Photo essay: The captivating Fared Shafinury
Nazy Kaviani >>>
قلبی که فکر نمیکردم جای شکستن داشته باشه، شکست
با یک شکست تجاری آغاز شد. دنبالش برگشت به خونهای که مستأجرا دربو داغونش کرده بودن و انگار دیگه عشق ازش کوچ کرده بود. یک ماه نشده بود که خبر دلخراش مرگ تنها عمویم را دریافت کردم. عمویی که برام خیلی عزیز بود...خیلی. چهار ماه نشد که خبر خون ریزی مغزی مادرم از ایران اومد و رفتن اون به کما. مادر جراحی شد و همه چی تقریبا خوب پیش رفت. چهار ماه بد خبر تصادف شدید عزیز دیگری، دختر خواهرم...صورت زیبا و معصومش خورد شده بود...اونم به خیر گذشت، اگه بشه اسمشو گذاشت خیر!
Photo essay: Update on Vafa animal shelter
kfravon >>>
Brilliant classical guitarist Lily Afshar
Try mentioning your Iranian background in a circle of cultured American friends. Instead of the usual questions about politics they may ask, “Do you know of Lily Afshar?” This is because Afshar is one of the world’s leading classical guitarists, with remarkable innovations furthering the influence of the instrument. In fact, someone once asked Afshar herself where she was from. That “someone” was Maestro Andres Segovia, the terrifyingly eminent virtuoso authority on the classical guitar. A group of 12 young guitarists had been selected out of hundreds of international competitors vying for the honor of playing in front of the guitar legend, hoping for an approving nod
Homayoun Sanati: Fresh Perspectives
It had been many years since I had seen my Uncle Homayoun, with the difference that this time Auntie Shahin was gone. Tragically, his wife of 50+ years had died in a car crash. So when I opened the door to greet him, he simply fell into my arms and wept. This was a different man – someone who was far quicker to show his vulnerabilities, but even stronger than before because he didn’t waste time controlling impressions. Spending time with Dai Homayoun was nothing short of a pilgrimage for me. So many stories to share, so many new ways to look at everything
The Wondrous World of Sadeq Hedayat
Sadeq Hedayat was born on 17 February 1903 and died on 9 April 1951. He was descended from Rezaqoli Khan Hedayat, a notable 19
th century poet, historian, and historian of Persian literature, and author of
Majm‘ al-Fosaha,
Riyaz al-‘Arefin and
Rawza al-Safa-e Naseri. Many members of his extended family were important state officials, political leaders and army generals, both in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including Mokhber al-Dawleh, Nayyer al-Molk I (Hedayat’s grand-father), Sani‘ al-Dawleh, and Mokhber al-Saltaneh, who was prime minister between 1928 and 1933
We were told that her house was the primary residence of Jens and their immediate families
My ominous association with ghosts goes back to my early childhood years. Aunt Sedighe my father’s youngest sister lived in Shoushtar, one of the oldest cities in the world, dating back to Achaemenian dynasty (400 BC). Shoushtar used to be the winter capital of Sassanian dynasty and it was built by the Karoun River. The river was channeled to form a trench around the city. A subterranean system called ghanats connected the river to the private reservoirs of houses and buildings, supplied water during times of war when the main gates were closed. The ruins of these ghanats still exist and one was connected to Aunt Sedighe’s house where my cousins and I explored if we dared to
Some milk, as white as his honesty
A dash of salt
His sense of humor and
How he was so witty
A cup of honor and
a spoon of integrity
To make the cake rise
To the occasion of his memory
Neda Agha Soultan became a commodity that just could not be ignored
I was flipping channels the other night when I came across an interview with Reza Aslan who was predictably discussing the recent events in Iran. Good for him. The guy knows his shit and he sure has cashed in. During the interview, Aslan displayed his green bracelet with the word, “Neda” written on it and exclaimed that Neda Agha Soltan was the most recognized martyr of the green movement. Wow! I almost fell off my seat. I then remembered that other organizations have claimed the same thing. We all remember Reza Pahlavi’s emotional leakage in the Press Club when he mentioned Neda’s name while weeping like a little girl
Photo essay: BBC Persian TV
Jahanshah Javid >>>
دوران دوران آپولو 11 بود و مسابقات بوکس محمد علی کلی روی صفحه سیاه و سفید تلویزیون مبله بلر. دوران رفتن به هنرستان شرکت نفت و عشق کارمند شدن و رویاهای دور و دراز نوجوانی. فصل راز و نیاز از راه دور با سوفیالورن بود و حسرت خوردن به مارچلو ماسترویانی و آلن دلون روی پرده سینما کارون اهواز. سالهای خرید قسطی «پیکان جوانان» و کشیدن سیگار وینستون پشت دو لیوان آبجوی مجیدیه. دورانی که اعلیحضرت هنوز دست توی جیب های جلیقه اش نکرده بود و لوله های نفت از گناوه به دل دریا فرو میرفت و از جزیره خارگ سر درمیآورد و نفتکشها، ایران را جزیره آرامش می دیدند. به عقل جن هم نمی رسید که عاقبت «دندانه هر قصری پندی دهدت نو نو». توی همین سالها بود که با اسماعیل فصیح آشنا شدم. مردی که سالهای بعد رمان نویس معروفی شد
Photo essay: Recent demonstrations in Tehran
by Mazdak
Photo essay: Life story of the Iranian president
by Shirzan
آقای موسوی در برابر یك شانس تاریخی قرار گرفته است
جنبش «سبز» ایران كه در جریان انتخابات ریاست جمهوری شكل گرفت و پس از آن به عنوان اعتراض به نتیجه اعلام شده انتخابات به یك حركت سرتاسری برای آزادی انتخاب تبدیل شد اكنون در مرحله تعادلی ناپایدار قرار گرفته است. تظاهرات میلیونی مردم پس از سركوب شدید و خونین به دست نیروهای امنیتی و بسیج كه به قتل و جرح سدها نفر و دستگیری هزاران نفر انجامید، به تدریج به تحلیل رفته است. امروز تنها كسانی كه حاضرند با شجاعت تمام خود را در معرض حملات نیروهای امنیتی قرار دهند به صورت مقطعی مانند سالگرد ۱۸ تیر به خیابانها میآیند. از سوی دیگر، «رهبران» جنبش و به خصوص آقای موسوی به تدریج به سكوت گراییدهاند و حالت انتظاری در بین مردم ایجاد كردهاند. این حالت انتظار نمیتواند زیاد طول بكشد
Photo essay: Phoenix Art Museum
Jahanshah Javid >>>