پس نقش ما در سرنوشت خودمان، کشورمان و آیندۀ فرزندانمان چیست و در کجاست؟
مسجد جمکران که در روستايی به همين نام در نزديکی شهر قم قرار دارد بر پايه خواب يکی از اهالی اين روستا ساخته شده است. در این مسجد چاهی وجود دارد که برخی مردم با طّی مراحلی، عريضه خود را به امام زمان به درون چاه می فرستند، به اين اميد که وی آنها را بخواند و حاجت آنانرا برآورده کند." آنچه پیرامون این مسجد و چاه می گذرد خبر از بروز و گسترش فاجعه ای دردناک در جامعه ما دارد. در قرن بیست و یکم، قرن کامپیوتر و اینترنِت، قرن آگاهی، انتخاب و مسئولیت، تعداد قابل ملاحظه ای از هموطنان ما هنوز غرق خُرافات، منتظر معجزه و دست غیب هستند. آیا لیاقت مردم میهن ما غلطیدن در چنین ورطه ای است؟ و چه کسانی مسئول بروز این فاجعه هستند؟
Photo essay: Pezeshkzad at Stanford University
salim >>>
Youth, education, Iran, and the United States
The importance of education is stressed from a young age in Iran and the United States. However, in both systems it is the pursuit of a degree rather than education that is often considered as significant. It is more important to have proof of a college education rather than the ability to apply what was learned. With the exception of certain trade oriented fields of study, such as education or medicine, many students from both nations do not necessarily pursue careers directly related to their degrees. Iranian and American students alike have grown frustrated with this disregard for process and dominant focus on end results. Many students are entering fields of study based on what they see as financial security, rather than passion
No matter how arduous the journey, there is one certainty: change
When I was an intern completing myPh.D. in Clinical Psychology, I worked in a large general hospital in the Psychiatry ward for the most indigent populations. Almost every patient struggled with chronic medical illnesses, grief, chronic pain, depression,anxiety and some form of post traumatic stress. Many of the patients had been homeless at some point in their lives. It was hard for many of the interns to take on the suffering of people day after day and not internalize it and bring it home to our own families. One patient I encountered, we will call her Patty, seemed to defy all expectations
Nader Jahanfard's passage into the beautiful game with Middle Eastern accent
Ahmad Tousi, PhD, Head Coach of Cal State Stanislaus Warriors writes: No sport has experienced such a tremendous growth in popularity in the U.S. in the past few years as soccer. Soccer is now played everywhere around the globe. This book has been written to present the experience of a man over the years. The knowledge gained has been and will continue to be tested as new ideas emerge and changes occur. Nader is the maker of his own fortune. Soccer is an intriguing game. There is nothing like an exciting run, a great feint, an accurate pass, a good shot, a brilliant save or a dazzling goal... The goal of this book is to provide you with verbal and visual imagery to recall and adopt. I strongly believe that the author has scored on all accounts.
President Ahmadinejad’s visit to Shiraz
by Eleanor Ommani
Following the warm introductions and welcome statements, President Ahmadinejad thanked the many people – farmers, herders, intellectuals, doctors, office workers - for taking time to welcome him, and went on to acknowledge that the Fars people should be proud of their inheritance of the ancient culture of Iran when Cyrus the Great ruled over Iran and Shiraz was the seat of the old capital, 2,500 years ago. “This is a great and proud inheritance,” he said. Mr. Ahmadinejad read short verses from the works of Hafez and Saadi, two beloved Iranian poets who are enshrined in Shiraz
تنها در خیالات رمان نویسان است که انسان میتواند در تونل زمان سفر کند
رهائی از زندان زمان و مکان رویای همیشگی آدمیان بوده است. علم و فناوریهای عصر جدید از یکسو طی الارض سلیمان وار، صعود به سیارگان و غوص در اعماق اقیانوسها را ممکن ساخته واز سوی دیگر محدودیت قدرت و علم انسان در برابر طبیعت را بیش ازپیش آشکارکرده است. درست است که به ماه رفته ایم ولی با علم به حدود ممکن سرعت (سرعت نور،) عمر آدمی، ابعاد واقعی جهان (صدو پنجاه و شش بیلیون سال نوری) و فواصل نجومی بین ستارگان در یافته ایم که هرگز نخواهیم توانست از این همسایگی میکروسکپی منظومه شمسی فرار کنیم. ممکن است قوانین فیزیکی عالم را تا نهایت این قرن دریابیم ولی فهم اشراقی این فرمولهای ریاضی فیزیک سماوی حتی برای خود فرمول نویسها ممکن نیست. ما ساکن این جهان پدیدار هائیم
Regime change and Iranian-American identity
One of the most interesting debates to emerge in the past month is about whether or not the US should reach out to Iran. This debate encompasses many of the controversial issues that divide the Iranian community outside Iran. But like most debates, this one is full of passion and strong feelings and sometimes the parties involved get personal and nasty with those that they take to be their opponents. In this way the debate becomes murky, confusing and often distorted. I want to clear away some of the confusion and shed some light on the issues involved in this debate and what the different sides are saying. As a background, I begin by looking closely at Roger Cohen’s views on better relations with Iran and Obama’s recent New Year message to Iranians
Photo essay: music festival in San Francisco
kfravon >>>
Akbarzadeh's love affair with Haydeh
by Keyvandokht Ghahari
In "Hayedeh, Legendary Persian Diva," Akbarzadeh familiarizes us with the life and artistic achievements of one of the most popular Persian singers of the 20th century. In the words of conductor, Farnoosh Behzad, she was a singer "whose voice was unequalled in texture." And, in an interview, Frank Sinatra praised her voice. Hayedeh (1942-1990), whose real name was Massoumeh Dadehbala, was born in Tehran, and died in exile at age 47. In his film, Pejman Akbarzadeh shows the various periods of Hayedeh's artistic activities: Starting in 1960s, when she sang her first song in public, but remained unknown, until her discovery by Ali Tajvidi for the "Gol-ha-ye Rangarang" program on Iranian National Radio, followed by her turn to popular music
احمدینژاد چرا در آتش خصومت با اسراییل میدمد؟
آقای احمدینژاد در مقام ریاست جمهوری اسلامی ایران در كنفرانس ضد نژادپرستی دوربان 2 در سویس حضور یافت و از آن به عنوان فرصتی برای طرح نظریات كلیشهای تكراری خود یك بار دیگر بهره گرفت. او اگر چه در تبلیغ نظریات خود و پذیراندن آن به مستمعان تازهای در سطح جهان توفیقی نداشت، ولی توانست این كنفرانس سازمان ملل را كه با هزینه سنگین و تلاش چند سالهای تدارك دیده شده بود از مسیر خود خارج كند و دست كم برای ساعاتی پیشرفت آن را دچار اخلال سازد. به جز این، آقای احمدیذژاد در لباس حمایت از مردم فلسطین موفق شد یك بار دیگر افكار عمومی جهان غرب و به خصوص مردم اسراییل را علیه ایران برانگیزد و به آتش خصومت با اسراییل دامن بزند، چهرهای عمیقا خرافی و خشن از ایران به جهان عرضه كند، و شبح جنگ را باز بر سر ایران و مردم ایران بگستراند
Excerpt from "Rooftops of Tehran"
Sleeping on the roof in the summer is customary in Tehran. The dry heat of the day cools after midnight, and those of us who sleep on the rooftops wake with the early sun on our faces and fresh air in our lungs. My mother is strictly against it, and reminds me each evening, “Hundreds of people fall off the roofs every year.” My best friend, Ahmed, and I trade hidden smiles with each warning, then climb the stairs to spend our nights under stars that seem close enough to touch. The alley below settles into a patchwork of streetlight, shadow, and sound. A car hums slowly down the deserted street, cautious not to wake anyone, as a stray dog in the distance releases a string of officious barks
Getting away from the madness of every day’s life I retreat to my small sailing boat moored in MDR almost every weekends, it’s quite refreshing to sleep in the boat with latch open above your head, gazing at the star at night or watching the birds fly over during the day while the bed rocks gently, it’s a lullaby by itself, it reminds me of my childhood memories of sleeping on poshtebaam (rooftop) during the summer time. One day while reading my favorite book I saw a couple of tiny birds arrived and sat on the boat next to mine, I didn’t think of it much until I noticed one is chirping his heart out while the other is carrying small sticks to making a nest under the main sail cover, wow, I was amazingly surprised to have couple lovers in my neighborhood
این آمریکایی ها عادت کرده اند به همه از بانک و شرکت های کردیت مقروض باشند و بعد درعین بی خیالی بازهم سفر بروند
دفترچه قرض الحسنه اسم دفترچه ای است که فعلا توش لیست بدهی هایم را نوشته ام. اینکه به چه کسی و چه قدر بدهی دارم. عمده بدهی هایم معطوف به شرکت های بزرگ سوپر مارکت ها و فروشگاههای معتبر است. می پرسید چه طوری؟ آهان. الان بهتان می گویم. این شرکت ها و سوپر مارکت ها که مثل کاسبهای ایران حساب دفتری و مرام و معرفت ندارند که وقتی پول نداری ازشان نسیه بگیری و بعدا بهشان پس بدهی برای همین این حقیر در اقدامی خودجوش و انتحاری اقدام به انجام عمل خداپسندانه نسیه به شیوه حرفه ای گرفته ام تا در اسرع وقت، زمانی که از زیر دیون وبدهی های کردیت و بانک خلاص شدم، حساب آنها را صاف کنم.
Photo essay: Momentary beauty of spring
shahireh sharif >>>