Mirza Ahmad Sohrab on the nature of the Baha'i organization

Mirza Ahmad Sohrab on the nature of the Baha'i organization
by Zulfiqar110

"The spirituality that one could somehow feel in the two previous constitutions is utterly missing in this portentous and formidable Declaration of Trust [1926]. It is an ice-bound, juridical documents. Its articles are like hailstones that pierce and cut into the heart of the reader; its phrases are so wind-laden that they transform the balmy atmosphere of the Paradise of Abha into the frigid immensities of Nova Zembla; it is the apotheosis of an inflexible organization, the hypostasis of the machine; it is the Bastille of Paris, the Tower of London and the Concentration Camp of the Third Reich all rolled into one, and striking terror into the soul of a most hardy champion of freedom of conscience!" (305).

-- EXCERPTS from Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. Broken Silence: The Story of Today's Struggle for Religious Freedom. New York: Universal Publishing, 1942. //www.fglaysher.com/bahaicensorship/SohrabEx.htm


more from Zulfiqar110

The case of the ruined families by the Baha'i CULT

by Zulfiqar110 on

You are quoting a letter on behalf of your in-the-closet for a lifetime guardian, Shoghi Effendi, about Ahmad Sohrab trying to score points with me? The worth of such letters and the people who wrote them are completely nil, niente in my book as well as any rational person worth their salt.

Now unlike you and your  deeply sick, demented community, I and the rest of the world are not glaze-eyed cultists who care about the malicious, cult-ridden fabricated tales you shameless Fascists churn out gloating about your ideological enemies' misfortunes. Whatever family problems Sohrab had, it was no more and no less than most families have. If his daughters cut their ties with their father over ideological reasons and the fact that Sohrab had the balls to tell that Gharbzadeh/Westoxicated folan folan shodeh lunatic guardian Shoghi Effendi to go to hell, shame on them! That says more about them and the fickleness of their overall loyalty to their father who reared and raised them - not to mention the fact that the Bahaism has a track record of destroying familes - than actually saying anything about Sohrab personally. WTF did Shoghi Effendi do for Sohrab's daughters that Sohrab didn't do for his daughters? You are truly sick to the core of your being, Faryar, to gloat over something like this. Truly!

Also, what gall you people have! Cheh ruyee dareed!! The entire family of your founder and his successors has been an endless family fiasco tale from one generation to the next! which makes Dayjan Napelon look like nothing. Your founder betrayed his own brother in his deranged power lust and in explicit contravention of the instructions of the Primal Point specifically made to him. Before their father's corpse had even cooled down, Abbas Effendi and Mirza Muhammad 'Ali went after each other in a blood lust like a bunch of crazed and starved hyenas. Shoghi Effendi excommunicated practically his entire family from your cult, including his own parents, and then you have the chutzpah to criticize Sohrab and his relations with his daughters, quoting some bureaucratic screed written by some Baha'i administrative drone writing on behalf of a total lunatic who couldn't exercise mercy towards his own parents and siblings?!?


Boro hayyaa kon, martikeh avazi! Mordeshoor-i-tovo din o a'in o bonyaangozar een araajif-i-maskharat konand!



The case of Ahmad Sohrab;

by faryarm on

 The case of Ahmad Sohrab;

A Lesson for you Nima Hazini-Wahi Azal-Nur-Zulf110

Where  is Sohrab now?

Looks like you and the rest of the Can's contents are traveling on the same road as Ahmad Sohrab.

Incidentally, did you know that His wife and Daughter left him and changed their names; you on the other hand changed yours....

Ahmad Sohrab

The case of Ahmad Sohrab is, for one who has had any experience of orientals and of psychology, easily understandable. He was, for some years the secretary of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and enjoyed, as a result of this and the fact that he accompanied Him to America, (to be sure with a number of other Persians), a great deal of attention from the Bahá’ís who looked up to him and admired him. However, since Abdul Baha's Will was read, and the administrative order, under the Guardianship, began to be developed, he became cognizant of the fact that his personal ambition for leadership would have to be subordinated to some degree of supervision; that he would have to obey the National and local assemblies - just like every other Bahá’í, and could not be free to teach wholly independent of any advice or supervision. This was the beginning of the defection which in the end took him outside the pale of the Faith: he refused not to be handled always as an exception, a privileged exception. In fact, if we keenly analyse it, it is almost invariably the soaring ambition and deep self-love of people that has led them to leave the Faith. Towards the end Sohrab used, in the course of his lectures, to incorporate quotation after quotation of Bahá’u'lláh’s words in his lectures, without once stating they were Bahá’u'lláh’s, and when the believers remonstrated with him over this plagiarism, it had no effect. After he had, of his own accord, left the organized body of the Faith and refused to be reconciled with it, he began to attack the administrators of it, first the American N.S.A., then the entire administrative order, and in the end the Guardian. What he teaches at present is so far divorced from our beloved Faith, and so tinged with the doctrines of many “cults” which we see thriving at present, as to be almost unrecognizable.

 Sohrab’s influence and activities in America have waned greatly, and he seems to now feel his only chance of causing mischief is to be active with his “caravan” movement abroad. The books and articles he published attacking the Guardian and, in fact, everything established in the Master’s Will, had no effect, and far from succeeding in causing any breach in the Faith in America, some of the very few who followed him out of the Cause, gave him up, and returned to serve the Cause with redoubled enthusiasm!

The Guardian feels that one of the best antidotes to those - Sohrab or others - who seek to undermine the faith of the believers, especially by harping on the subject of excommunication, is to place in their hands a German edition of “God Passes By”. For in that book he (the Guardian) has clearly pointed out that the Cause of God has always been attacked from within, and that, beginning in the days of the Báb, the “Sea of Truth” has over and over cast out its spiritually dead. It must do this, even as the body seeks to rid itself of poisons so as to preserve the health of the entire organism.

Your assembly should do all it can to protect and educate the believers so that they will understand that it is not personal ill-will, or lack of love, which leads to the excommunication of a person, but rather the fact that he has become like a cancer which must be removed before the entire body is destroyed.

From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, The Light of Divine Guidance v I, p. 134 -137



Totally agree

by Zulfiqar110 on

On both counts :)


Baha'i cult

by Badi19 on

is itself a big can of worms.


Didn't think the Bahaim would touch this one...

by Zulfiqar110 on

Since it would open a can of worms whose lid can't be shut...