanon.

Now let take item by item and look closer.

Claim:  A True Leader.

Reality: In mere 30 days, this "true leader", not only did not liberate even a one sq. meter of Lebanese land, nor conquered even one inch of Israeli land. Moreover, he lost 1/5 of Lebanon's territory (S. Of Litani River). to Israeli forces. More then 15% of his fighters were killed by the Israelis. More then 1100 Lebanese died because his cowerd fighters were launching their rockets from Residential areas. Lebanon had suffered more then $20B in damage to its infrastructure. The entire S. Beirut was level by Israeli Air force. Yet this pethetic midlevel clergy calls it "divine victory".

The funny part, this leader was seen on TV saying "had I known the ferocity by which  Israel had reacted to the kidnaping, I would not order the operation.

claim: A fearless Warrior:

Reality: yeah, How many people know that this "fearless warrior" has been hiding in 300 ft (100m) deep secured bunker in S. beirut under residential homes since the war ended in 2006, fearing for his life.

Claim: The ultimate Love of the land:

Reality: yeah, for over 29 years this demagogue saw the Syrians occupy his land, sucking the life out of the Lebanese. Not only he did not resist  the occupation, but was helping the Syrian. Now he is selling out his  own "beloved" country  and is an agent for another foreign occupier - Iran.


Read above

by Sadaia_qesa on

Read above



by Anonymous Passokhgoo (not verified) on

This is what Chomsky said about Zionism:

QUESTION: Does Zionism have anything to do with the fate of the Palestinians?
CHOMSKY: This is a very complex problem. It depends on what you mean by Zionism. I was a Zionist activist in my youth. For me, Zionism meant opposition to a Jewish state. The Zionist movement did not come out officially in favor of a Jewish state until 1942. Before this it was merely the intent of the Zionist leadership. The Zionist movement for a long time stood against the establishment of a Jewish state because such a state would be discriminatory and racist.

The biggest reason for right wing Israeli/ Zionists/ Jews to hate Chomsky is obviously his objection to the so called State of Israel and because he is Jewish. So, they can not go out crying and calling him an “anti-Semite” (the only fake answer that they have for all questions)

No dear, nobody has seen Chomsky’s face on the moon. It’s only right wing Israeli/ Zionists/ Jews and Lieberman, Pearl, wolfowitz, Ledeen and…co. who believe God gave them this land and they have the right to kill everybody to keep it.
For how long you and Israelis need American babysitters? Grow up.

AmirAshkan Pishroo

We happily question Chomsky

by AmirAshkan Pishroo on

Salazar, the dictator who governed Portugal for more than 40 years, said: "We do not question God, fatherland or family."

Today, we happily question God and fatherland, and the only reason that we do not question Chomsky is that he is questioning himself.


just because the writer above is an ideological Zionist,

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

closed to all other points of view, that doesn't mean we can't use this forum to learn something.

I ask all who don't like Chomsky to watch this and let us know what part of it is wrong.

Short talk with Chomsky talking about US/Iran policy.

Farhad Kashani

It is leftists like Chomsky

by Farhad Kashani on

It is leftists like Chomsky and others who apologize and justify the fascist acts of brutal regimes such as Iran, Cuba and others. Their role in legitimizing these barbaric regimes’ savage acts is extremely destructive.


These confused and misguided leftists who have hijacked media in the world the last 15-20 years (the NY Times, the Guardians, the BBC), the leftist professors in U.S colleges, the leftist think tanks and activists,,,all those people have twisted so many definitions, have tweaked so many realities, and using that, have brainwashed so many people, among them U.S college students generation, that we can honestly say the survival of some regimes such as IRI and Cuba and Chavez, in many ways, is because of them.



Noam Chomsky 'is' and 'has always been' ...

by J. Cohen (NY) (not verified) on

a champion for the cause of Justice for The Underdog.

His support of groups such as Hezbollah is primarily due to the fact that he views them as Resistance Movements. Many of us remember the invasion of Lebanon in 1982 by Israel, and the Resistance Movement that followed.

As I mentioned earlier, had it not been for the Resistance that Hezbollah and other similar groups exhibited in the 1980's and the 1990's, that Lebanon would be under the full control of Israel today.

We all know that the Mullahs in Iran support the Hezbollah. Let's not forget that similar questionable characters such as 'Muammar Ghadaffi' of Libya supported ANC and 'Nelson Mandela' when he was in Prison. The support of The Underdog.

To criticize Noam Chomsky for meeting with Hezbollah is the Epitome of Hypocricy. As the saying goes: 'Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'. Especially in the case of Israel, and its supporters.


it's not the first time i

by mazandarani on

it's not the first time i see right wing jews spaming their hatred propaganda and distortions in iranian blogs and foras. 


To: Moderator

by J. Cohen (NY) (not verified) on

I wrote a comment earlier regarding the existence of Hezbollah, and the fact that its sole purpose initially was to resist the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982.

I also mentioned in that comment that had it not been for the resistance of Hezbollah, that Lebanon would probably be under the full control of Israel today. I also mentoned that the best way for Hezbollah to go away is for Israel to stop its aggression in that region, by itself and through its proxies.

I see that my comment is not posted yet. I thought that conrary opinions are encouraged on this web site. Is there a particular reason that my comment has not been posted yet?


So unbelievable!

by WOW (not verified) on

Goodness gracious, it is as if you were talking about God almighty himself. Did you guys see his face in the moon as well?

You should accept (even though it is excruciatingly hard for you) that he is after all a human being and like all human beings he certainly makes mistakes and can surely misunderstand/misinterpret things, regardless of his immense knowledge.

I say what will you guys do when he dies or should I say IF he dies? you will all probably commit suicide ;-)



by IRANdokht on

you should be more careful when you quote or paraphrase someone. Making stuff up as you go, right after "according to you" is a sign of dishonesty.




by Daryush on

That you had one of his pubic hairs worth of brains


Chomsky`s Freedom Fighters: A Reminder

by Zion on

Since my blog is half published and I can`t access it anymore, I might as well use this space to refresh your memory of some of the attributes of Chomsky`s freedom fighters, the great assembly of humanist progressives in Lebanon:


The profile of one heroic progressive freedom fighter who was recently freed from the prisons Chomsky talks about:


His reception by the rest of Chomsky`s freedom fighter progressive assembly:


Great scholars and heroes beyond our ordinary feeble intellects to grasp, but we may still marvel in awe and admire. Blessed are the meek.


The reason why Hezbollah is so popular

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

The reason why it is the democratically elected representative of Shiites in southern lebanon. The reason why Israel got no support from the Lebanese people, even the pro westerners.

watch and learn.



by Zion on

I doubt arguing with his logical point of view is humanly possible. According to you yourself even attempting such an impossibility is by definition proof of illiteracy and a feeble mind.

yeah these things just happen, especially when you are naughty and attempt to break a sacred taboo by smearing a great man. ;-)

Fred, are you aware that you too are smearing the greatest man alive?
Take care mate. :-)


Chomsky is true Evil

by Fredy (not verified) on

He is an anarchist. Pure Evil. Nothing less than pure evil. If the world was run under his views, we would be worse off than the people under Stalinist Russia.


what a great man

by IRANdokht on

I believe Noam Chomsky is one of the smartest, most aware, most articulate intellectuals in the world.

He's very clear about where he stands on his world views and can be admired and respected by people anywhere in the world. The ones who can't argue with his logical point of view try to smear his name, but I am not a subscriber to the " guilt by association" mentality.




Zion it,s because the editor featured You!

by samsam1111 on

no conspiracy!! Pal...:)