OMID: Day at the beach

01/12/2008 - 12:09

Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on


Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on


Rosie T.

Omid, sorry, I....

by Rosie T. on

didn't tell you how much I like the cartoon. So caught up with the grouchiness and then Shaer.
It's really well drawn, it's a beautiful picture. I don't know, for some reason I don't see the humor. It seems more wistful to me. Maybe it's because I'm not Iranian.

Hope you are doing well.

Omid Hast

To hazratee

by Omid Hast on


This is how I have been doing it for a couple of years now, in the email Subject I write Cartoon, and on the message part of the email I write the name I want for the cartoon in quotation marks, and then I write by Omid Hast, so he would know that it is an original done by me. I attach the jpg file containing the cartoon with the email and send it off.

JJ does not always pick the name I have chosen for the cartoons, although recenly he has been alot more agreeable, as an editor he has the right to do so. He is very good at picking names, but some times I did not like the names he picked. Some times I am lost at what to call a cartoon, so I ask him to pick one for it.  You also have to be aware of space limitation for the names you pick. 

Some times an editorial cartoon needs a little background information and I ask him to include my note with the cartoon, or he writes his own.  Some times I provided a link to the news item, and as usual he may or may not include it, and some times he provides a link on his own.  I hope this helped.

Good luck,


Rosie T. or Callas ?

by koohnavard (not verified) on

Rosie T. you have chosen one of Maria Callas photos (opera diva) as your own ! or maybe this is really your own photo, just similar to her !
Now choose a photo of her husband Onasis next time and see what happens :) your true lovers wouldn't care of course !

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

if you want the comments between Shaer and me removed just tell me. I'll have them removed. I didn't think it would be a problem for us talk here. It's just that it was very late, and then Shaer...and well you know how I've been feeling lately....


Come back Haji

by Anonymoussss (not verified) on

Hajiagha, what is up in Canada?
Where are your new cartoons ?


Go to chat rooms !

by no chat (not verified) on

From 50 comments, 45 are personal chats among few people and
only 5 about the article, cartoon, video !!

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

very much, Shaer.



by Shaer on

I Really "Meant" It when I Told you that you are Doing A "Wonderful" Thing in Bringing People together.

I want you to know That My Older Brother is Married to A "Wonderful" Jewish Girl From New York. They Live in Manhattan. You Need To Understand That We Come From A "Muslim" Family. This Decision Was One Of The "Best" Decisions He Has Ever Made in His Life.

I Understand that you are going through some "Rough" times. I Truly Believe That "Forgiveness" is the Best "Healer" For You. If Anyone has "Transgressed" Against You, Just Hand Them Over to "God".

Trust Me, It "WILL" Work ..

Please Let Me Know If I Can Be Of Any Help. Best of Luck to You :)


Rosie T.

Well, people are sensitive about these things these days...

by Rosie T. on

they think that in order for there to be political equality, they should say that men and women are emotionally and even to some extent biologically equal.  So of course they jump to the worst conclusions whenever you say something that sounds like you're "stereotyping" women.


Many Thanks Rosie

by Shaer on

The problem is that people "Jump" into "Conclusions" before taking a moment to "Reflect" on what has been said.

I mean that in this piece, My Intent was To Feature the "Wonderful" Traits that "Women" Have In Lieu of Their "Physical Weakness". That the "God" Of "Creation" Has Compensated For Their Physical Weakness In "Many" Other Superior Ways.

However, The "Person" who Read It, "Immediately" Concluded That I Was A "Male Chauvinist Pig".

 Amazing :)

Rosie T.

Well I like it Shaer but then again...

by Rosie T. on

I've been accused of being a male chauvinist and backward myself, when I wrote the Benazir blog!

Of course there's an eternal masculine and feminine, a yin and yang polarity, and of course we balance it out both in love relationships and within our own selves. (The balancing in oneself is called the "Heirogamos"--sacred marriage--in the "Western" alchemical tradition).  It's not an easy road but one does one's best.

It's not popular these days to discuss this..  So you're going to get a certain amount of flak. But you can stand the heat, I'm sure of it.




by Shaer on

Could I ask you to please give me an "Honest" Opinion on a piece that I uploaded for JJ tonight.

It hasn't been featured yet. I had a comment from someone who was highly offended by it. Opposite of My Intent.

I replied to this person. Please tell me if you get the same "Impression". This is the piece:


Many Thanks ..

Rosie T.

I'll try my best, Shaer

by Rosie T. on

I'm very happy to hear from you.  It isn't easy for me right now, but if you want me to, I'll keep trying.


Rosie, I think that

by Shaer on

your presence was missing.

All joking aside, I want you to know that I appreciate the way you have been trying to bring people together. I have followed your articles, and in many ways, they have served as a form of "Catharsis".

Please keep up your good work ..

Rosie T.

Why is everybody being...

by Rosie T. on

so grouchy?


To: Omid Hast

by hazratee on

Omid, What do you call this section and how can I send material to be published on this section. Thanks. AHH


relax nadia

by bambi (not verified) on

Like I care what you studied or where at, obviously you were not paying enough attention with the kinds of remarks that you're making! :)) I hope you won't stay being sour grapes to my NUT comment for too long!

Relaaaaax & be happPpPpPy


Bambi........I know that Picasso had different periods.....

by Nadias on

 I studied them at the university in great detail. However, I did not feel it was necessary to provide an in depth analysis at  this time.

 Due to the fact that  the person, I responded to already had a headache and does not care for this particular art form.

 Omid Hast will be very happy at your thorough knowledge of this particular art form and probably many more.

Also, in how much you seem to love the "nuts". I returned mine, as it is offensive to my culture to receive such nuts whether in reality or in the virtual world.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have other things to do.




by bambi (not verified) on

"....two free nuts..." omid

nuts are yummy!



by bambi (not verified) on

"I'm not sure that Omid Hast cartoons can be considered abstract. Now, Picasso that could be considered abstract but to be more exact it was a cubism style."...Nadia

Interpreting an art as an abstract, is very relative. There are many degrees of it and it is also very subjective. Even a pictorial representation can have an abstract meaning. A particular art may seem as abstract by some and non-absract by others, depending on how it is interpreted , as is the case here. And by no means does it diminish it's quality, simply some artists prefer to express themselves like that.

Picassso's Cubist art is abstract, but so were many of his other periods (e.g blue, red), and obviously not to the same degree, but they have many abstract qualities. So to state that Picasso's only abstract work was Cubism , overlooks many rich subtelties and nuances that the abstract concept in art has to offer.

Kouroush Sassanian

Bouteh Abi, Asbeh Abi, zerdarayee Abi!

by Kouroush Sassanian on

Bouteh Abi, Asbeh Abi, zerdarayee Abi!

Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on



Omid Hast here is some Shakira for ya

by Nadias on

 consider it my apology to you. I'm sure you will like Ojos Asi!



Ojos Asi!:


I hope you are not too mad with me. :'o(

Okay, then I shall leave your thread now.

Adios y hasta luego............................

Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on


Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on



Nadia like your video and salute to Omid's cool cartoons

by anti-myself but freindly with Nadia (not verified) on

Mr Omid aziz, just one more posting and I leave your humble blog. This Lady Nadia looks like got a good heart and she made my day by those videos. Nadia: you are cool and easy going. That is why I feel free to talk to you. I have the music of Evanescence in my Ipod. She is Haifa's compatible. Carrie is nice too.

Here I have this video for you and I hope it puts some smile on your face.


mucho gracias

Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on



Omid's drawings

by ironi khoshgel (not verified) on

Well your drawings are very simple but it requires an interpreter. Sorry no offense.. You think and expect people to read your mind. I do not think it is possible for majority of us but you brought up few major issues. How long US stays in middle east and why they are eager to spread so much violence in that region!? Do not they realize that the future generation will pay big price for it?

BTW, my headache has nothing to do with sexual values. So, you are day dreaming for august before she comes. lol keep busy.
