Ahmadinejad is scheduled to speak at Columbia University tomorrow and there are already news trucks lined up on Broadway. Protesters are getting ready for a rally, and there are pictures of hangings and people who have been lashed by the Islamic Republic of Iran.
از مسائل عمده جنسي ميباشند و به دليل افزايش روزافزون اين بيماري ها بخصوص افزايش شديد بروز بريماري ايدز داري اهميت زيادي ميباشند و آشنايي با آنها براي همه افراد جامعه بخصوص جوان نيازي مبرم و ضروري است ، هرچقدر كه آگاهي افرد از اين بيماري ها بيشتر باشد ، احتمال ابتلا به بيماري كمتر خواهد بود ،
فعالان حقوق كودك و وكلاي دادگستري در نامهاي به مجلس شوراي اسلامي و رييس قوه قضاييه، توقف اجراي احكام اعدام براي افراد زير 18 سال را تا زمان تصويب لايحه تشكيل دادگاه اطفال و نوجوانان خواستار شدند.
In Iran Bahai's are being denied access to higher education. Bahai’s are a discriminated class in Iran and are often ignored by the Diaspora completely. In Iran, they have in many cases been uprooted from their homes, denied access to resources equal and on par with other Iranians, and even violently attacked strictly on the basis of their religion.
The marketing of Iraq's oil resources to foreign oil companies through regional authorities versus Iraq's central government sets a bad precedent for the entire region, and sets in motion forces which will lead to civil strife, regional instability, and the disintegration of national unity, as oil neo-colonialists bait resource rich regions into splitting from national unions in the hopes of carting-off those resources "on the cheap." This strategy is commonly referred to as "divide and conquer."
Beza emshab ea sher ya shayd mer bashe ya nemidonam ,man migam WORDS,ya Harf , hala Bikhiyal sakhat nagir ea kami gosh kon:
Steven's site is blocked in Iran as is Salon which is where his recent article "Why Bush Won't Bomb Iran" has been published. Using a proxy to gain access (won't work with Salon unfortunately) from Iran I can say that the issues Steven has raised are extremely important and need to be taken into account by all Iranians.
This clip examines the reception of a recent quote by Ahmadinejad referring to filiing a "vacuum" in Iraq. Lawmakers and analysts selectively quote the first half of the sentence revealing fundamental attitudes which may not serve the best interests of both the US and Iran.
How can a political system talk about globalization and embargo/disengagement at the same time? Only losers take the ball and go home.
زندگی در بیابان گرم و کُشنده، در حائلی از سرابهای که ترا وادار به داشتن امید به قطره آبی می کند و لحظه به لحظه بر تشنگیت می افزاید و سرانجامت را به یاًس و نابودی می کشاند.
Are their so called 'Sanctions' just a mirage?